Thumbnail Author Title Abstract Era
Giovanni Bosco "Prevention and education (1877-1878): The Preventive System in the Education of the Young" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works" "The Preventive System in the Education of the Young" (1877) is a foundational work by Don Bosco, em... 1877 - 1878
Michal Vojtáš Reviving Don Bosco’s oratory. Salesian Youth Ministry, leadership and innovative project management The “Salesians of Don Bosco” (SDB) are the largest Catholic religious order with a primary focus on ... 1965 - 2014
Ángel Fernández Artime "100 Years for God and for the World". Letter of the Rector Major to the Volunteers of Don Bosco on the Centenary of the Foundation of the Institute" in "Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco" This letter highlights the celebration of the Centenary of the Institute of the Volunteers of Don Bo... 2017
Roger Burggraeve On the way to sustainable love. Ethical Stepping Stones for a Christian and Salesian Relational and Sexual Education of Growth in a Pluralist Society In my essay I would like to present the stepping-stones for a Christian-inspired and Salesian relati... 1968 - 2018
Colette Schaumont Presence in ordinary life Educating is not an activity you do alongside other activities. It is intertwined in the daily inter... 1884 - 2018
Vivien Meli Meli L’intervista durante il congresso “Giovani e scelte di vita: prospettive educative” [embed][/embed] L’intervista al prof. Vivien Meli Meli – Université de ... 2018
Thomas Anchukandam "Kristu Jyoti college, Bangalore: the history and significance of the opening of the first Salesian institution in the archdiocese of Bangalore - Part II" in "Ricerche storiche salesiane" Kristu Jyoti College, built and launched on its mission of theological formation of the Salesians in... 1967 - 2018
Antonio Dellagiulia, Giuseppe Crea, Joseph Jeyaraj, Lorenzo Filosa, Robert Ramesh Babu "The significance of the association between spirituality, well-being and perceived social support of indian college students" in "Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma 20-23 settembre 2018, Vol. 2" Recent studies conducted in India have shown that both perceived social support and spirituality con... 2018
Julia Arciniegas Alvares Bibliografia sull’Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice La presente bibliografia intende far conoscere ad un più vasto pubblico il contributo di riflessione... 1872 - 2017
Ángel Fernández Artime «Signs and bearers of the love of god for young people, especially those who are poor» (C. 2) Six years tht demand boldness, prophecy and fidelity Contents: 1. A precarious time 2. A believing manner of looking at reality and the world 3. The... 2020
Capitolo Generale XXVIII Salesiani di Don Bosco “What kind of Salesians for the youth of today?”. Post-chapter reflection The document that now reaches all confreres through this publication is subtitled “Post-Chapter refl... 2020

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