Thumbnail Author Title Abstract Era
Michael Mendl "New information on the salesians'coming to New York" in "Journal of Salesian studies" ...dl, in his research has discovered "a long missing letter'' that states Don Bosco's refusal to send Salesians to New York in 1848. This letter completes Michael Mendl 's article in the Journal on founding Sale... 1884 - 1885
Michael Ribotta "«The road not taken». The Salesian's circuitous road to North America" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" ...all to send missionaries to the city of San Francisco in 1870: "It is our intention to dispatch our Salesians to St.Vincent's (Orphan Asylum] some time during the first six months of 1871 -but certainly no lat... 1850 - 1884
Giovanni Bosco "Personal letters to Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of christians" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" ...on, constantly keeping their hearts leaning to God and charity. The holy founder, writing to his Salesians, highlights the primacy of charity. He encourages zeal for souls and the good of their neighbour. H... 1863 - 1884
Rik Biesmans "Aesthetics in Don Bosco's educational system" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" ...tion through recreation, gymnastics and sport. In his essay, he surveys the efforts of the first Salesians to inculcate a sense of beauty and an appreciation for the arts and culture among even the poorest ... 1876 - 1884
Rik Biesmans The Magna Carta of the salesian educational system dear boys to life again?” [11] 3.4 The same scene in the playground, now focused on the Salesians 3.4.1 Introduction: urgent request “to look at the youngsters in recreation” [14] 3.4.2 Shortco... 1880 - 1884
Rik Biesmans The Magna Carta of the salesian educational system ... medal or the boys’ collaboration in the educational process Section 7. The ‘extended text for the Salesians’ and the letter to the boys as attempts to eliminate and overcome major shortcomings in the practic... 1880 - 1884
Giovanni Bosco "Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" ...collaboration in publishing the Catholic Readings, his preaching to the boys at Valdocco and to the Salesians, his lessons in theology to the latter group, and his generous offerings for the church of Mary Hel... 1871 - 1882
Giovanni Bosco "Formation of the Salesians through conferences and dream accounts" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" ...ich ask for generous and determined commitment. The reader can see that the dreams addressed to the Salesians (nos. 263-265), compared with those to the boys, along with their instructive and symbolic function... 1858 - 1881
Arthur Lenti "Community and mission. Spiritual insights and salesian religious life in Don Bosco's Constitutions" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" ...o identify and discuss Don Bosco's chief proposals for the religious life and the apostolate of his Salesians (Part II). This latter part of the work will require a fairly close examination of a number of fou... 1858 - 1879
Giovanni Bosco "Pedagogical and didactic principles and disciplinary matters (1846-1879)" in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works” ... place for boys in Rome, Don Bosco was interested; he pointed out however that in houses run by the Salesians “we use a very special disciplinary system called preventive, where we do not use punishments or th... 1846 - 1879
Giovanni Bosco "Cooperators in the salesian mission" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" ... Sola, the saint said that the work was only set up because of the fruitful cooperation between the Salesians and the Cooperators. Then, pointing out the principal purpose of the Institution (“the good of huma... 1877 - 1878
Jack Ayers "The «Salesianity» that wins all hearts" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" ...The reader may be surprised to learn that at the first canonical assembly of Salesians, Don Bosco was equating fidelity to our Society with the broad road of "Salesianity" mapped out in ... 1835 - 1877
Giovanni Bosco "Recourse to public charity" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" ... always kept individual ownership of movable and immovable property in his hands or with individual Salesians and was reluctant to establish any legally recognised moral entity. And rightly so given that legis... 1847 - 1876
Giovanni Bosco "Sources prior to the first missionary expedition" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" ...ishop of Buenos Aires and his Vicar General, Don Bosco put forward a proposal to the latter to send Salesians for two foundations one in the capital and one at San Nicolás de los Arroyos. He assured him that h... 1874 - 1875
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco educator, spiritual master, writer and founder of the salesian society" in "Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 3" the method and the way from one generation to the next. As writer and publisher he committed hisSalesians to a ministry that would gain decisive momentum in defense of the Catholic faith and the Christian ... 1845 - 1870
Giovanni Bosco Memòries de l'oratori de Sant Francesc De Sales del 1815 al 1855 ...ual de les Memòries del 'Orator MEMÒRIES DE L'ORATORI DEL 1815 AL 1835 EXCLUSIVAMENT PER ALS SOCIS SALESIANS Primera década: 1825-1835 Segona década: 1835-1845 Tercera década: 1846-1855 ANNEX: TAULA CRONO... 1815 - 1855
Nancy J. Bowden "Unwrapping the gifts: Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal and the salesian vision of women" in "Journal of Salesian studies" ..., of spiritual direction, of leadership in Christian community through the experience of the first "Salesians" in Annecy at the beginning of the 17th Century. We see both Francis and Jane as growing in their u... 1700

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