Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “La Congregazione Salesiana in Europa. Sfide e Opportunità per il Futuro” in “Missionari Salesiani in Europa. Atti degli Incontri dei Missionari per il Progetto Europa”

Il testo inizia con una citazione da Papa Francesco nell’enciclica “Laudato Si'”, sottolineando l’importanza di affrontare la realtà attuale con uno sguardo critico e senza ripetere messaggi vuoti. Si suggerisce che questa prospettiva sia essenziale anche per la Congregazione mentre analizza la sua missione in Europa. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “La Congregazione Salesiana in Europa. Sfide e Opportunità per il Futuro” in “Missionari Salesiani in Europa. Atti degli Incontri dei Missionari per il Progetto Europa””

Amador Anjos – “The first salesians in east Timor: 1927-1929” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.

The purpose of this work is to show the process of the first presence of the Salesians in East Timor, between 1927 and 1929. It is a meteoric presence for it did not last two whole years and it is also intriguing due to questions that rose. In fact, how is it possible that the Salesians decided to abandon the Island shortly after a year and a half, when the Salesians had accepted the administration of a school of arts and crafts existing already in Dili (capital of the territory) – after having celebrated a contract with the Bishop of Macau, Josè da Costa Nunes, for a sexennium – what important reasons led the Major Superiors to take such a decision before the bilateral contract celebrated in January 1927 come to an end? Continue reading “Amador Anjos – “The first salesians in east Timor: 1927-1929” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.”

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