Francesco Motto – “Una svolta nella pastorale giovanile del primo dopoguerra nella parrocchia italiana di San Francisco (California – USA)” in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti”

Chiamati nel 1897 per l’assistenza religiosa alle migliaia di immigrati italiani di San Francisco, i salesiani nell’ambito della parrocchia etnica dei Santi Pietro e Paolo avevano necessariamente operato con sollecitudine anche in favore della gioventù, cui andava, per motivi carismatici, il loro interesse.

Continue reading “Francesco Motto – “Una svolta nella pastorale giovanile del primo dopoguerra nella parrocchia italiana di San Francisco (California – USA)” in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti””

Paolo Albera – “Gli oratori festivi. Le missioni. Le vocazioni” in “Lettere circolari di Don Paolo Albera ai salesiani”

La lettera sottolinea l’importanza degli oratori festivi nella tradizione salesiana, secondo il discorso del 1913. Queste istituzioni rappresentano la pietra angolare dell’Opera salesiana insieme alle missioni e alle vocazioni ecclesiastiche.

Continue reading “Paolo Albera – “Gli oratori festivi. Le missioni. Le vocazioni” in “Lettere circolari di Don Paolo Albera ai salesiani””

Michael Ribotta – “The «Big Rat» and the «Mad Priest of Turin» – Don Bosco’s relationship with Prime Minister Rattazzi” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Perhaps of all the leading political personages of the Italian Risorgimento with whom Don Bosco enjoyed some measure of friendship, Urbano Rattazzi’s name, like Abou Ben Adam’s, led the rest.

Continue reading “Michael Ribotta – “The «Big Rat» and the «Mad Priest of Turin» – Don Bosco’s relationship with Prime Minister Rattazzi” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Philip J. Pascucci – “Out of our past an american venture into seminary training” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

That is part of the well known talk which Don Bosco gave to his boys when they were forced to move from place to place for their Sunday gatherings. That became known as the wandering oratory. This is the story of another transplanting, another wandering.

Continue reading “Philip J. Pascucci – “Out of our past an american venture into seminary training” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Pietro Stella – “Don Bosco e le trasformazioni sociali e religiose del suo tempo” in “La Famiglia Salesiana riflette sulla sua vocazione nella Chiesa di oggi”

Esiste una profonda differenza tra il modo di vedere nostro e quello di quanti studiavano D. Bosco anni or sono. Attorno agli anni ’50 ancora si discuteva sul grande punto: fu D. Bosco un pedagogista o fu soltanto un educatore? fu un teorico o fu soltanto un pratico? Oggi la realtà è diversa. titolo di saggio vorrei proporre oggi alcuni interrogativi: 1) che cosa significò D. Bosco nella geografia umana in movimento del suo tempo? 2) che cosa significò in una storia di trasformazioni sociali? 3) quale funzione ebbe nelle grandi trasformazioni spirituali (o, se si vuole, religiose e culturali)? Continue reading “Pietro Stella – “Don Bosco e le trasformazioni sociali e religiose del suo tempo” in “La Famiglia Salesiana riflette sulla sua vocazione nella Chiesa di oggi””

Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “«When you pray say; Our Father….» (Mt 6,9). The Salesian a man and teacher of prayer for the young” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The article discusses the changing landscape of prayer in contemporary society, with a focus on the disorientation among Christians and the rise of individualized forms of religious expression. It highlights the challenges faced by young Christians in navigating this environment and their curiosity about the Salesians’ approach to prayer. Continue reading “Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “«When you pray say; Our Father….» (Mt 6,9). The Salesian a man and teacher of prayer for the young” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Massimo Schwarzel – “Il modello formativo salesiano delle origini nella “Cronichetta” di don Giulio Barberis” in “Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma 20-23 settembre 2018, Vol. 2”

Don Giulio Barberis (1847-1927), primo maestro dei novizi della Società Salesiana, ci ha  lasciato un’importante testimonianza su Don Bosco e sulla vita dell’oratorio di Valdocco nei quindici quaderni della sua “Cronichetta”. In essa riporta le attività dell’oratorio, detti e fatti della vita di Don Bosco e alcune riflessioni dal 1875 al 1879. Continue reading “Massimo Schwarzel – “Il modello formativo salesiano delle origini nella “Cronichetta” di don Giulio Barberis” in “Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma 20-23 settembre 2018, Vol. 2””

Paolo Albera – “Motivi di conforto nelle attuali tristezze” in “Lettere circolari di Don Paolo Albera ai salesiani”

Questo testo, scritto dal Rettor Maggiore della congregazione salesiana nel 1915 durante la Prima guerra mondiale, offre una prospettiva unica sulle sfide e le fonti di conforto affrontate dalla comunità salesiana in quel periodo.

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Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s definitive vocational commitment (1844-1846)” in “Journal of Salesian studies”

With his well-known capacity for research, Arthur Lenti details the year of 1846, critical for Don
Bosco, which covers his establishment of the work in Valdocco. Don Bosco’ s commitment to young people is the heart of the article.

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Arthur Lenti – “Key-concepts, concerns and fears of a Founder-Don Bosco in his declining years Part II” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In an article which appeared in an earlier issue of this Journal, I described some of Don Bosco’s concerns, as he expressed them in meetings of his council and in sessions of General Chapters held during the last decade of his life.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Key-concepts, concerns and fears of a Founder-Don Bosco in his declining years Part II” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s love affair with «poor and abandoned» young people and the beginnings of the oratory” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The present study aims, not at any new interpretation, but simply at describing some aspects of the actual circumstances of the origins on the basis of fresh documentation now available. In particular, restricting the field of inquiry, I will focus on the young people who were protagonists in Don Bosco’s work at its origin.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s love affair with «poor and abandoned» young people and the beginnings of the oratory” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Michael Ribotta – “The Roman Letter of 1884 and its aftermath” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In retrospect, one can appreciate why Don Bosco had become so distraught by the message that was played out in his dream (reverie?) during his Roman sojourn of 1884. His old friends, Joseph Buzzelli and Ferdinando Valfre, had demonstrated all too realistically what he could expect when the educational principles of his Sistema Preventivo and the “love environment” he strove so hard to cultivate for 40 years at the Oratory had been allowed to dissipate.

Continue reading “Michael Ribotta – “The Roman Letter of 1884 and its aftermath” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Mary Treacy – “Mother Marie-Louise-Angelique Clarac and Don Bosco – an idea matures” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In the first part of his study on the “Bosco-Gastaldi conflict”, Arthur Lenti drew attention to another figure similarly involved in a painful controversy with the Archbishop of Turin, namely Sr. Marie-Louise-Angelique Clarac, foundress of the Sisters of Charity of St. Mary, also known as the Sisters of Charity of Good Counsel.

Continue reading “Mary Treacy – “Mother Marie-Louise-Angelique Clarac and Don Bosco – an idea matures” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Michael Ribotta – “Peter Enria Remembers” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Included in the copious documentation that comprises the chronicles and annals of the early history of the Salesian Society in the Salesian archives in Rome, there is a treasure trove of diaries, journals, memoirs, and daybooks which chart the ebb and flow of the early years of the Oratory of Saint Francis of Sales.

Continue reading “Michael Ribotta – “Peter Enria Remembers” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

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