Francesco Motto – «L’Italia degli Stati Uniti” chiama, don Rua risponde» in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.

Al momento in cui l’opera salesiana negli Stati Uniti ebbe inizio nel marzo 1897 con l’arrivo di un drappello di quattro salesiani a San Francisco in California, chiamati dall’arcivescovo mons. William Patrick Riordan per provvedere alla cura pastorale degli immigrati italiani sparsi della città, erano già trascorsi ben 27 anni dalla prima proposta pervenuta a don Bosco di una fondazione salesiana da parte di un vescovo di una diocesi americana ed altre erano pervenute
successivamente sia a lui che al suo successore. Continue reading “Francesco Motto – «L’Italia degli Stati Uniti” chiama, don Rua risponde» in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.”

Arthur Lenti – “The founding and early expansion of the salesian work in the San Francisco area from Archival Documents, Part II” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

As in the earlier article, so also in the present one, besides transcribing and translating pertinent archival documents (chiefly letters), I will try to provide an essential historical framework designed to make the sequence intelligible.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “The founding and early expansion of the salesian work in the San Francisco area from Archival Documents, Part II” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “The founding and early expansion of the salesian work in the San Francisco area from Archival Documents” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Recently the Central Salesian Archives released the files of the Rua rectorate on some 1,750 microfiches. This boon has made archival research in that rectorate possible even for students residing away from the Central Archives.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “The founding and early expansion of the salesian work in the San Francisco area from Archival Documents” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Michael Ribotta – “Discovering America: Father Raphael Pipemi and the first salesian missionaries in North America” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

A young Italian immigrant, Angelo Petazzi, watched anxiously as the English steamship, the Werra, approached New York harbor. Clutched in his hand was a letter from the then Salesian superior general, Father Michael Rua, which informed him of the impending arrival of a group of four Salesians in New York. At their head was Father Raphael Piperni.

Continue reading “Michael Ribotta – “Discovering America: Father Raphael Pipemi and the first salesian missionaries in North America” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

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