Thumbnail Author Title Abstract Era
María Esther Posada The Institute of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians, and Don Bosco in «Don Bosco's place in history» The theme addressed in this essay concerns the foundation of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary,... 1860 - 1876
Franco Molinari Church and World in Don Bosco's "Storia Ecclesiastica" in «Don Bosco's place in history» Don Bosco in his book "Ecclesiastical History" talks about the Church and the World and their bond, ... 1740 - 1850
Giuseppe Tuninetti The conflict between Don Bosco and the Archbishop of Turin Lorenzo Gastaldi (1871-1883) in «Don Bosco's place in history» This paper outlines the reasons that led to the clash between Don Bosco and the Archbishop of Turin,... 1871 - 1883
Juan María Laboa Don Bosco's experience and sense of the Church in «Don Bosco's place in history» Juan M. Laboa in his paper focuses mainly on Don Bosco's image of the Church, the only place where t... 1850 - 1870
Don Bosco and the Church in the world of the Ninetheenth century in «Don Bosco's place in history» Emile Poulat in his essay traces some reflections concerning the Church in the 19th century, the fig... 1875 - 1888
Giuseppe Bracco Don Bosco and civil society in «Don Bosco's place in history» The author of this paper outlines some aspects from the social and historical point of view of the c... 1840 - 1880
Silvio Tramontin Don Bosco and the world of work in «Don Bosco's place in history» Silvio Tramontin, in his essay, analyzes the concept of "work" according to the vision of Don Bosco.... 1850 - 1891
Raffaele Farina The state of the Central Salesian Archives and their use in «Don Bosco's place in history» This paper reconstructs the fundamental stages that have marked the history of the Central Salesian ... 1860 - 1988
Francesco Motto Don Bosco's letters as a source for knowledge and study on Don Bosco. Project for a critical edition in «Don Bosco's place in history» Francesco Motto si è occupato della raccolta e, in seguito, della pubblicazione di un'edizione criti... 1835 - 2021
Luciano Pazzaglia Don Bosco's option for youth and his educational approach in «Don Bosco's place in history» This essay deals with the educational method adopted by Don Bosco. The Saint saved many young worker... 1841 - 1877
Guy Avanzini Don Bosco's pedagogy in the context of the 19th century in «Don Bosco's place in history» The author of the essay noted how in France Don Bosco is not mentioned (except for the French Salesi... 1841 - 1855
Giorgio Chiosso "Don Bosco and the Oratory (1841-1855)" in "Don Bosco's place in history" This essay traces the birth and development of the Oratory, the first educational enterprise created... 1841 - 1855
Pietro Stella "An Assessment of our Knowledge of Don Bosco and of the Works about Him" in "Don Bosco’s place in history. Acts of the 1st International Congress of Don Bosco Studies (Salesian Pontifical University, Rome 16-20 January 1989)" Francesco Traniello, a specialist in the history of the Catholic movement, highlighted the evolving ... 1886 - 1988
Bruno Bellerate Don Bosco's humanistic approach in education in «Don Bosco's place in history» Bruno Bellante offers in his essay some food for thought regarding Don Bosco's choice to use a human... 1841 - 1880
José Manuel Prellezo García Don Bosco and professional schools (1870-1887) in «Don Bosco's place in history» Prellezo traces the birth and the development and organization phases of the vocational schools esta... 1870 - 1887
Cesare Scurati Classroom and "playground": a combination essential to Don Bosco's scheme of total education in «Don Bosco's place in history» Cesare Scurati in his essay focuses on Don Bosco's intuition in the need to integrate school activit... 1841 - 1884
Jacques Schepens Don Bosco and education to the sacraments of Penance and of the Eucharist in «Don Bosco's place in history» Jaques Schepens in his essay focuses on the sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist according to ... 1840 - 2023
Francis Desramaut The methods adopted by the authors of the "Memorie biografiche" in «Don Bosco's place in history» Francis Desramaut presenta nel suo saggio le varie fasi e le risorse che hanno portato alla pubblica... 1883 - 1939
Fausto Jiménez Don Bosco and the cultivation of ecclesiastical and religious vocations in «Don Bosco's place in history» The present essay emphasizes Don Bosco's dedication to promoting vocations, both among men and women... 1835 - 1881
Francesco Traniello Don Bosco in the history of popular culture in Italy in «Don Bosco's place in history» This essay focuses on Don Bosco's contribution to spreading a popular culture based on religion thro... 1840 - 1890
Pietro Stella An assessment of our knowledge of Don Bosco in «Don Bosco's place in history» Il presente saggio, scritto da Pietro Stella, descrive brevemente gli studi fatti sul metodo educati... 1850 - 1987
Pietro Braido "Prospects for future research on Don Bosco" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Pietro Braido in his essay (final contribution of the Congress) retraces the central points treated ... 1840 - 1982
Pietro Scoppola "Don Bosco and «modernity»" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Pietro Scoppola in his essay focuses on the aspects that bring Don Bosco's work closer to "modernity... 1840 - 1870
John Itzaina "The «Epistolario» of Don Bosco: fifty-eight letters to Clara Louvet" in "Don Bosco's place in history" The contents of the 58 letters exchanged between Don Bosco and the French Salesian Cooperator, Clair... 1881 - 1912
Jesús Borrego "The originality of Don Bosco's Patagonian missionary enterprise" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Borrego in his essay focuses on the missionary enterprise in Patagonia-Argentina undertaken by Don B... 1870 - 1885
Giulio Sforza "Don Bosco and music" in "Don Bosco's place in history" This essay focuses on the relationship between Don Bosco and music. The Saint was influenced by the ... 1840 - 1870
Stefano Pivato Don Bosco and the popular theatre in «Don Bosco's place in history» The present essay focuses on Don Bosco's decision to adopt Catholic popular theatre as a further edu... 1847 - 1870
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco's Missionary Dreams (Part II)" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In Part One of the present installment (Part Four overall), we shall discuss the last two dreams in ... 1885 - 1886
Michael Mendl "A man for his times: Father Peter Ricaldone as Rector Major (1932-1951), Part I" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Peter Ricaldone was a major superior of the Salesian Society for forty years, half of them as rector... 1870 - 1932
Michael Ribotta "Don Bosco's history of Italy: a morality play or an exercise in history?" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" "If Don Bosco during his student years had one special preference, it was for reading history," note... 1845 - 1859
Francesco Malgeri "Don Bosco's work as a publisher" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Don Bosco, as Francesco Malgeri points out, has published throughout his life various types of texts... 1830 - 1888
Ramón Alberdi Don Bosco and the Catholic associations in Spain in «Don Bosco's place in history» Don Bosco has established relationships with Catholic associations not only in Italy, but also abroa... 1844 - 1888
Anita Deleidi Don Bosco and Maria Domenica Mazzarello: their historical and spiritual relationship in «Don Bosco's place in history» In this paper the author describes how the spiritual bond between Don Bosco and Maria Mazzarello was... 1862 - 1881
Egidio Viganò "Letter of the Rector Major" in "Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco" Upon returning from Ethiopia, the Rector ;ajor expresses joy at witnessing a vibrant part of the ext... 1994
Egidio Viganò "The Congress of Superiors General on consecrated life at the present day" in "Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco" n the liturgical period preceding the arrival of the Lord, there is anticipation for Christmas and t... 1994
Joseph Boenzi "Paolo Albera's visits during Don Bosco's last illness" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" But if Marseilles was so close, why did "Paolino" Albera not come to Turin during those final days o... 1852 - 1892
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco's last years, his last illness and saintly death from eyewitness accounts" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" The present essay has a rather modest aim. Steering clear of the complexities of a biographical reco... 1884 - 1888
Michael Ribotta "The Roman Letter of 1884 and its aftermath" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In retrospect, one can appreciate why Don Bosco had become so distraught by the message that was pla... 1884 - 1927
Mary Treacy "Mother Marie-Louise-Angelique Clarac and Don Bosco - an idea matures" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In the first part of his study on the "Bosco-Gastaldi conflict", Arthur Lenti drew attention to anot... 1817 - 1887
Arthur Lenti "The Bosco-Gastaldi conflict (1872-82), Part II" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Thus the approval of the Salesian Constitutions in April 1874 was followed by a second and more bitt... 1872 - 1882
Michael Ribotta "Tough love is not the answer - Don Bosco's views on punishment" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In our essay we shall examine the meaning and application of "punishment" and "discipline" as found ... 1843 - 1883
Egidio Viganò, Juan Edmundo Vecchi "Letter of the Rector Major" in "Acts of the Superior Council of the salesian society" On June 23rd of last year, our Rector Major, Fr. Egidio Vigano, the 7th successor of Don Bosco, pass... 1995
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco's love affair with «poor and abandoned» young people and the beginnings of the oratory" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" The present study aims, not at any new interpretation, but simply at describing some aspects of the ... 1840 - 1862
Arthur Lenti "Key-concepts, concerns and fears of a founder - Don Bosco in his declining years" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" My article on Don Bosco's last years, which saw the light of day in this Journal, was based on chron... 1875 - 1888
Michael Ribotta "«School days... golden rule days»... John Bosco's public school years" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" The road traveled by John Bosco, as child and teenager, in his quest for an education, proved to be ... 1822 - 1835
Joseph Boenzi "Reflections on virtue. St. John Bosco's heroic faith reported by eyewitnesses in his beatification process" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" This study does not go into the long process that led to Don Bosco's beatification, which took place... 1890 - 1929
Stephen Whelan "The Catholic Readings: writing for the masses" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" The Letture Cattoliche or the Catholic Readings was St. John Bosco's imaginative brainchild in his e... 1853 - 1888
Eunan McDonnell "Salesian imaging of God's love without equal" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Francis de Sales' use of imagery is an acknowledgment that reason alone is insufficient to plumb the... 1700
Joseph Boenzi "St. Francis de Sales, bibliography of publications in English" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Over the last number of years "Salesian Spirituality," first articulated by Francis de Sales and Jan... 1700 - 1995
Michael Ribotta "The «Big Rat» and the «Mad Priest of Turin» - Don Bosco's relationship with Prime Minister Rattazzi" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Perhaps of all the leading political personages of the Italian Risorgimento with whom Don Bosco enjo... 1850 - 1873

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