Antonio Ferreira da Silva – “Note su alcuni aspetti amministrativi e di governo del rettorato di don Michele Rua. Rassegna documentaria” in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.

Lo scopo di questa comunicazione era presentare la fisionomia di don Michele Rua come amministratore fedele e prudente. Abbiamo esaminato alcune caratteristiche del suo governo e della sua politica relativa al personale. La prudenza è stata una delle sue grandi virtù. Continue reading “Antonio Ferreira da Silva – “Note su alcuni aspetti amministrativi e di governo del rettorato di don Michele Rua. Rassegna documentaria” in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.”

Francis Desramaut – “Il governo secondo don Rua” in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.

Don Rua rettor maggiore ha governato per ventidue anni la società di San Francesco di Sales, che comprendeva, fino al 1906, l’istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice. Continue reading “Francis Desramaut – “Il governo secondo don Rua” in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.”

Maria Maul – “Mi sembrava di parlare con un santo”: le testimonianze delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice su don Michele Rua” in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.

Don Michele Rua fu il rettor maggiore che ebbe il più lungo, il più esteso e il più intenso contatto con le Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice. Sin dal periodo della fondazione dell’Istituto, in modo particolare da quando don Bosco gliene affidò la direzione generale, fino alla sua morte si occupò in modo diretto delle FMA – con una responsabilità ufficiale ben definita fino alla separazione giuridica. Continue reading “Maria Maul – “Mi sembrava di parlare con un santo”: le testimonianze delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice su don Michele Rua” in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.”

Silvia Laura Zanini – “Patagonia: Terreno para una hìstoria social de los salesianos. El choque cultural” in “L’Opera Salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Significatività e portata sociale”.

La Patagonia es por excelencia el espacio de estudio para una Historia Social de los Salesianos. Lo es por multiples razones, pero fundamentalmente
porque era el sueno anhelado de Don Bosco y porque es aqui donde la labor de
los Misioneros andantes encontró terreno fértil y virgen para evangelizar y educar
desde el momento mismo del proceso de la conquista territorial. Continue reading “Silvia Laura Zanini – “Patagonia: Terreno para una hìstoria social de los salesianos. El choque cultural” in “L’Opera Salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Significatività e portata sociale”.”

Capitolo Generale dei Salesiani di Don Bosco – “La Comunità Salesiana oggi. Documenti del Capitolo Generale 25 della società di San Francesco di Sales” in “Atti del Consiglio generale della società salesiana di San Giovanni Bosco”

Istituto Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice – Capitolo Generale VIII Figlie Maria Ausiliatrice tenutosi in Nizza Monferrato nel settembre 1922

Il fascicolo contiene le risposte, le istruzioni e le esortazioni di don Filippo Rinaldi all’Istituto delle FMA. È una fonte di spiritualità salesiana ricca di sapienza e di orientamenti pratici genuinamente salesiani.

Continue reading “Istituto Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice – Capitolo Generale VIII Figlie Maria Ausiliatrice tenutosi in Nizza Monferrato nel settembre 1922”

Michal Vojtáš – Reviving Don Bosco’s oratory. Salesian Youth Ministry, leadership and innovative project management

The “Salesians of Don Bosco” (SDB) are the largest Catholic religious order with a primary focus on youth ministry and education. If we observe its action in synergy with the whole Salesian Family, uniting more than 30 congregations, institutes, associations and movements, we can state that the Salesian Youth Ministry influences millions of young people worldwide through schools, youth centres, parishes, missionary centres, informal activities, volunteering, and animation.

Continue reading “Michal Vojtáš – Reviving Don Bosco’s oratory. Salesian Youth Ministry, leadership and innovative project management”

Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”

The Rector Major emphasized the profound sacrifice and invaluable contribution Mamma Margaret made to the success, ethos, familial atmosphere, and spirit of compassion and selflessness that still define all Don Bosco’s institutions today. Expressing gratitude to God, he called for prayers for the swift and favorable progress of her cause. Continue reading “Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The Rector Major announces the publication of the Project of Animation and Government for the 2008-2014 period, following the 26th General Chapter’s documents. They emphasize the programmatic nature of the Chapter, aiming to address key issues and guide the Salesian Congregation until the bicentenary of Don Bosco’s birth in 2015. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “You who seek the Lord; look to the rock from which you were hewn” (Is 51,1). Presentation of the Interamerica Region” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The letter recounts the author’s recent travels to Sri Lanka, India, China, and South Africa, reflecting on the diverse experiences encountered and expressing gratitude for God’s blessings. It emphasizes the importance of Asia and Africa for the Congregation’s future and calls for faithful inculturation of Don Bosco’s charism in these regions. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “You who seek the Lord; look to the rock from which you were hewn” (Is 51,1). Presentation of the Interamerica Region” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “I give thanks to God each time I remember You” (Phil 1,3). Presentation of the Western European Region” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The letter extends warm greetings and gratitude to the recipients in the Western European Region. It acknowledges the region’s growth and contributions to the Salesian Congregation. Recent events, including a joint retreat and youth gatherings, are highlighted. The letter also addresses media allegations regarding abuse, with provincial leaders denying any institutional policy and reaffirming commitment to accountability and youth welfare. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “I give thanks to God each time I remember You” (Phil 1,3). Presentation of the Western European Region” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”


  • Introduction
  • 1. The turning point ot the Second Vatican Council
  • 2. The four general-chapter stages
  • 3. New perspectives in the rewritten text: Nature of the Constitutions
    • Emphasis on the charismatic aspect of our vocation
    • Rererence to the Founder
    • Adaptation to the new Code of Canon Law
    • Concrete nature and compass of our Rule of life
  • 4. General structure of the Constitutions:
      • Foreword: Don Bosco
      • 1st Part: Identity
      • 2nd Part: Commitments made at profession
      • 3rd Part: Formation
      • 4th Part: Animation and government
      • Conclusion: Our particular law and fidelity

Continue reading “Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “Priority of animation and main lines of action” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The Rector Major presents the Project of Animation and Government for the six-year period 2002-2008, following the GC25. This plan aims to translate the Chapter Document into actionable initiatives within communities worldwide. The Project provides a framework for the Rector Major and his Council to guide, monitor, and assess the implementation of the Chapter’s directives. It reflects a commitment to turn the Chapter’s vision into tangible actions across the Congregation. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “Priority of animation and main lines of action” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

John Dickson – “An introduction to Don Rua’s letters to England” in “Journal of Salesian studies”

Michael Rua (1837-1910) was a pupil, then the lifetime collaborator and finally, the first successor of St. John Bosco as Rector Major of the Salesian Society (1888-1910). During his Rectorate the Salesians grew from 1030 members in 64 houses to 4420 confreres scattered across the globe. Don Rua’s letters to England offer the reader a glimpse of the character of their writer and of the pastoral care he took of a small group of relatively insignificant Salesians in what was very often the inhospitable atmosphere of the British empire at the height of its power.

Continue reading “John Dickson – “An introduction to Don Rua’s letters to England” in “Journal of Salesian studies””

Arthur Lenti – “Politics of the “Our Father” and the holy father: Don Bosco’s mediation in Church-State affairs” in “Journal of Salesians studies”

Fr. Arthur J. Lenti tells the story of Don Bosco’ s efforts to mediate between the Holy See and the Italian government during the tense years of Italian unification. Of special importance was the appointment of bishops. After offering background on the historical events leading to the estrangement between the Church and state in Italy, the author goes to the sources in an effort to answer the question why someone so politically unimportant as Don Bosco, should become involved in a capacity of “negotiator.”

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Politics of the “Our Father” and the holy father: Don Bosco’s mediation in Church-State affairs” in “Journal of Salesians studies””

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