Francis J. Moloney – “Salesians beyond 2000” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In the article, Fr. Frank looks at the images of God and Community and poses questions that young people in Western Societies are facing on the threshold of the Third Millennium. He moves from the contemporary to the scriptural, and looks at the figure of Jesus and questions of discipleship as posed in the New Testament. What is the significance of discipleship in the Gospels? How does this significance speak to our reality? to our vocation as Christians, and as Salesians? These are the questions of the middle portion of Fr. Moloney’ s reflections.

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Francis Desramaut – “Contemporary spirituality of the salesian family” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

A noted Salesian scholar and author, Fr. Desramaut has recently undertaken a work of major proportions, a dictionary of Salesian spirituality. The title of the work is: Les cent mots-clefs de la spiritualite salesienne (One Hundred Keywords in Salesian Spirituality). It is being published in installments in Cahiers Salesiens, the journal of the Center of Salesian Studies in Lyons (France), over which Fr. Desramaut presides. The first installment of the work (containing entries from A to C) is prefaced by an introductory essay on Salesian spirituality. This is the essay which is given here in English as meticulously translated by Fr. Arthur J. Lenti.

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Bogdan Stańkowski – “Giovanni Bosco and young people in the master-apprentice relationship perspective. Upbringing implications in view of work with socially maladjusted youth” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The author of this article wants to explore the phenomenology of Giovanni Bosco’s encounter with his pupils. We would like to explain two explorative issues, that is, a) what are the characteristic features of Giovanni Bosco’s relations with his students and what are the resulting implications; and b) how socially maladjusted youth perceive their educator and how such teacher-student relations fit into the category of the master-apprentice dialogue?

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Emmanuel Camilleri – “Don Bosco’s writings. A theological perspective & means for accompaniment” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Don Bosco’s writings are diverse, and yet they had one particular aim: educating the young to religion and life in general. Through the medium of writing, he managed to direct and accompany the young on a journey that would lead them to achieve Christian perfection and personal holiness.

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Gustavo Fabian Cavagnari – “Salesian youth ministry and family in the light of Amoris Laetitia” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In these pages I would like to reflect on youth ministry with a special focus on family. I hope that, by the end of this reflection no one could say that most of the considerations made were on family ministry rather than on youth ministry. Nevertheless, I think we cannot have a different approach to the subject – youth ministry – when as Church and as Congregation we have had recently at least three magisterial indications in that direction: the letter of the Holy Father on the bicentennial of the birth of St. John Bosco, his apostolic exhortation on love in the family, and the 2017 Strenna of the Rector Major.

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Richard Wanner – “Don Bosco’s gift to the Church: a spirituality for youth” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was a product of Piedmont in northern Italy. His seventy-two years spanned a time of industrialization in Turin and other major cities and the complexities of Italian unification. Despite an often harsh anti-clerical atmosphere and the volatile political situation , a number of saints rose to prominence in nineteenth century Piedmont.

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Michael Ribotta – “«The road not taken». The Salesian’s circuitous road to North America” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In the fall of 1870, for reasons that have never been documented, Don Bosco did not answer Archbishop Joseph Alemany’s invitation to travel the El Camino Real in the land of El Dorado.

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Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s Boswell: John Baptist Lemoyne-the man and his work” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Part I will present a biographical sketch of the man; Part II will deal with the sources and the editorial history of the Biographical Memoirs; and Part III will inquire into the historical criteria and into the method with which the author worked, for an evaluation (by way of conclusion) of the historical character of the Biographical Memoirs.

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Arthur Lenti – “The earliest biographies of Don Bosco and their english translations” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Therefore, all early biography on Don Bosco, including Fr. Lemoyne’s and his successors’, should be approached with the right understanding of its popular medieval religious roots. On no account ought it to be dismissed as novelized history, which it is not.

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Rik Biesmans – “Don Bosco & Saint Francis De Sales (1842-1880). Concerning the question whether Don Bosco was influenced by Francis de Sales in both his personal faith and his pastoral-pedagogical practice” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

While preparing pilgrimages and spiritual exercises in Annecy and the neighborhood, I discovered reliable sources among the German and Dutch Oblates of St Francis de Sales. As a consequence of keeping contact with various participants, they invited the undersigned to take part in the annual meetings of their Arbeitsgemeinschaft (“study group”) in Eichstätt, Germany.

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Miguel Angel García Morcuende – “Personal accompaniment in the salesian educative-pastoral plan” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In many a document the Church has defined the nature, goal and elements of youth ministry and has included it neatly in the methods of evangelization in its different stages. We can proudly say that the Salesian educative-pastoral plan has been, and continues to be, in line with the Church’s evangelizing mission.

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