Giovanni Bosco – “Circular letters to Salesians and the daughters of Mary Help of Christians” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

Don Bosco’s Circular letters to the Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians are small masterpieces of spirituality. The Saint expresses in them a vigorous view of consecrated life: by the vows we give ourselves completely to the Lord, ready to follow him through tribulations until death, courageously facing up to fatigue and difficulty in order to win souls for God. Seen this way the Salesian and the Salesian Sister are encouraged to remain firm in their vocation; to flee worldly spirit; to practise obedience and poverty magnanimously; to cultivate union with God and confidence in their Superiors; to know how to put up with all kinds of inconvenience serenely to “save souls”; to faithfully observe the rules.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Constitutional documents” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The first document contained in this part (no. 225) is the oldest text of the rule that we have. It was written in beautiful handwriting by cleric Michael Rua between 1858 and 1859, beginning from an earlier draft by Don Bosco which has not been preserved. From this draft came all the other constitutional drafts up to the definitive document in 1874. To draw it up Don Bosco, who had no experience of consecrated life, had recourse to constitutions of other religious institutes.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Don Bosco’s ‘theology’ of religious life” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

As an introduction to the first Italian edition of the Salesian Constitutions, published in 1875, Don Bosco wrote a wide-ranging letter To the Salesians, to guide them in interpreting the rules and to infuse in them a correct idea of religious life. He later refined and extended it with the help of the master of novices, Fr Barberis, for the third Italian edition of the Constitutions (1885). It is a relevant document from a spiritual point of view. “One can think of it as a brief summary, the most complete one, of what could be called Don Bosco’s theology of religious life. Ideas flow together in it which had matured in him little by little, beginning from when he wrote the history of the Church and the Popes, then as he drew up the Constitutions and documents written to gain approval, further enriched by local and general conferences, instructions given at retreats in the late 1860s and early 1870s, and expressed in individual letters and circulars and in private advice.”

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Giovanni Bosco – “Spiritual counsel in Don Bosco’s letters to boys and older youth” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

St John Bosco’s correspondence mirrors his manifold activities as a promoter of educational and welfare type work, publishing and missionary enterprises. Also documented is the broad network of relationships he had built up. His letters are those of a man of action, the tireless organiser, avid communicator, religious founder and a passionate animator of Catholic initiatives. Little space is given to spiritual aspects which he prefers to deal with in preaching, personal talks or in the context of the Sacrament of Penance.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Appeals to private charity” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The financial contributions asked for and obtained from public authorities and institutions were certainly not enough to help him confront the huge expenses of the Salesian Work. It was necessary to appeal to private charity. Logically, Don Bosco turned especially to families and individuals who had financial possibilities, meaning those belonging to the nobility, mostly large property owners, and the upper and middle class of the time who were notably ready to dispense charity. Some of these, albeit modest in their private savings, could actually find an outlet in educational and charitable works such as those of Don Bosco.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Recourse to public charity” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

As we have just said, for the financial resources needed to supply the everincreasing costs of his work, Don Bosco appealed to institutions: the Royal family, Government authorities, public officials (local council, provincial, state …), existing charitable organisations locally, the National Bank, parishes, dioceses, the Holy See itself through his best supporters, including the Pope.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

Relationships between Don Bosco and Archbishop Gastaldi went through two different stages, one of great understanding and cooperation, and another of notable difficulties and conflicts. The watershed could be considered to be Gastaldi’s transferral from the Episcopal See of Saluzzo to being Archbishop of Turin in 1871.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Interventions to solve the matter of Bishops’ ‘Temporalities’ (1872-1874)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The Law of Guarantees on 13 May 1871 and decrees applying to this required that for newly appointed bishops to enter into possession – the so-called temporalities – they had to present the Minister with the original decree of appointment and formally ask for the exequatur to be granted. This act, in the Holy See’s judgement, implied recognising the Kingdom of Italy which came into being in 1861, and included part of the Papal States ‘illegally’ taken from the Pontiff.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Indicators to the Holy see for the choice of new bishops for vacant sees (1867-1877)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

One of the most difficult conflicts to resolve in relationships between the Holy
See and the new Kingdom of Italy was that of the dozens of Episcopal sees left vacant
for political reasons. Both parties were aware of the seriousness of the situation, but
attempts to exit from the situation were shipwrecked by the persistent serious friction
brought about by proclaiming a Kingdom which comprised territories taken from
the Papal States (1861). Only in 1865-1867 did a process of détente coming
into place, where, having overcome mutual resistance, the Holy See succeeded in
appointing many bishops with the agreement of authorities of the Kingdom.

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Giovanni Bosco – “The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of christians” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

In the early 1870s, when the Salesian Society was going through a happy time of expansion beyond the borders of Piedmont, thanks also to the many vocations flowing in, Don Bosco, with a group of Daughters of Mary Immaculate at Mornese who were gathered around Mary Domenica Mazzarello (1837-1881), gave life to the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. In a very short time it was approved by the Diocesan Ordinary and aggregated to the Salesian society, then spread throughout Italy and overseas. We publish here five documents on this women’s foundation.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Society of St Francis de Sales” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

On April 3, 1874, Pope Pius IX definitively approved the Constitutions of the Society of St Francis de Sales and on the following April 13 the competent Congregation of Bishops and Regulars promulgated the relevant decree.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Beginning, extension and charismatic and institutional consolidation of the work at Valdocco” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

Don Bosco, at the advice of his spiritual director, St Joseph Cafasso from autumn 1844 to summer 1846 lived at the Barolo Refuge as chaplain of the Little Hospital of St Philomena, opened in August 1845. In the same place and in other temporary places not far from Valdocco, he carried out his early priestly ministry on behalf of boys, mostly immigrant lads who had no parish of reference. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Beginning, extension and charismatic and institutional consolidation of the work at Valdocco” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione seconda. Indirizzi di vita spirituale per i salesiani e le Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”

Nel periodo compreso tra febbraio e aprile 1858, il primo viaggio di don Bosco a Roma fu cruciale per lo sviluppo futuro della sua Opera. Il suo obiettivo principale era compiere un pellegrinaggio nei luoghi dei martiri, ma aveva anche il desiderio di incontrare personalmente il Papa Pio IX per ricevere consigli ed incoraggiamenti riguardo al suo lavoro a Torino per la salvaguardia dei giovani. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione seconda. Indirizzi di vita spirituale per i salesiani e le Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica””

Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione quarta. La dimensione mariana della spiritualità salesiana” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”

Il testo descrive come don Bosco, fervente apostolo della devozione mariana, attribuisca alla santa Vergine un ruolo fondamentale nella salvezza individuale. Egli sottolinea che Maria è mediatrice di grazie, difensore contro il male, sostegno nella vita cristiana e nel cammino verso la santità. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione quarta. La dimensione mariana della spiritualità salesiana” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica””

Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione terza. Orientamenti per un cristianesimo coerente e d’azione” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”

Nella terza sezione, si evidenzia l’attenzione di Don Bosco verso il popolo, i cattolici impegnati e i Cooperatori salesiani laici ed ecclesiastici. Egli sottolinea lo spirito che dovrebbe animare il buon cristiano nel mondo, evidenziando l’importanza dell’attività nella carità e della coerenza con la propria fede. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione terza. Orientamenti per un cristianesimo coerente e d’azione” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica””

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