Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “Priority of animation and main lines of action” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The Rector Major presents the Project of Animation and Government for the six-year period 2002-2008, following the GC25. This plan aims to translate the Chapter Document into actionable initiatives within communities worldwide. The Project provides a framework for the Rector Major and his Council to guide, monitor, and assess the implementation of the Chapter’s directives. It reflects a commitment to turn the Chapter’s vision into tangible actions across the Congregation. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “Priority of animation and main lines of action” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Paolo Albera – “Deliberazioni capitolari per il corso tecnico, per i convitti-pensionati e per le vacanze durante l’anno scolastico” in “Lettere circolari di Don Paolo Albera ai salesiani”

La lettera del 15 maggio 1911 del Capitolo superiore dei salesiani delinea importanti deliberazioni riguardanti il corso tecnico, i convitti-pensionati e le vacanze durante l’anno scolastico. In merito al corso tecnico, viene confermato il principio di non ammettere corsi tecnici interni nei collegi, ma si tollera l’integrazione del programma per le classi 1a e 2a tecnica fino a completamento delle disposizioni legislative-scolastiche italiane.

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Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s political and religious concerns during the liberal revolution” in “Journal of Salesian studies”

Fr. Arthur Lenti, in a second article, invites us to enter the political and ecclesiastical world of Don Bosco through his letters never published before in English. The letters add insight to the always intriguing question of Don Bosco’s involvement in the naming of bishops.

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Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s love affair with «poor and abandoned» young people and the beginnings of the oratory” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The present study aims, not at any new interpretation, but simply at describing some aspects of the actual circumstances of the origins on the basis of fresh documentation now available. In particular, restricting the field of inquiry, I will focus on the young people who were protagonists in Don Bosco’s work at its origin.

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Philip J. Pascucci – “Once upon a time in old New York” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

During the years following the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the Italian immigrant made his way, educated his children, and contributed his many talents to the great melting pot, not only in New York City, but in the whole of the United States.

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Arthur Lenti – “Politics of the “Our Father” and the holy father: Don Bosco’s mediation in Church-State affairs” in “Journal of Salesians studies”

Fr. Arthur J. Lenti tells the story of Don Bosco’ s efforts to mediate between the Holy See and the Italian government during the tense years of Italian unification. Of special importance was the appointment of bishops. After offering background on the historical events leading to the estrangement between the Church and state in Italy, the author goes to the sources in an effort to answer the question why someone so politically unimportant as Don Bosco, should become involved in a capacity of “negotiator.”

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Politics of the “Our Father” and the holy father: Don Bosco’s mediation in Church-State affairs” in “Journal of Salesians studies””

Michael Ribotta – “«The road not taken». The Salesian’s circuitous road to North America” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In the fall of 1870, for reasons that have never been documented, Don Bosco did not answer Archbishop Joseph Alemany’s invitation to travel the El Camino Real in the land of El Dorado.

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Michal Vojtáš – “Don Bosco: a living harmony of leadership and management qualities” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

This study of Don Bosco in a perspective of organizational virtues is intended to be in a circular hermeneutic relation with the present period of transformation in which the Salesians of Don Bosco find themselves.

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Marcel Verhulst – Péripéties de la fondation d’une école professionnelle officielle à Elisabethville, confiée en 1955 aux Salésiens de Don Bosco du Congo Belge in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

Le but de notre recherche est de retracer le processus de la fondation de l’école professionnelle officielle de Lubumbashi (Elisabethville) qui ouvrit ses portes en 1955.

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Pietro Braido – L’Oratorio salesiano in Italia, “luogo” propizio alla catechesi nella stagione dei Congressi (1888-1915) in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

Da don Bosco e dai suoi continuatori l’oratorio fu sempre considerato istituzione giovanile primaria non solo cronologicamente. Di essa si tenta in questo contributo di cogliere l’idea e l’immagine in uno spazio geografico e in un segmento temporale, ritenuti privilegiati.

Continue reading “Pietro Braido – L’Oratorio salesiano in Italia, “luogo” propizio alla catechesi nella stagione dei Congressi (1888-1915) in “Ricerche storiche salesiane””

Nestor Impelido – The Salesians in the Philippines (1951-1963): “Dove la nostra opera vi era nata… già adulta” in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

This is a study on the beginnings of the Salesians in the Philippines. It covers the years from the creation of the Philippine Salesian Delegation (1951) to the years of the Visitatoria (1958) up to the creation of the Philippine Province (1963).

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Gianni Caputa – I primi undici anni del teologato salesiano in Terra Santa Betlemme: 1929-1940. Documenti per scrivere una storia in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

L’autore presenta i risultati di una ricerca condotta su documenti originali allo scopo di far luce sugli anni iniziali del teologato salesiano in Terra Santa: motivazioni, contesto generale e circostanze particolari della nascita, protagonisti, organizzazione della vita accademica e formativa, primi sviluppi.

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