Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione quarta. L’iniziativa missionaria” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”
La dimensione missionaria è essenziale nella vita di don Bosco, soprattutto durante un periodo in cui la Chiesa è fortemente impegnata nella missione, sotto i pontificati di Gregorio XVI e Pio IX. Don Bosco, già interessato alla missione durante i suoi anni di formazione teologica, interagisce con riviste e promotori missionari a Torino e mantiene rapporti con figure missionarie di spicco. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione quarta. L’iniziativa missionaria” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica””
Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione terza. Don Bosco fra la Santa Sede, il Regno d’Italia e l’arcivescovo di Torino” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”
La Sezione terza descrive la posizione di Don Bosco durante il Risorgimento italiano. Don Bosco scelse di mantenere una posizione neutrale rispetto alle correnti politiche del suo tempo, non schierandosi né a favore delle innovazioni politiche né in opposizione a esse. Pur opponendosi alla politica ecclesiastica del Regno di Sardegna degli anni ’50 e ’60, si astenne da polemiche per preservare la sua azione di educatore e fondatore. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione terza. Don Bosco fra la Santa Sede, il Regno d’Italia e l’arcivescovo di Torino” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica””
Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione seconda. Don Bosco Fondatore” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”
L’esperienza originaria di Valdocco e dei primi oratori torinesi aveva il potenziale per crescere in ampiezza e profondità, espandendosi oltre i confini cittadini, ma ciò richiedeva due condizioni fondamentali: un progetto operativo e risorse umane ed economiche adeguate. Don Bosco comprese presto che la continuità della sua Opera richiedeva un’organizzazione stabile delle forze disponibili, preparate sul piano educativo e spirituale. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione seconda. Don Bosco Fondatore” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica””
Wim Collin – “Introduction” in “Journal of salesian studies”
The latest issue of the Journal of Salesian Studies reflects on the Journal’s mission to serve those interested in studying themes related to Don Bosco and Francis de Sales. The editors appeal for contributions to continue this service. Continue reading “Wim Collin – “Introduction” in “Journal of salesian studies””
Wim Collin – “My beloved son…Accompaniment by Don Bosco in the letters to some young people” in “Journal of salesian studies”
Don Bosco’s correspondence is difficult to categorise because of the varied nature of the letters. Many were written by Don Bosco or his secretaries, with the latter often signing on his behalf. The considerable amount of incoming letters, combined with Don Bosco’s declining health in recent years, led to this practice. Continue reading “Wim Collin – “My beloved son…Accompaniment by Don Bosco in the letters to some young people” in “Journal of salesian studies””
Guglielmo Malizia – “Don Bosco’s Peace Culture a theory-based study of his response to conflicts” in “Journal of salesian studies”
The text reflects on the recent war situation in Europe, which followed the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 23 February. The war, which seemed impossible to occur after 70 years of peace, has shattered this illusion, threatening to bring back massacres, destruction and forced exoduses. The lack of signs of imminent peace is worrying, especially considering the 2016 UN Declaration on the Right to Peace. Continue reading “Guglielmo Malizia – “Don Bosco’s Peace Culture a theory-based study of his response to conflicts” in “Journal of salesian studies””
Autori Vari – Memoirs of the oratory of Saint Francis de Sales, from 1815 to 1855: the autobiography of Saint John Bosco
Il testo delinea tre questioni contemporanee e cosa i Salesiani possono imparare da esse attraverso questo documento classico ricco di ispirazione e saggezza. Le questioni affrontate sono: la relazione tra tradizione e novità, la carità pastorale e la disciplina ascetica, e la spiritualità e l’azione. Continue reading “Autori Vari – Memoirs of the oratory of Saint Francis de Sales, from 1815 to 1855: the autobiography of Saint John Bosco”
Jerome Vallabaraj,Sahayadas Fernando – Proclaiming the Gospel of Wholeness, The Perennial Relevance of Evangelii Nuntiandi
The text reflects on the significance of the full life Jesus offered during his public ministry, emphasising his love, forgiveness and care for all, especially the needy. Jesus healed the sick and fed the needy, offering them new life and a sense of rebirth.
Continue reading “Jerome Vallabaraj,Sahayadas Fernando – Proclaiming the Gospel of Wholeness, The Perennial Relevance of Evangelii Nuntiandi”
Arthur Lenti – “Birth and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory” in “Don Bosco: History and Spirit, vol. 2”
This second volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, surveys the beginnings and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory. It is placed against the background of the social situation in Turin, and in the context of the momentous events spanning the period from the liberal revolution (1848) to the unification of Italy (1861). Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Birth and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory” in “Don Bosco: History and Spirit, vol. 2””
Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco educator, spiritual master, writer and founder of the salesian society” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 3”
The topics dealt with in this third volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, are large and comprehensive. Basically they present a Don Bosco active in a triple capacity–in his roles as educator and spiritual master, as writer, publisher and controversialist, and as founder of the Salesian Society. Each of these activities was of extreme importance in its own right, and fundamental for the future development of the Salesian work. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco educator, spiritual master, writer and founder of the salesian society” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 3””
Arthur Lenti – “Beginnins of the salesian society and its constitutions” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 4”
This fourth volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, focuses on the early Salesian constitutions as presented by Don Bosco for approval (1860-1874)–in the times of the Turin Archbishops–of Luigi Fransoni (in exile) and ensuing four-year vacancy, of Alessandro Riccardi di Netro (1867-1870) and of Lorenzo Gastaldi (1872-1874). Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Beginnins of the salesian society and its constitutions” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 4””
Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s golden years with general indexes for the series” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 7”
Volume 7, the last in the series Don Bosco: History and Spirit, surveys Don Bosco’s Life and activity in the late seventies and eighties, roughly his last dozen years. These are his mature, reflective years; they are also the years of his quasi-retirement, gradually giving way to his sunset years. With regard to content, the nine chapters of this survey may be grouped under four headings. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s golden years with general indexes for the series” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 7””
Arthur Lenti – “Expansion of the salesian work in the new world & ecclesiological confrontation at home” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 6”
The main part of this Volume 6 (Chs. 1-5) of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, continues the survey of the Society’s Institutional Expansion begun in the preceding chapter in its twofold aspect, external and internal. The external expansion is set in a different senario and context—no longer in Europe but in South America. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Expansion of the salesian work in the new world & ecclesiological confrontation at home” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 6””
Arthur Lenti – “Institutional expansion” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 5”
This fifth volume in the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, is chiefly devoted to a description of the institutional expansion of the Salesian work. The first two chapters describe the school reform legislation in the Kingdom of Sardinia, noting that the secularization of the public school was the first significant step taken by the liberal revolution in its program aimed at a general secularization of society and the gradual elimination of the Church’s influence. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Institutional expansion” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 5””