Michal Vojtáš – “Salesian criteria and proposals for higher education” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The educational experience of Don Bosco inspires Salesian Higher Education in different ways. The first modality is present in the inspirations of the Salesian charism that accompanied the moment of the birth of Salesian Higher Education. Continue reading “Michal Vojtáš – “Salesian criteria and proposals for higher education” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Joseph Di Mauro – “School Leadership Formation in the Salesian Tradition” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The goal of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales is expressed in the first paragraph of the Constitutions which reads: “Their wholehearted endeavor will be to sanctify themselves, in order to aid more efficaciously the sanctification of their neighbor, through the different functions of the sacred ministry, the Christian education of youth, and missions in foreign lands” (Dufour, 1933/1994, p. 53). Continue reading “Joseph Di Mauro – “School Leadership Formation in the Salesian Tradition” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Peter Gonsalves – “Don Bosco’s Expressive System: an alternative perspective for a communication age” in “Salesianum”

Don Bosco called his pedagogical experience the “preventive system” in his effort to identify his educational method, to show that it was in keeping with his times, and to disassociate it from the “repressive system” which he abhorred.

Continue reading “Peter Gonsalves – “Don Bosco’s Expressive System: an alternative perspective for a communication age” in “Salesianum””

Peter Gonsalves – “Johnny Bosco’s communication competence. A theory-guided study of Don Bosco’s autobiographical anecdotes: 1825-1835” in “Salesianum”

Based on the premise that the effectiveness of educators is intrinsically linked to their competence as communicators, the author sets out to analyse the early life of don Bosco through his autobiographical writings in the Memoirs of the Oratory.

Continue reading “Peter Gonsalves – “Johnny Bosco’s communication competence. A theory-guided study of Don Bosco’s autobiographical anecdotes: 1825-1835” in “Salesianum””

Enrica Rosanna – “La prevalenza delle donne nell’insegnamento. Problema o risorsa?” in “Forum salesiano”

Questo studio esplora la femminilizzazione della professione insegnante in Europa, analizzando la distribuzione di genere nell’istruzione primaria, secondaria inferiore e superiore. Attraverso l’esame di dati statistici e rapporti internazionali, emerge una chiara predominanza delle donne nel campo dell’insegnamento, con numerose implicazioni socioeconomiche e culturali.

Continue reading “Enrica Rosanna – “La prevalenza delle donne nell’insegnamento. Problema o risorsa?” in “Forum salesiano””

Dariusz Grządziel – “La relazione educativa nella dimensione affettiva e morale” in “Forum salesiano”

La persona dell’educatore fa parte di quel gruppo professionale che svolge il suo lavoro entrando in relazioni profonde con altri. Franta, descrivendo la relazione educativa parla di interazione e di comunicazione educativa, e cioè di una situazione interpersonale e del processo nel quale intervengono i diversi partners, anche se su un piano di non parità.

Continue reading “Dariusz Grządziel – “La relazione educativa nella dimensione affettiva e morale” in “Forum salesiano””

Michal Vojtáš – Reviving Don Bosco’s oratory. Salesian Youth Ministry, leadership and innovative project management

The “Salesians of Don Bosco” (SDB) are the largest Catholic religious order with a primary focus on youth ministry and education. If we observe its action in synergy with the whole Salesian Family, uniting more than 30 congregations, institutes, associations and movements, we can state that the Salesian Youth Ministry influences millions of young people worldwide through schools, youth centres, parishes, missionary centres, informal activities, volunteering, and animation.

Continue reading “Michal Vojtáš – Reviving Don Bosco’s oratory. Salesian Youth Ministry, leadership and innovative project management”

Michal Vojtáš – Sistema Preventivo y educación superior

Cada institución de educación superior salesiana tiene su propia historia particular que la caracteriza y le da los colores típicos a un marco de planificación de los elementos básicos. Sin un intento de amalgamar y estereotipar las instituciones, intentaré resumir, no tanto las historias de fundación, más bien los núcleos de reflexiones y las tipologías de situaciones que han estimulado el nacimiento de las IUS.

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Fabio Attard – “Educazione salesiana: sfidare il mondo laicista/secolarista d’oggi con criteri laicali. (Un quadro antropologico teologico)” in “Forum salesiano”

In Europa si verificano due tendenze forti nelle nostre società: una continua secolarizzazione con un laicismo politico e dall’altro lato un risveglio religioso con forme diverse (p.e. le giornate mondiali della gioventù ma anche le discussioni sul velo musulmano o la bioetica).

Continue reading “Fabio Attard – “Educazione salesiana: sfidare il mondo laicista/secolarista d’oggi con criteri laicali. (Un quadro antropologico teologico)” in “Forum salesiano””

Nancy J. Bowden – “Unwrapping the gifts: Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal and the salesian vision of women” in “Journal of Salesian studies”

This article furthers the theme of collaboration between women and men, showing this as central to Salesian history and spirit. Dr. Nancy J. Bowden brings us back to Francis de Sales and Jane-Frances de Chantal in the founding of the Visitation-the first Salesian community.

Continue reading “Nancy J. Bowden – “Unwrapping the gifts: Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal and the salesian vision of women” in “Journal of Salesian studies””

Mary Greenan – “Towards intimacy: beyond power games and control needs. A salesian reflection on Collaborative Ministry” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Sr. Mary Greenan, FMA presents the theme of collaboration in a commentary on the recent letter of Fr. Juan Edmundo Vecchi, rector major of the Salesian Society, and Mother Antonia Colombo, superior general of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

Continue reading “Mary Greenan – “Towards intimacy: beyond power games and control needs. A salesian reflection on Collaborative Ministry” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Pio Scilligo – “Gruppo” in “Progetto Educativo Pastorale”

La parola gruppo può avere diversi significati. Quando si riferisce alle persone essa è usata prevalentemente per indicare un insieme di persone che costituiscono un sistema. Un sistema è composto di elementi collegati tra di loro e orientati a un fine o scopo, perciò quando si parla di gruppo si presuppone la consapevolezza del fine a qualche livello della complessa capacità della persona di essere consapevole.

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