Pietro Stella – “Don Bosco e le trasformazioni sociali e religiose del suo tempo” in “La Famiglia Salesiana riflette sulla sua vocazione nella Chiesa di oggi”

Esiste una profonda differenza tra il modo di vedere nostro e quello di quanti studiavano D. Bosco anni or sono. Attorno agli anni ’50 ancora si discuteva sul grande punto: fu D. Bosco un pedagogista o fu soltanto un educatore? fu un teorico o fu soltanto un pratico? Oggi la realtà è diversa. titolo di saggio vorrei proporre oggi alcuni interrogativi: 1) che cosa significò D. Bosco nella geografia umana in movimento del suo tempo? 2) che cosa significò in una storia di trasformazioni sociali? 3) quale funzione ebbe nelle grandi trasformazioni spirituali (o, se si vuole, religiose e culturali)? Continue reading “Pietro Stella – “Don Bosco e le trasformazioni sociali e religiose del suo tempo” in “La Famiglia Salesiana riflette sulla sua vocazione nella Chiesa di oggi””

Pietro Stella – “Per una storia del profetismo apocalittico cattolico ottocentesco. Messaggi profetici di don Bosco a Pio IX e all’imperatore d’Austria (1870-1873)” in “Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa”

D. Bosco, per certi atteggiamenti, è come tutti coloro che interpretano come male, come eticamente riprovevole, socialmente e pedagogicamente infecondo quanto avvertono prescindere dalla religione o quanto trovano dichiaratamente avverso alla Religione Cattolica, vista nel suo aspetto storico di società gerarchicamente costituita e con prerogative di valore socio-politico. Continue reading “Pietro Stella – “Per una storia del profetismo apocalittico cattolico ottocentesco. Messaggi profetici di don Bosco a Pio IX e all’imperatore d’Austria (1870-1873)” in “Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa””

Paolo Albera – “Disposizioni della S. Sede vietanti la lettura dei giornali ai chierici studenti” in “Lettere circolari di Don Paolo Albera ai salesiani”

Nella presente lettera, Don Paolo Albera tratta il tema delle disposizioni della S. Sede che vietano la lettura dei giornali per gli ecclesiastici e riporta alcune indicazioni di Don Bosco e Don Rua in riferimento di tali disposizioni.

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Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s political and religious concerns during the liberal revolution” in “Journal of Salesian studies”

Fr. Arthur Lenti, in a second article, invites us to enter the political and ecclesiastical world of Don Bosco through his letters never published before in English. The letters add insight to the always intriguing question of Don Bosco’s involvement in the naming of bishops.

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Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s love affair with «poor and abandoned» young people and the beginnings of the oratory” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The present study aims, not at any new interpretation, but simply at describing some aspects of the actual circumstances of the origins on the basis of fresh documentation now available. In particular, restricting the field of inquiry, I will focus on the young people who were protagonists in Don Bosco’s work at its origin.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s love affair with «poor and abandoned» young people and the beginnings of the oratory” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Michael Ribotta,Natale Cerrato – “EXPO’ 84 and Don Bosco’s peerless-to- paper-to-print presentation” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Turin’s EXPO ’84 was to become the bittersweet culmination of Don Bosco’s remarkable and varied career as publisher, author, and printer. For almost 40 years he had been active in the cause of the Catholic press and as editor of educational publications.

Continue reading “Michael Ribotta,Natale Cerrato – “EXPO’ 84 and Don Bosco’s peerless-to- paper-to-print presentation” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “Politics of the “Our Father” and the holy father: Don Bosco’s mediation in Church-State affairs” in “Journal of Salesians studies”

Fr. Arthur J. Lenti tells the story of Don Bosco’ s efforts to mediate between the Holy See and the Italian government during the tense years of Italian unification. Of special importance was the appointment of bishops. After offering background on the historical events leading to the estrangement between the Church and state in Italy, the author goes to the sources in an effort to answer the question why someone so politically unimportant as Don Bosco, should become involved in a capacity of “negotiator.”

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Politics of the “Our Father” and the holy father: Don Bosco’s mediation in Church-State affairs” in “Journal of Salesians studies””

Richard Wanner – “Don Bosco’s gift to the Church: a spirituality for youth” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was a product of Piedmont in northern Italy. His seventy-two years spanned a time of industrialization in Turin and other major cities and the complexities of Italian unification. Despite an often harsh anti-clerical atmosphere and the volatile political situation , a number of saints rose to prominence in nineteenth century Piedmont.

Continue reading “Richard Wanner – “Don Bosco’s gift to the Church: a spirituality for youth” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Paul Formosa – “Historical sketch of the oratory of Don Bosco in Malta” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In this article, I will attempt to trace how Don Bosco’s original experience was translated in such a way that his work could be established in Malta – an island country in the Mediterranean with a distinct tradition and culture from that in which the Salesian story first began and developed in Turin, Italy. I will place special emphasis on the Salesian Oratory, Sliema.

Continue reading “Paul Formosa – “Historical sketch of the oratory of Don Bosco in Malta” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “Community and mission. Spiritual insights and salesian religious life in Don Bosco’s Constitutions” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The present article is not concerned with the new constitutions. No comparative study will be attempted, nor any reference will be made to them. This would be carrying coal to Newcastle. I shall instead attempt simply to identify and briefly discuss some of the spiritual insights and principles for religious life and action which Don Bosco embodied in his constitutions.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Community and mission. Spiritual insights and salesian religious life in Don Bosco’s Constitutions” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Pietro Stella – Don Bosco e il titolo mariano “Auxilium Christianorum” tra politica e religiosità popolare

Com’è noto, gli anni 1862-68 furono cruciali per la religiosità mariana di don Bosco. Nonostante la fondazione della compagnia dell’immacolata tra i suoi giovani nel 1855; nonostante avesse pubblicato nel 1858 Il mese di maggio consacrato a Maria SS. Im macolata, le sue preferenze dopo il 1862 si concentrarono in modo dominante e definitivo sul titolo mariano Auxilium Christianorum. Continue reading “Pietro Stella – Don Bosco e il titolo mariano “Auxilium Christianorum” tra politica e religiosità popolare”

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