Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Letter of the Rector Major” in ” Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”

At the time of writing this letter, the GC24 has been distributed to all the Provinces. Following the initial communication during the Chapter and subsequent transmissions by participants, the official edition has been disseminated through Acts in various languages. This edition includes documents in line with the Constitutions, as well as supplementary texts for a deeper understanding of the event and the guidelines provided. Continue reading “Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Letter of the Rector Major” in ” Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco””

Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”

Upon returning from Ethiopia, the Rector ;ajor expresses joy at witnessing a vibrant part of the extensive Project-Africa, filled with hope. He is impressed by the dedication of novices and young Ethiopian colleagues in preserving Don Bosco’s legacy in the country. Gratitude is extended to God and the committed missionaries for their faithful and enthusiastic service. The Rector Major anticipates that the recent experiences of hope will be further reinforced by two upcoming events: the Special Synod of African Bishops and the beatification of Sister Maddalena Caterina Morano, a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians. Continue reading “Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco””

Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”

The Rector Major writes on the anniversary of his first religious profession, marking 50 years since that significant date, just halfway to the centenary celebrations of the congregation in ’88. He completed his novitiate two years after Don Bosco’s canonization and is observing his Golden Jubilee of profession a couple of years before the centenary of Don Bosco’s death. This period of time prompts reflections on his Salesian experience. Continue reading “Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco””

Sara Cecilia Sierra Jaramillo – “El egresado, un testigo por la experiencia vivida, en y desde una obra educativa en pastoral” in “Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma 20-23 settembre 2018, Vol. 2”

La Escuela Normal Superior (ENS), es una institución formadora de maestros, ubicada en el Área Metropolitana de Medellín (Antioquia-Colombia), zona densamente poblada y con fuertes contrastes entre ricos y pobres. Estos últimos, en su gran mayoría, llegaron huyendo de la violencia o buscando mejores condiciones de vida. Esta situación ha propiciado el aumento de niños y jóvenes en situación de riesgo, a los cuales el Estado no siempre les puede garantizar el derecho a la educación con calidad. Continue reading “Sara Cecilia Sierra Jaramillo – “El egresado, un testigo por la experiencia vivida, en y desde una obra educativa en pastoral” in “Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma 20-23 settembre 2018, Vol. 2””

Michal Vojtáš – Pedagogia salesiana della scelta e della vocazione: evoluzioni, riletture e proposte

L’intervento accosta il tema della pedagogia salesiana della scelta e della vocazione su tre livelli. Il punto di  partenza è la sintesi di alcuni fondamentali cambiamenti della pedagogia salesiana della vocazione legata alle esigenze e ai cambiamenti nel post-Concilio Vaticano II. Continue reading “Michal Vojtáš – Pedagogia salesiana della scelta e della vocazione: evoluzioni, riletture e proposte”

Michal Vojtáš – “Pedagogia salesiana della scelta e della vocazione: evoluzioni, riletture e proposte” in «Atti del Congresso Internazionale. Roma 20-23 settembre 2018»

L’intervento accosta il tema della pedagogia salesiana della scelta e della vocazione su tre livelli. Il punto di  partenza è la sintesi di alcuni fondamentali cambiamenti della pedagogia salesiana della vocazione legata alle esigenze e ai cambiamenti nel post-Concilio Vaticano II. Continue reading “Michal Vojtáš – “Pedagogia salesiana della scelta e della vocazione: evoluzioni, riletture e proposte” in «Atti del Congresso Internazionale. Roma 20-23 settembre 2018»”

Autori Vari – “Comunidad educativo-pastoral: hacer de la casa una familia para los jóvenes” in “La pastoral juvenil salesiana”

La Pastoral Juvenil Salesiana requiere la convergencia de las intenciones y de las convicciones por parte de todos aquellos que están implicados en el proyecto y en la realización de la Comunidad Educativo-Pastoral, espacio donde aquella se ejerce. En este capítulo expondremos su identidad comunitaria, sus dinamismos, su estilo de corresponsabilidad y las modalidades de animación de su crecimiento. De igual forma, la comunidad está llamada a invertir en la fi gura del educador salesiano.

Continue reading “Autori Vari – “Comunidad educativo-pastoral: hacer de la casa una familia para los jóvenes” in “La pastoral juvenil salesiana””

Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Educative and pastoral community: make the house a family for the young” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

Salesian Youth Ministry requires agreement of purpose and conviction on the part of all those involved in the planning and implementation of the Educative-Pastoral Community. In this  chapter we shall examine the community identity, how it works, the style of shared  responsibility and the way it is animated. The community is called to invest in the fi gure of the Salesian educator. In trying to discern and renew each activity and work, we look to the  Salesian style, the “oratory criterion” that connects us with the practical insights of the charism (our way of living together in communion) which have become part of our shared patrimony,  and are applicable to all contexts where Salesians operate. Importance is given to the way we  offer signs of the Gospel in everyday life, and the way we cultivate authentic relationships and 

Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Educative and pastoral community: make the house a family for the young” in “Salesian Youth Ministry””

Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Salesian educative and pastoral project: operational tool” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

We believe in education and we challenge ourselves to plan our procedures in its regard; youth ministry comes into being when education is translated into concrete educational processes. The effort to plan, by means of the SEPP, keeps alive our willingness to be actively present amongst the young. By following the four dimensions we are helped in developing the  personality of the young Christian through a systematic variety of proposals and a broad understanding of youth ministry which is open to everyone. In the end there are certain choices which run through all of Salesian ministry. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Salesian educative and pastoral project: operational tool” in “Salesian Youth Ministry””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 6: Progetto educativo-pastorale: strumento operativo” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

Crediamo nell’educazione e ci spingiamo a progettarne la prassi; la pastorale giovanile si attua quando si traduce concretamente in itinerari educativi. Lo sforzo di progettazione, con il PEPS, rende viva la volontà di essere propositivi con i giovani. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 6: Progetto educativo-pastorale: strumento operativo” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 5: Comunità educativo-pastorale: fare della casa una famiglia per i giovani” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

La Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana richiede la convergenza delle intenzioni e delle convinzioni da  parte di tutti quelli che sono coinvolti nella progettazione e nella realizzazione della Comunità Educativo-Pastorale, dove essa si svolge. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 5: Comunità educativo-pastorale: fare della casa una famiglia per i giovani” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Michal Vojtáš – “Don Bosco: a living harmony of leadership and management qualities” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

This study of Don Bosco in a perspective of organizational virtues is intended to be in a circular hermeneutic relation with the present period of transformation in which the Salesians of Don Bosco find themselves.

Continue reading “Michal Vojtáš – “Don Bosco: a living harmony of leadership and management qualities” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

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