Thumbnail Author Title Abstract Era
Thomas Anchukandam "«Don Bosco» in northeast India. A name synonumous with change and societal transformation through education and skill-training" in "Percezione della figura di Don Bosco all'esterno dell'Opera salesiana dal 1879 al 1965" Don Bosco had the idea of sending missionaries to India after his visits to Pope Pius IX in 1876 and... 1879 - 2015
Nestor Impelido "The perception on Saint John Bosco in the Philippines during the 20th century" in "Percezione della figura di Don Bosco all'esterno dell'Opera salesiana dal 1879 al 1965" The Salesians definitively came to the Philippines in 1951, after the negotiations conducted by the ... 1911 - 2009
Scaria Thuruthiyil "Significant educative experiences of Salesians in India from 1906 up to 1951" in "Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX". Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014 The essay describes the educative experiences of Salesians in India from 1906 up to 1951. At first, ... 1906 - 1951
Eunan McDonnell "Holy indifference. Freeing the heart for pure love" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" The theme of Pure Love is essential to understanding a Salesian spirituality as lived within the Vis... 1700 - 1800
Michael L. Pomo "Giulia Falletti Di Barolo: impelled by Christ’s love" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" This is the story of a woman; a woman that commands our attention; a woman of extraordinary characte... 1785 - 1864
Giovanni Bosco "Beginning, extension and charismatic and institutional consolidation of the work at Valdocco" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" Don Bosco, at the advice of his spiritual director, St Joseph Cafasso from autumn 1844 to summer 184... 1846 - 1864
Giovanni Bosco "National and international geographic expansion of salesian work" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" From 1863 onwards the Salesian work which arose at Valdocco and through other oratories in Turin beg... 1863 - 1883
Giovanni Bosco "Society of St Francis de Sales" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" On April 3, 1874, Pope Pius IX definitively approved the Constitutions of the Society of St Francis ... 1852 - 1885
Giovanni Bosco "Association of Devotees of Mary Help Of christians" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" When he had built the church of Mary Help of Christians at Valdocco in Turin in 1868, Don Bosco had ... 1869
Giovanni Bosco "The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of christians" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" In the early 1870s, when the Salesian Society was going through a happy time of expansion beyond the... 1871 - 1878
Giovanni Bosco "Salesian Cooperators Association" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" The Salesian Cooperators association, which came into being in 1876, just two years after the approv... 1874 - 1888
Giovanni Bosco "Confidential letters to the Pope concerning the political situation (1858-1867, 1873)" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" In the years immediately preceding and following Italian Unity (1858-1866), Don Bosco kept constantl... 1858 - 1873
Giovanni Bosco "Indicators to the Holy see for the choice of new bishops for vacant sees (1867-1877)" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" One of the most difficult conflicts to resolve in relationships between the HolySee and the new King... 1867 - 1877
Giovanni Bosco "Interventions to solve the matter of Bishops’ ‘Temporalities’ (1872-1874)" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" The Law of Guarantees on 13 May 1871 and decrees applying to this required that for newly appointed ... 1872 - 1874
Giovanni Bosco "Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" Relationships between Don Bosco and Archbishop Gastaldi went through two different stages, one of gr... 1871 - 1882
Giovanni Bosco "A missionary project in rapid development" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" What were Don Bosco’s missionary plans for Argentina once he had set foot in that land? With the inf... 1876 - 1886
Giovanni Bosco "Recourse to public charity" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work" As we have just said, for the financial resources needed to supply the everincreasing costs of his w... 1847 - 1876
Giovanni Bosco "Appeals to private charity" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" The financial contributions asked for and obtained from public authorities and institutions were cer... 1851 - 1886
Giovanni Bosco "Educational experiences in the school and family setting (1855)" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" This passage delves into the historical and biographical narrative titled "The Sway of a Good Upbrin... 1855
Giovanni Bosco "Don Bosco’s educational method in confidential discussions with a politician (1854) and an elementary school teacher (1864)" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works" This passage delves into two authentic presentations of Don Bosco's educational system, documented i... 1854 - 1864
Giovanni Bosco "Prevention and education (1877-1878): The Preventive System in the Education of the Young" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works" "The Preventive System in the Education of the Young" (1877) is a foundational work by Don Bosco, em... 1877 - 1878
Giovanni Bosco "Pedagogical and didactic principles and disciplinary matters (1846-1879)" in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works” The ten brief documents that follow—some perhaps less known than the previous ones in Salesian histo... 1846 - 1879
Giovanni Bosco "Educational reading and spreading good books (1860-1885)" in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works” In the late 19th century, Saint John Bosco, or Don Bosco, expressed deep concern over the detrimenta... 1860 - 1885
Giovanni Bosco "Summary of goodnights to the boys at Valdocco (1864-1877)" in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works” Amongst the more original practices put in place as part of the educational praxis at Valdocco, and ... 1864 - 1877
Giovanni Bosco "The two “official” regulations (1877)" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works” In the years from 1853 to 1862, Valdocco was transformed from a festive Oratory—an open institution—... 1877
Giovanni Bosco "Spiritual counsel in Don Bosco’s letters to boys and older youth" in "Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works" St John Bosco’s correspondence mirrors his manifold activities as a promoter of educational and welf... 1860 - 1879
Ángel Fernández Artime "100 Years for God and for the World". Letter of the Rector Major to the Volunteers of Don Bosco on the Centenary of the Foundation of the Institute" in "Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco" This letter highlights the celebration of the Centenary of the Institute of the Volunteers of Don Bo... 2017
Mathew Kapplikunnel "Father Philip Thayil: visionary and innovator (1917-2003)" in "Ricerche storiche salesiane" It is quite natural that anyone who intends to profile a Salesian personality in South India would q... 1917 - 2003
Aldo Giraudo Fr Paul Albera. Master of Spiritual Life In Paul Albera (1845-1921) we have a man who was personally formed by Don Bosco, and one of those re... 1845 - 1921
Anthony Nguyen "God as father and Don Bosco as father" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Don Bosco is a saint who is honored as the “father and teacher” of the youth. However, we may be cur... 2020 - 2021
Dicastero per la Pastorale Giovanile - SDB The parish and the shrine entrusted to the salesians The text addresses the changing role of Salesian parishes, emphasizing the need to adapt to the time... 2004 - 2021
Morand Wirth Saint Francis de Sales. A Program of Integral Formation In the wake of Renaissance humanism, St Francis de Sales developed a pastoral rather than theoretica... 1700 - 2022
Thomas Anchukandam Theological Formation of Salesians in India with Special Reference to Kristu Jyoti College. Bangalore (1967-1976) The text deals with the theological formation of the Salesians in India, with particular reference t... 1967 - 1976
Michal Vojtáš Salesian Pedagogy after Don Bosco. From the first generation up to the Synod on Young People (1888–2018) The research published in this volume studies the pedagogical formulations of successive Salesian ge... 1888 - 2018
Wim Collin "Introduction" in "Journal of salesian studies" The latest issue of the Journal of Salesian Studies reflects on the Journal's mission to serve those... 2023
Louis Grech "Salesian Accompaniment in Contemporary Western Society: Challenges and Opportunities" in "Journal of salesian studies" The chapter discusses Mitch Albom's book 'Tuesdays with Morrie', in which he recounts the profound e... 2023
Carlo Loots "Being a guide and companion for young people today" in "Journal of salesian studies" The article addresses the challenge of updating Don Bosco's preventive system, centred on the accomp... 2023
Wim Collin "My beloved son...Accompaniment by Don Bosco in the letters to some young people" in "Journal of salesian studies" Don Bosco's correspondence is difficult to categorise because of the varied nature of the letters. M... 2023
Barbara Poredos "Preventive system vs. positive youth development, A comparative analysis of both approaches" in "Journal of salesian studies" Recent developmental psycho-pedagogical theories highlight the relevance and validity of Don Bosco's... 2023
Stefano Maggio "Father Philip Rinaldi, Teacher of Salesian Holiness" in "Journal of salesian studies" Father Stefano Maggio, who knew Blessed Philip Rinaldi personally and was Central Ecclesiastical Ass... 2023
John Puntino "Fr. Rinaldi, Good Father and Humble Servant of all" in "Journal of salesian studies" In this work on Blessed Philip Rinaldi by Father Pierluigi Cameroni, the author, as Postulator Gener... 2023
Guglielmo Malizia "Don Bosco's Peace Culture a theory-based study of his response to conflicts" in "Journal of salesian studies" The text reflects on the recent war situation in Europe, which followed the Russian invasion of Ukra... 2023
Wim Collin Journal of salesian studies In this new issue of the Journal of Salesian Studies, the editor reflects on the history and mission... 2023
Marisa Gambato "The history of the mission of the daughters of Mary help of christians inserted in the history of salvation (1929-1952)" in "The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia" Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II This article explores the history of the mission of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) i... 1929 - 1952
Francis Desramaut One hundred keywords of salesian spirituality The purpose of this work is to offer accessible insights into the spirituality of Don Bosco and the ... 1880 - 1996

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