Giovanni Bosco – “Segunda seção. Intuições, reflexões e ideias pedagógicas” in “Fontes Salesianas 1.Dom Bosco e sua obra. Coletânea antológica”

Após estabelecer sua obra assistencial-educativa em Valdocco em 1846, Dom Bosco reconhece a urgência de publicar escritos alinhados com os propósitos da instituição. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Segunda seção. Intuições, reflexões e ideias pedagógicas” in “Fontes Salesianas 1.Dom Bosco e sua obra. Coletânea antológica””

Giovanni Bosco – “Terceira Seção. Regulamentos e programas” in “Fontes Salesianas 1.Dom Bosco e sua obra. Coletânea antológica”

O documento delineia a visão pedagógica de Dom Bosco em 1877, com foco no Sistema Preventivo e na importância dos regulamentos em suas instituições educativas. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Terceira Seção. Regulamentos e programas” in “Fontes Salesianas 1.Dom Bosco e sua obra. Coletânea antológica””

Giovanni Bosco – “Primeira Seção. Documentos Narrativos” in “Fontes Salesianas 1.Dom Bosco e sua obra. Coletânea antológica”

O texto discute a importância das testemunhas sobre a prática educativa de Dom Bosco através das palavras de Dom Giulio Barberis, o primeiro professor de pedagogia dos jovens salesianos. Barberis enfatiza que o sistema educacional de Dom Bosco é principalmente preservado na memória daqueles que estiveram próximos a ele. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Primeira Seção. Documentos Narrativos” in “Fontes Salesianas 1.Dom Bosco e sua obra. Coletânea antológica””

Ramón Alberdi – “Lavoro e ozio nel pensiero e nell’azione di Don Bosco (1841-1856). Comunicazione” in “Disoccupazione giovanile in Europa. Problemi educativi e tentativi di soluzione”

Nel 1857, una sera d’autunno, Don Bosco si trovava alla Stazione di Carmagnola aspettando il treno per Torino, quando incontrò Michele Magone, un giovane problematico.

Continue reading “Ramón Alberdi – “Lavoro e ozio nel pensiero e nell’azione di Don Bosco (1841-1856). Comunicazione” in “Disoccupazione giovanile in Europa. Problemi educativi e tentativi di soluzione””

Giovanni Bosco – “Spiritual counsel in Don Bosco’s letters to boys and older youth” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

St John Bosco’s correspondence mirrors his manifold activities as a promoter of educational and welfare type work, publishing and missionary enterprises. Also documented is the broad network of relationships he had built up. His letters are those of a man of action, the tireless organiser, avid communicator, religious founder and a passionate animator of Catholic initiatives. Little space is given to spiritual aspects which he prefers to deal with in preaching, personal talks or in the context of the Sacrament of Penance.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Spiritual counsel in Don Bosco’s letters to boys and older youth” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “School and boarding house at Mornese Nizza Monferrato – FMA (1873-1878)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

The Programme—also called Regulations—of the school in Mornese was printed by Don Bosco at the Oratory Press like all the other Regulations for Salesian houses. The text copies many of the items in use at colleges he founded.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “School and boarding house at Mornese Nizza Monferrato – FMA (1873-1878)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

Giovanni Bosco – “The two “official” regulations (1877)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

In the years from 1853 to 1862, Valdocco was transformed from a festive Oratory—an open institution—into a complex work: hospice and boarding, college with boarding section, trade workshops, internal classes and publishing centre, amongst the most important sections.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “The two “official” regulations (1877)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

Giovanni Bosco – “First salesian colleges founded outside Turin (1863-1864)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

In 1863, Saint John Bosco undertook a pivotal study by founding the Mirabello College and crafting meticulous regulations for its governance. These regulations, initially handwritten and later printed, were intended as the foundational statute for future institutions. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “First salesian colleges founded outside Turin (1863-1864)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Summary of goodnights to the boys at Valdocco (1864-1877)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

Amongst the more original practices put in place as part of the educational praxis at Valdocco, and maintained in the Salesian tradition that then followed from it, we would have to highlight the “Goodnights”: brief “talks” or “short speeches” after night prayers. Don Bosco addressed the pupils in the presence of their educators (superiors of the house, teachers assistants), in a familiar way using simple and attractive language.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Summary of goodnights to the boys at Valdocco (1864-1877)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Pedagogical and didactic principles and disciplinary matters (1846-1879)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

The ten brief documents that follow—some perhaps less known than the previous ones in Salesian history—are also interesting from the point of view of the maturing and practice of Don Bosco’s educational system. We have a necessarily limited selection here of personal letters to people responsible for public education, or to young people and teachers, and circulars on pedagogical and didactic issues.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Pedagogical and didactic principles and disciplinary matters (1846-1879)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Prevention and education (1877-1878): The Preventive System in the Education of the Young” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

“The Preventive System in the Education of the Young” (1877) is a foundational work by Don Bosco, emerging from a speech at the opening of the Patronage de Saint-Pierre in Nice. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Prevention and education (1877-1878): The Preventive System in the Education of the Young” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Don Bosco’s educational method in confidential discussions with a politician (1854) and an elementary school teacher (1864)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

This passage delves into two authentic presentations of Don Bosco’s educational system, documented in conversations with Urban Rattazzi in 1854 and Francis Bodrato in 1864. Despite being recorded later in 1881-1882, these discussions consistently portray the core tenets of Don Bosco’s educational philosophy. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Don Bosco’s educational method in confidential discussions with a politician (1854) and an elementary school teacher (1864)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Guidelines for running salesian houses (1863-1887)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The Confidential Reminders, originating from a letter to Fr. Michael Rua in 1863, evolved into a comprehensive guideline for Salesian rectors, directors, and educators. Initially a private letter providing guidance for the new Salesian house in Mirabello Monferrato, it expanded and became the “Confidential Reminders for Rectors of Individual Houses of the Salesian Society” by 1871. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Guidelines for running salesian houses (1863-1887)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione seconda. Memorie dell’oratorio” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”

Il manoscritto inedito di San Giovanni Bosco, “Memorie dell’Oratorio,” composto tra il 1873 e il 1875, è stato pubblicato integralmente nel 1946. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione seconda. Memorie dell’oratorio” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica””

Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione prima. Biografie esemplari” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”

L’analisi delle biografie di Luigi Comollo, Domenico Savio, Michele Magone e Francesco Besucco rivela aspetti significativi della pedagogia spirituale di San Giovanni Bosco. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sezione prima. Biografie esemplari” in “Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica””

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