Maria Alzira Saraiva de Souza – “Tavola rotonda” in “Io ho un popolo numeroso in questa città” Atti delle Giornate di Studio sul Primo Annuncio di Cristo in Città 15-21 novembre 2015

Il discorso esplora l’importanza di adattare la comunicazione della Chiesa all’era digitale, evidenziando il ruolo cruciale dei media come spazio per favorire il primo annuncio. Continue reading “Maria Alzira Saraiva de Souza – “Tavola rotonda” in “Io ho un popolo numeroso in questa città” Atti delle Giornate di Studio sul Primo Annuncio di Cristo in Città 15-21 novembre 2015″

Egidio Viganò – The Don Bosco centenary and our renewal


  • lntroduction
  • A rapid look back over the celebrations: The Jubilee Year; enthusiastic participation
    by young people; Appreciation on the part of civil authorities; Studies and publications; Artistic cultural and sporting manifestations; Lived experiences in the Congregation; Vitality of the Salesian Family; lnterest of the Bishops and of so many diocesan and parochial communities; Wholehearted particlpation ot the Holy Father.
  • Some priorities to be fostered: Our ecclesial dimension; The urgent need for the christian education of youth; The careful and competent development of a “Laity-project”; A more modern use of the means of social communication as a means of evangelization.
  • Continue reading “Egidio Viganò – The Don Bosco centenary and our renewal”

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