Thumbnail Author Title Abstract Era
Michael Ribotta, Natale Cerrato "EXPO' 84 and Don Bosco's peerless-to- paper-to-print presentation" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Turin's EXPO '84 was to become the bittersweet culmination of Don Bosco's remarkable and varied care... 1860 - 1884
Michael Ribotta "Don Bosco's history of Italy: a morality play or an exercise in history?" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" "If Don Bosco during his student years had one special preference, it was for reading history," note... 1845 - 1859
Bruno Bellerate "Don Bosco's humanistic approach in education" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Bruno Bellante offers in his essay some food for thought regarding Don Bosco's choice to use a human... 1841 - 1880
Cesare Scurati "Classroom and playground: a combination essential to Don Bosco's scheme of total education" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Cesare Scurati in his essay focuses on Don Bosco's intuition in the need to integrate school activit... 1841 - 1884
Raffaele Farina "The state of the Central Salesian Archives and their use" in "Don Bosco's place in history" This paper reconstructs the fundamental stages that have marked the history of the Central Salesian ... 1860 - 1988
Franco Molinari "Church and World in Don Bosco's «Storia Ecclesiastica»" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Don Bosco in his book "Ecclesiastical History" talks about the Church and the World and their bond, ... 1740 - 1850
Jacques Schepens "Don Bosco and education to the sacraments of Penance and of the Eucharist" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Jaques Schepens in his essay focuses on the sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist according to ... 1840 - 2023
Silvio Tramontin "Don Bosco and the world of work" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Silvio Tramontin, in his essay, analyzes the concept of "work" according to the vision of Don Bosco.... 1850 - 1891
Francesco Traniello "Don Bosco in the history of popular culture in Italy" in "Don Bosco's place in history" This essay focuses on Don Bosco's contribution to spreading a popular culture based on religion thro... 1840 - 1890
Giorgio Chiosso "Don Bosco and the Oratory (1841-1855)" in "Don Bosco's place in history" This essay traces the birth and development of the Oratory, the first educational enterprise created... 1841 - 1855
Giuseppe Bracco "Don Bosco and civil society" in "Don Bosco's place in history" The author of this paper outlines some aspects from the social and historical point of view of the c... 1840 - 1880
María Esther Posada "The Institute of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians, and Don Bosco" in "Don Bosco's place in history" The theme addressed in this essay concerns the foundation of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary,... 1860 - 1876
Juan María Laboa "Don Bosco's experience and sense of the Church" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Juan M. Laboa in his paper focuses mainly on Don Bosco's image of the Church, the only place where t... 1850 - 1870
Pietro Stella "An assessment of our knowledge of Don Bosco" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Il presente saggio, scritto da Pietro Stella, descrive brevemente gli studi fatti sul metodo educati... 1850 - 1987
Francesco Malgeri "Don Bosco's work as a publisher" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Don Bosco, as Francesco Malgeri points out, has published throughout his life various types of texts... 1830 - 1888
Giulio Sforza "Don Bosco and music" in "Don Bosco's place in history" This essay focuses on the relationship between Don Bosco and music. The Saint was influenced by the ... 1840 - 1870
Francis Desramaut "Etudes préalables à une biographie de saint Jean Bosco II. Le jeune prêtre (1844-1852)" in "Cahiers Salésiens" Ce volume fait partie d'une collection de texts, écrits en français, qui racontent la vie de Don Bos... 1844 - 1852
Ramón Alberdi "Don Bosco and the Catholic associations in Spain" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Don Bosco has established relationships with Catholic associations not only in Italy, but also abroa... 1844 - 1888
Luciano Pazzaglia "Don Bosco's option for youth and his educational approach" in "Don Bosco's place in history" This essay deals with the educational method adopted by Don Bosco. The Saint saved many young worker... 1841 - 1877
Fausto Jiménez "Don Bosco and the cultivation of ecclesiastical and religious vocations" in "Don Bosco's place in history" The present essay emphasizes Don Bosco's dedication to promoting vocations, both among men and women... 1835 - 1881
Guy Avanzini "Don Bosco's pedagogy in the context of the 19th century" in "Don Bosco's place in history" The author of the essay noted how in France Don Bosco is not mentioned (except for the French Salesi... 1841 - 1855
José Manuel Prellezo García "G.A. Rayneri negli scritti pedagogici salesiani" in "Orientamenti pedagogici" L'articolo analizza la possibile influenza del pedagogista torinese Giovanni Antonio Rayneri sul pen... 1810 - 1867
Pietro Scoppola "Don Bosco and «modernity»" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Pietro Scoppola in his essay focuses on the aspects that bring Don Bosco's work closer to "modernity... 1840 - 1870
Pietro Braido "Prospects for future research on Don Bosco" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Pietro Braido in his essay (final contribution of the Congress) retraces the central points treated ... 1840 - 1982
Mara Borsi "La relazione di Don Bosco con le donne tra stereotipi e originalità. Analisi del carteggio epistolare" in "Coeducazione e presenza salesiana. Problemi e prospettive" Questo studio esplora l'importanza delle relazioni di don Bosco con le donne nel contesto della sua ... 1840 - 1880
Francesco Motto "Don Bosco's letters as a source for knowledge and study on Don Bosco: project for a critical edition" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Francesco Motto si è occupato della raccolta e, in seguito, della pubblicazione di un'edizione criti... 1835 - 2021
María Esther Posada Storia e santità. Influsso del teologo Giuseppe Frassinetti sulla spiritualità di S. Maria Domenica Mazzarello La ricerca di María Esther Posada si focalizza su un argomento interessante, preciso e ben definito:... 1804 - 1881
Robert Schiélé Cammino di preghiera con Don Bosco In queste pagine, Don Bosco si esprime direttamente su quindici temi fondamentali della vita cristia... 1815 - 1992
Pietro Braido "Scrivere «Memorie» del futuro" in "Ricerche Storiche Salesiane" La recente edizione critica delle "Memorie dell'Oratorio di S. Francesco di Sales" di don Bosco indu... 1854 - 1878
Francesco Motto "Le lettere di don Bosco. Note in margine ad una recente ricognizione" in "Ricerche Storiche Salesiane" La recente pubblicazione dell'edizione critica del primo volume dell'epistolario di don Bosco (GIOVA... 1835 - 1863
Anita Deleidi "L'esperienza delle origini a Valdocco e a Mornese" in "Educazione alla fede e dottrina sociale della Chiesa." Atti della XV Settimana di Spiritualità per la Famiglia Salesiana. Anita Deleidi con il suo intervento invita il lettore a riflettere sull'urgenza di rinnovare l'impeg... 1846 - 1890
Antonio Ferreira da Silva, Francesco Motto, Jesús Borrego, José Manuel Prellezo García, Pietro Braido Don Bosco educatore. Scritti e testimonianze La comprensione di don Bosco e della sua azione è stata talvolta condizionata da un giudizio del suo... 1845 - 1886
Philip J. Pascucci "Once upon a time in old New York" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" During the years following the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the Italian immigrant mad... 1842 - 1954
Peter Rinaldi "Blessed Philip Rinaldi as I knew him" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Father Philip Rinaldi was my granduncle on myfather's side. For us youngsters he was the tall, smili... 1856 - 1931
Arthur Lenti "The Convitto Ecclesiastico - «Where one learnt to be a priest»" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Don Bosco then goes on to describe the nature and purpose of the Convitto. It was a kind of ' finish... 1814 - 1882
Michael Ribotta "Hero or villain: Don Bosco as seen in the press of his time" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" One spring day in 1860 Don Bosco was startled by a newsvendor's cry. "Read all about it! Don Bosco i... 1848 - 1888
Jack Ayers "The «Salesianity» that wins all hearts" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" The reader may be surprised to learn that at the first canonical assembly of Salesians, Don Bosco wa... 1835 - 1877
Michael Ribotta "Peter Enria Remembers" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Included in the copious documentation that comprises the chronicles and annals of the early history ... 1841 - 1898
Karl Bopp, Martin Lechner "Dire la fede oggi in situazioni di pluralismo religioso" in "Educazione alla fede e dottrina sociale della Chiesa." Atti della XV Settimana di Spiritualità per la Famiglia Salesiana. Nell'articolo scritto da Martin Lechner e Karl Bopp, si fa riferimento a come viene vissuta la fede ... 1840 - 1985
Francis Desramaut "Etudes préalables à une biographie de saint Jean Bosco IV. Le fondateur religieux (1859-1866)" in "Cahiers Salésiens" Ce volume fait partie d'une collection de texts, écrits en français, qui racontent la vie de Don Bos... 1859 - 1866
Francis Desramaut "Etudes préalables à une biographie de saint Jean Bosco III. L'apôtre du Valdocco (1853-1858)" in "Cahiers Salésiens" Ce volume fait partie d'une collection de texts, écrits en français, qui racontent la vie de Don Bos... 1853 - 1858
Jesús Borrego "Las llamadas «Memorias» del Cardenal Giovanni Cagliero (1847-1925)" in "Ricerche Storiche Salesiane" Questa pubblicazione nasce da una curiosità. Impegnato, in questi ultimi due anni, nella preparazion... 1847 - 1925
Pietro Braido "Una svolta negli studi su don Bosco" in "Ricerche Storiche Salesiane" Sono usciti in triplice edizione — italiana, spagnola, francese — gli "Atti del primo Congresso Inte... 1841 - 1897
Mara Borsi, Piera Cavaglià "La relazione di don Bosco con le donne secondo alcuni contributi storico-biografici" in "Rivista di Scienze dell'Educazione" L'articolo si propone di verificare se nei principali studi storico-biografici su S. Giovanni Bosco ... 1815 - 1888
Michael Mendl "St. John Bosco's dealings with the Cavour family" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In carrying out his humble apostolate on behalf of poor and abandoned boys, Saint John Bosco (1815-1... 1814 - 1866
Arthur Lenti "«The most wonderful day of my life» - The sesquicentennial of Don Bosco' s ordination remembered" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" This paper will survey that period in Don Bosco's life that saw him ordained a priest. It will not b... 1841 - 1991
Michael Ribotta "Don Bosco's venture into popular education - The Gentleman's Almanac" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" When New Year's Day dawned in Turin in 1854, the subscribers to Don Bosco's Catholic Readings (Lettu... 1854 - 1879
Giovanni Bosco Epistolario. Volume primo (1835-1863) Utilizzato con le consuete avvertenze comuni al lavoro storico, l’epistolario di don Bosco costituis... 1835 - 1863
Natale Cerrato Il linguaggio della prima storia salesiana. Parole e luoghi delle «Memorie biografiche di Don Bosco» Il volume contiene un glossario di voci e locuzioni italiane antiquate, di termini dialettali, latin... 1815 - 1855
Morand Wirth "Educare i giovani oggi nello spirito di Don Bosco" in "La dimensione sociale della carità". Atti della XIV Settimana di Spiritualità della Famiglia Salesiana. Questa analisi offre un'importante prospettiva sulla pedagogia di Don Bosco e come essa possa essere... 1841 - 1991

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