Stefano Pivato – “Don Bosco and the popular theatre” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

The present essay focuses on Don Bosco’s decision to adopt Catholic popular theatre as a further educational tool, to the point that at a later time it becomes part of the methods of the Preventive System. The stage thus becomes, not only a place of learning for the spectators, but also for the actors themselves. The first theatrical performance, according to what is mentioned in Memorie, dates back to June 29, 1847.

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Francesco Traniello – “Don Bosco in the history of popular culture in Italy” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

This essay focuses on Don Bosco’s contribution to spreading a popular culture based on religion through his educational activities. Moreover, the Saint was one of the first to realize the need to find, also taking into account the evolving social structure, new ways and techniques for the educational field and also for that one of religious formation.

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Jacques Schepens – “Don Bosco and education to the sacraments of Penance and of the Eucharist” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Jaques Schepens in his essay focuses on the sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist according to the vision of Don Bosco. The Saint saw the sacraments not only as means of grace, but also as accompanying instruments for boys to receive a more complete education.

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Carlos Maria Viglietti – Los ultimos años de San Juan Bosco. Diario de Carlos Maria Viglietti, 1888

La “Cronica de Don Viglietti” ha sido traducida al castellano coincidiendo con la adaptación de la Masia Prats como sede provincial, la primera casa de los Salesianos en Barcelona que acogió a Don Bosco durante cuatro semanas en 1886. La Inspectoría de Nuestra Señora de la Merced ofrece este documento detallado sobre la visita del Fundador, como un signo de amistad y recuerdo del hogar salesiano. Esta publicación no pretende ser un trabajo científico y carece de introducciones históricas y notas críticas, con la única adición de versiones de textos latinos o piamonteses no traducidos al italiano en el manuscrito original.

Continue reading “Carlos Maria Viglietti – Los ultimos años de San Juan Bosco. Diario de Carlos Maria Viglietti, 1888”

Cesare Scurati – “Classroom and playground: a combination essential to Don Bosco’s scheme of total education” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Cesare Scurati in his essay focuses on Don Bosco’s intuition in the need to integrate school activites with the extra ones, that is games and physical activities. These latter types of activities allow young people to express their vitality and increase their skills at a relational level.

Continue reading “Cesare Scurati – “Classroom and playground: a combination essential to Don Bosco’s scheme of total education” in “Don Bosco’s place in history””

José Manuel Prellezo García – “Don Bosco and professional schools (1870-1887)” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Prellezo traces the birth and the development and organization phases of the vocational schools established by Don Bosco and related laboratories that would have given the opportunity to poor and abandoned young people to learn a useful profession in order to have a better future.

Continue reading “José Manuel Prellezo García – “Don Bosco and professional schools (1870-1887)” in “Don Bosco’s place in history””

Giorgio Chiosso – “Don Bosco and the Oratory (1841-1855)” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

This essay traces the birth and development of the Oratory, the first educational enterprise created by Don Bosco in Turin. The main objective of the Oratory was to welcome and take care of young people, especially those “abandoned and at risk”, so that they could save their souls and make them honest citizens.                   

Continue reading “Giorgio Chiosso – “Don Bosco and the Oratory (1841-1855)” in “Don Bosco’s place in history””

Egidio Viganò – “San Giovanni Bosco: «Juventutis Pater et Magister»” in “Atti del Consiglio Generale”

Le celebrazioni del primo anno centenario della morte di Don Bosco sono state concluse, e da tutto il mondo giungono notizie di momenti straordinari vissuti con ammirazione, meditazione e impegno per il futuro. Continue reading “Egidio Viganò – “San Giovanni Bosco: «Juventutis Pater et Magister»” in “Atti del Consiglio Generale””

Autori Vari – Domenico Savio raccontato da Don Bosco. Riflessioni sulla vita

Il presente testo è nato dalle riflessioni scaturite durante il Simposio sulla “Vita di Domenico Savio” (libro scritto da Don Bosco), organizzato dall’Istituto di Spiritualità della Facoltà di Teologia dell’Università Pontificia Salesiana, in occasione del cinquantesimo anniversario della canonizzazione di San Domenico Savio (12 giugno 1954). 

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Filippo Rinaldi – “Lettera del Rettor Maggiore” in “Atti del Capitolo Superiore”

Don Filippo Rinaldi racconta della sua udienza con il Santo Padre, il quale afferma di essere contento e soddisfatto riguardo la Beatificazione di Don Bosco poiché procede bene e in maniera celere. Egli si augura di vedere presto Don Bosco sugli altari, perché è uomo che rappresenta tante opere che furono da lui promosse e sono di attualità nella vita della Chiesa e raccomanda di pregare con maggiore intensità affinché si ottengano per mezzo di lui molti miracoli e risplenda attorno alla sua fronte un’aureola corrispondente alla sua santità. Continue reading “Filippo Rinaldi – “Lettera del Rettor Maggiore” in “Atti del Capitolo Superiore””

Guy Avanzini – “Don Bosco’s pedagogy in the context of the 19th century” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

The author of the essay noted how in France Don Bosco is not mentioned (except for the French Salesian Desramaut who conducted in-depth studies on the Saint) among the great names of those who made the history of pedagogy. The young people Don Bosco helped were poor and abandoned, misfits. The Preventive System approach that contrasted the repressive system used in those days, undoubtedly revolutionized the field of education.

Continue reading “Guy Avanzini – “Don Bosco’s pedagogy in the context of the 19th century” in “Don Bosco’s place in history””

Luciano Pazzaglia – “Don Bosco’s option for youth and his educational approach” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

This essay deals with the educational method adopted by Don Bosco. The Saint saved many young workers from dangerous environments and of dubious morality by involving them in learning useful trades for their future through workshops.

Continue reading “Luciano Pazzaglia – “Don Bosco’s option for youth and his educational approach” in “Don Bosco’s place in history””

Silvio Tramontin – “Don Bosco and the world of work” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Silvio Tramontin, in his essay, analyzes the concept of “work” according to the vision of Don Bosco.The Saint saved many young workers from dangerous environments and of dubious morality by involving them in learning useful trades for their future. The work was also accompanied by recreational moments (games and physical activity) and religious instruction. 

Continue reading “Silvio Tramontin – “Don Bosco and the world of work” in “Don Bosco’s place in history””

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