Luigi Deambrogio – Le passeggiate autunnali di Don Bosco per i colli Monferrini

Daremo notizia di tutte le Passeggiate Autunnali, affinché i nostri lettori, di qualunque regione siano, possano conoscere quelle vicende tanto care al cuore di molte generazioni. Abbiamo tuttavia voluto approfondire e sviluppare in modo particolare il racconto di quelle passeggiate che Don Bosco fece per i Colli Monferrini Casalesi. Continue reading “Luigi Deambrogio – Le passeggiate autunnali di Don Bosco per i colli Monferrini”

Nazareno Camilleri – Il direttore salesiano e la formazione del confratelli nel pensiero e nella parola di San Giovanni Bosco

Questa conferenza può essere considerata un’appendice al nostro antico «Manuale del Direttore» e ne completa la trattazione, specialmente per le abbondanti citazioni delle parole di S. Giovanni Bosco tratte dalle Memorie Biografiche, e perché si affianca alla Strenna del 1935 del venerato don Ricaldone sulla «Fedeltà a Don Bosco Santo». Continue reading “Nazareno Camilleri – Il direttore salesiano e la formazione del confratelli nel pensiero e nella parola di San Giovanni Bosco”

Thelían Argeo Corona Cortés – “La visita de don Albera a las casas de América, 1900-1903. Una estrategia de animación y gobierno en el rectorado de don Rua” in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.

La prodigiosa expansión de la obra salesiana en América coincide con el periodo del Rectorado de don Miguel Rua (1888-1910). La multiplicidad de fundaciones y la urgencia de asegurar la identidad y la calidad de vida salesiana en América, constituían una preocupación prioritaria en la responsabilidad de don Rua, Rector Mayor, para el gobierno de la Congregación. Continue reading “Thelían Argeo Corona Cortés – “La visita de don Albera a las casas de América, 1900-1903. Una estrategia de animación y gobierno en el rectorado de don Rua” in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.”

Albino Ronco,Cosimo Semeraro,Enrica Rosanna,Francis Desramaut,Giuseppe Costa – La Festa nell’esperienza giovanile del mondo salesiano

Il testo introduce gli “Atti del XVI Internationales Salesianisches Kolloquium” sul tema “Fest und Feier in der Erfahrungswelt der Jugend” (Festa e Celebrazione nel mondo dell’esperienza giovanile), tenutosi a Vienna nell’agosto 1987.

Continue reading “Albino Ronco,Cosimo Semeraro,Enrica Rosanna,Francis Desramaut,Giuseppe Costa – La Festa nell’esperienza giovanile del mondo salesiano”

Joseph Aubry – “Esigenze della Chiesa d’oggi e missione della congregazione salesiana” in “La missione dei salesiani nella chiesa. Contributi”

Questo estratto affronta la necessità per la congregazione salesiana di riscoprire e aggiornare la sua missione, bilanciando il rispetto per il passato di Cristo evangelico e di Don Bosco con l’impegno nella Chiesa e nel mondo attuale.

Continue reading “Joseph Aubry – “Esigenze della Chiesa d’oggi e missione della congregazione salesiana” in “La missione dei salesiani nella chiesa. Contributi””

Eugenio Valentini – “La congregazione salesiana custode e assertrice del sistema preventivo nella pedagogia e nella pastorale della Chiesa d’oggi” in “La missione dei salesiani nella chiesa. Contributi”

Ángel Fernández Artime – “We are family! Every home, a school of life and love” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

On January 1st, 2006, my predecessor Fr. Pascual Chávez Villanueva introduced the yearly Strenna with a focus on family and life, echoing John Paul II’s call and honoring Mamma Margaret’s legacy. Continue reading “Ángel Fernández Artime – “We are family! Every home, a school of life and love” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Michele Rua – “Le virtù del salesiano” in “Lettere circolari di Don Michele Rua ai salesiani”

Tutti i Soci conducono vita comune, stretti solamente dal vincolo della carità e dei voti semplici, il che li unisce in guisa da formare un cuor solo ed un ’anima sola per amare e servire Iddio. Queste parole lette nell’art. 7 delle Costituzioni, sgorgarono dal cuore di D.Bosco ardente della più viva carità. Esse mostrano che, mentre la carità è la sostanza della vita cristiana, molto più è l’anima della vita religiosa. Continue reading “Michele Rua – “Le virtù del salesiano” in “Lettere circolari di Don Michele Rua ai salesiani””

Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Letter of the Rector Major” in ” Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”

The Rector Major reflects on the significance of the year 2000, not just as a unique moment in the calendar but as a cultural milestone with unforeseen consequences for individuals and humanity as a whole. It urges us to retrospectively evaluate the past century and to rekindle hopes for the future and beyond. Continue reading “Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Letter of the Rector Major” in ” Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco””

Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”

In 1998, all provinces were actively involved in preparing and conducting Provincial Chapters, a grace bestowed upon all ninety-one circumscriptions. These events were anticipated to profoundly impact the life of the entire Congregation. Continue reading “Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – «Witnesses to the radical approach of the Gospel». Called to live in fidelity Don Bosco’s apostolic project. “Work and temperance” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The General Council, having convened for the plenary session, deliberated on the forthcoming General Chapter’s theme and objectives in light of the challenges confronting the Congregation. Preceding the Team Visits, an in-depth examination of these challenges was undertaken, with the visits offering further insights. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – «Witnesses to the radical approach of the Gospel». Called to live in fidelity Don Bosco’s apostolic project. “Work and temperance” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “Vocation and formation: gift and task” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

In this letter, the Rector Major addresses concerns regarding vocation and formation within the Congregation. They highlight issues such as psychological fragility and vocational inconsistency, despite efforts to maintain quality in formation programs. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “Vocation and formation: gift and task” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “You love everything that exists, and nothing that you have made disgusts you… Lord lover of life (Wisdom 11, 24. 12, 11)” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The letter begins with reflections on the new year and the importance of peace, intertwined with the celebration of Mary’s divine motherhood. It emphasizes the theme of life and presents a spiritual and pastoral program for the year. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “You love everything that exists, and nothing that you have made disgusts you… Lord lover of life (Wisdom 11, 24. 12, 11)” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “You who seek the Lord; look to the rock from which you were hewn” (Is 51,1). Presentation of the Interamerica Region” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The letter recounts the author’s recent travels to Sri Lanka, India, China, and South Africa, reflecting on the diverse experiences encountered and expressing gratitude for God’s blessings. It emphasizes the importance of Asia and Africa for the Congregation’s future and calls for faithful inculturation of Don Bosco’s charism in these regions. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “You who seek the Lord; look to the rock from which you were hewn” (Is 51,1). Presentation of the Interamerica Region” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

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