Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s Missionary Dreams (Part II)” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In Part One of the present installment (Part Four overall), we shall discuss the last two dreams in a similar manner to the first article. Part Two (Five) will deal with the significance of the missionary dreams, with interpretative comments.

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Michael Ribotta – “Peter Enria Remembers” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Included in the copious documentation that comprises the chronicles and annals of the early history of the Salesian Society in the Salesian archives in Rome, there is a treasure trove of diaries, journals, memoirs, and daybooks which chart the ebb and flow of the early years of the Oratory of Saint Francis of Sales.

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Jack Ayers – “The «Salesianity» that wins all hearts” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The reader may be surprised to learn that at the first canonical assembly of Salesians, Don Bosco was equating fidelity to our Society with the broad road of “Salesianity” mapped out in such a human and holy way by Saint Francis of Sales himself.

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Philip J. Pascucci – “Once upon a time in old New York” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

During the years following the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the Italian immigrant made his way, educated his children, and contributed his many talents to the great melting pot, not only in New York City, but in the whole of the United States.

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Michael Ribotta – “Don Bosco’s venture into popular education – The Gentleman’s Almanac” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

When New Year’s Day dawned in Turin in 1854, the subscribers to Don Bosco’s Catholic Readings (Letture Cattoliche) were in for a pleasant andunexpected surprise.

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Arthur Lenti – “«The most wonderful day of my life» – The sesquicentennial of Don Bosco’ s ordination remembered” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

This paper will survey that period in Don Bosco’s life that saw him ordained a priest. It will not be a study of Don Bosco the priest.

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Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s beatification and canonization” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

This article is written by our own Arthur J. Lenti, of the Institute of Salesian Spirituality in Berkeley. The article studies “Don Bosco’ s Beatification and Canonization Story: Highlights and Sidelights,” and incorporates material that Fr. Lenti has developed for classes and retreats over the course of the last year.

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Rik Biesmans – “Aesthetics in Don Bosco’s educational system” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The word “Aesthetics” sounds somewhat abstract in English, but it represents a theme that has been explored in European formation and educational circles. Fr. Biesmans uses the term to include education in music, drama and fine arts, as well as physical education through recreation, gymnastics and sport.

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