Marivic Sombero – “The seeds of Mornese in Timor. FMA contribution to the implantation of the salesian charism” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The present paper, a textual elaboration of the power-point presented at the Batulao Seminar, tries to re-capture the salient moments in the history of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in Timor (and Indonesia) from their arrival up to the present day. Our presence in this land is rather recent considering that we arrived in Timor only in 1988.

Continue reading “Marivic Sombero – “The seeds of Mornese in Timor. FMA contribution to the implantation of the salesian charism” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Maddalena Ngo thi Minh Chau,Maria Hoang ngoc Yen – “Nurturing of vocations on the journey of implantating the salesian charism in the first 30 years of the FMA in Vietnam” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This contribution to the Salesian History Seminar on the implantation of the Salesian charism in the EAO region has great significance for the Vice-Province “Mary Help of Christians” of Vietnam, which will celebrate 50 years of the presence of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in 2011.

Continue reading “Maddalena Ngo thi Minh Chau,Maria Hoang ngoc Yen – “Nurturing of vocations on the journey of implantating the salesian charism in the first 30 years of the FMA in Vietnam” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Laura ChauPui Har – “Winding road…steady steps. Salesian charism in the first 30 years of FMA in China” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The paper sheds light on the contribution of the FMA to the advance of the Salesian spirit in China through their availability, sacrifice, indomitable courage in facing severe challenges and above all their fidelity to the spirit of “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle” by offering to youth and the needy services in keeping with the charism of the institute and in response to the needs of the place and time.

Continue reading “Laura ChauPui Har – “Winding road…steady steps. Salesian charism in the first 30 years of FMA in China” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Maliwan Paramathawirote,Paranal Phengpinit – “The salesian charism in SIHM’s life and mission in the local church” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (SIHM) would like to acknowledge the invitation to contribute to the Seminar of EAO on “Implantation of the Salesian Charism in the Region: Ideals, Challenges, Answers and Results”. Being a member of the Salesian Family, we too are eager to study and know more about this precious gift.

Continue reading “Maliwan Paramathawirote,Paranal Phengpinit – “The salesian charism in SIHM’s life and mission in the local church” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Gaetano Compri – “Implantation of the salesian charism in Japan. Reflections of Fr Cimatti on the formation of personnel in loco” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The first nine Salesian missionaries arrived in Japan on 8 February 1926 under the leadership of Fr Vincenzo Cimatti. They were entrusted with the two provinces of Miyazaki and Oita, far away from the big cities, where they succeeded the missionaries of the Foreign Missions of Paris (MEP).

Continue reading “Gaetano Compri – “Implantation of the salesian charism in Japan. Reflections of Fr Cimatti on the formation of personnel in loco” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

John Nguyen Van Ty – “Salesian charism in Vietnam. 39 years of sowing and growth in the stormy history of the country” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

How the Salesian Charism has been implanted and taken root in a country is indeed a very interesting and at the same time a very challenging theme. In the case of Viet Nam the planting and the growing processes seem to be neatly cut, surrounded by the turbulent events of the history of modern Viet Nam.

Continue reading “John Nguyen Van Ty – “Salesian charism in Vietnam. 39 years of sowing and growth in the stormy history of the country” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Ana Rosa Sivori – “The beginning of the daughters of Mary help of Christians in Thailand. The first twenty years (1931-1952)” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

The aim of this article is to present the beginning of the work of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Thailand. The FMA came to Thailand invited by Fr. Gaetano Pasotti, Acting Provincial of the Salesian Congregation and later the fust Salesian Bishop in Thailand, to help in the mission field of the Salesian Fathers who arrived in Thailand on October 1927 , after they were sent away from China.

Continue reading “Ana Rosa Sivori – “The beginning of the daughters of Mary help of Christians in Thailand. The first twenty years (1931-1952)” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Wim Collin – The ‘educational presence’ in the biographies of young people written by Don Bosco. The Salesian educator present as a help in the vocational realization

Analysing the educational presence, like presented by Don Bosco in the biographies, means that we have to analyse these documents to see how he in a narrative way describes his own role in the lives of these youngsters. Even if he doesn’t mention himself by his own name, sometimes we find, certainly in the lives of Savio, Magone and Besucco, direct and indirect references to himself.

Continue reading “Wim Collin – The ‘educational presence’ in the biographies of young people written by Don Bosco. The Salesian educator present as a help in the vocational realization”

Pietro Braido – Il sistema preventivo di Don Bosco

In questa seconda edizione, con maggior aderenza alla preoccupazione principale e in armonia con la particolare tesi sostenuta a proposito del carattere « sistematico » e scientifico del « metodo preventivo » di Don Bosco, sono sottentrate considerazioni più pertinenti sulla personalità del Santo educatore, sulla sua vita e sul suo stile, con cui in gran parte il « sistema » si identifica.

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Vivien Meli Meli – L’intervista durante il congresso “Giovani e scelte di vita: prospettive educative”

L’intervista al prof. Vivien Meli Meli – Université de Dschang (Camerun) durante il Congresso Internazionale Giovani e scelte di vita: prospettive educative, che si è svolto all’Università Pontificia Salesiana dal 20 al 23 settembre 2018. Il congresso è stato organizzato dall’ Università Pontificia Salesiana, e dalla Pontificia Facoltà di Scienze dell’ Educazione Auxilium.

Reference time period: 2018

Reference institution:
Università Pontificia Salesiana
Università Pontificia Salesiana

Luigi Ricceri – Con i confratelli di tre continenti – Un’invocazione: Ci mandi altri salesiani! – Notizie tristi, notizie gioiose.


  • Con i confratelli di tre continenti
  • Un’invocazione: Ci mandi altri salesiani!
  • Notizie tristi, notizie gioiose.
  • Il problema decisivo delle vocazioni
    • In cerca, Con la Chiesa di vie efficaci
    • Si hanno le vocazioni che si meritano
  • 1. La pastorale  vocazionale oggi
    • Che cos’è la pastorale vocazionale
    • Gli obiettivi della pastorale vocazionale
    • Alcune caratteristiche della pastorale vocazionale
  • 2. I compiti della congregazione
    • Non è salesiano chi non fa azione vocazionale
    • Responsabile è  la comunità
    • Responsabile è pure  ogni salesiano
    • Occorrono uomini preparati
  • 3. Proposte per l’attività vocazionale
    • Alcune condizioni per un programma efficace
    • Il nostro metodo è il sistema preventivo
    • Un’ accurata e progressiva catechesi
    • Un vita profondamente spirituale
    • La testimonianza dell’educatore
    • Impegranre i giovani nell’apostolato
    • Il valore insostituibile della preghiera
  • 4. L’aspirantato e i nuovi esperimenti
    • L’aspirantato rimane valido
    • Le nuove forme «parallele» agli aspiranti
    • Avanti con la tenacia di Don Bosco

Continue reading “Luigi Ricceri – Con i confratelli di tre continenti – Un’invocazione: Ci mandi altri salesiani! – Notizie tristi, notizie gioiose.”

Renato Ziggiotti – Domenico Savio, Santo! – Le feste di Roma e di Torino. – Grazie da domandare a San Domenico Savio. – La sede del Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano. – Le visite compiute in Europa: urgente bisogno di vocazioni.


  • Domenico Savio, SANTO!
  • Le feste di Roma e di Torino.
  • Grazie da domandare a San Domenico Savio.
  • La sede del Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano.
  • Le visite compiute in Europa: urgente bisogno di vocazioni.

Continue reading “Renato Ziggiotti – Domenico Savio, Santo! – Le feste di Roma e di Torino. – Grazie da domandare a San Domenico Savio. – La sede del Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano. – Le visite compiute in Europa: urgente bisogno di vocazioni.”

John Dickson – Refounding or renewal? A historical case study

What strategies are to be adopted to make religious communities arise from the trough of aging and the scarcity of vocations? G. ARBUCKLE in the volume entitled ‘Out of chaos’ invites superiors to ‘refound individuals’ on the basis of pointers from anthropology, management techniques and the concept of Old Testament prophecy (while merely skimming over the New Testament and the history of religious life). From this latter source on the other hand R. HOSTIE, in a volume entitled ‘Life and death of religious orders’, shows that their survival derives from their renewal. In other words, Arbuckle focuses on the pastoral needs of the present day and leaves aside fidelity to the original charism of Institutes. On the other hand Hostie studies precisely this fidelity and sees in it the only possibility of survival. The thesis of the A. regarding ‘the foundation and development of the salesian congregation in England’ (of which a concise account is given) demonstrates the solid and consistent nature of the general approach of Hostie, which is lacking in Arbuckle.

Continue reading “John Dickson – Refounding or renewal? A historical case study”

Giovanni Bosco – Il pastorello delle Alpi ovvero vita del giovane Besucco Francesco d’Argentera

Della vita di Francesco Besucco, Il Pastorello delle Alpi, riportiamo soltanto la seconda parte, poiché i primi quattordici capitoli sono ricalcati quasi alla lettera sulla lunga testimonianza inviata dal parroco di Argentera. Don Bosco interviene soltanto dal capitolo XV in poi, ma in modo efficacissimo, al punto che Alberto Caviglia considera questo testo un prezioso “documento costruttivo della pedagogia spirituale e morale del santo educatore […], in quanto l’autore, più che in ogni altro libro congenere, scende alla teoria, ed esprime le sue idee con l’espressa intenzione d’insegnarle”.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – Il pastorello delle Alpi ovvero vita del giovane Besucco Francesco d’Argentera”

Giovanni Bosco – Vita del giovanetto Savio Domenico allievo dell’Oratorio di S. Francesco di Sales

La vita di Domenico Savio (1859) e i profili biografici di Michele Magone (1861) e Francesco Besucco (1864), sono tra i documenti pedagogici e spirituali più importanti di don Bosco, efficace illustrazione narrativa delle convinzioni e della pratica formativa del santo, nel primo ventennio di attività. Qui riproduciamo la piccola biografia di Domenico Savio nell’ultima edizione curata personalmente da don Bosco (1878). Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – Vita del giovanetto Savio Domenico allievo dell’Oratorio di S. Francesco di Sales”

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