Pietro Stella – Francesia, Giovanni Battista

Giovanni Battista. – Nacque a San Giorgio Canavese il 3 ott. 1838 da Giacomo, contadino di modeste condizioni economiche, e da Domenica Masero. Trasferitasi la famiglia a Torino, cominciò a frequentare dodicenne l’oratorio giovanile aperto da don Giovanni Bosco nella zona di Valdocco. Il 22 giugno 1852 si stabilì definitivamente all’oratorio, avviandosi alla vita sacerdotale.

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Arthur Lenti – “Margaret Occhiena Bosco (1788-1856). Don Bosco’s Mother, Educator and Vocational Support” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Who was Margaret Occhiena Bosco? What do we know about her, and how? Don Bosco’s biographer, Fr. John Baptist Lemoyne, and ultimately Don Bosco, are our chief sources. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Margaret Occhiena Bosco (1788-1856). Don Bosco’s Mother, Educator and Vocational Support” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Antonio Baruffa – “San Giovanni Bosco pellegrino alle catacombe” in “Salesianum”

Nel suo primo viaggio a Roma, fatto nel 1858, don Bosco visitò anche due catacombe: quella di San Pancrazio sull’Aurelia e San Sebastiano sull’Appia Antica. Della prima ci ha lasciato dettagliata memoria nella sua “cronachetta” il chierico Rua, che accompagnava il Santo. Per quanto riguarda San Sebastiano, invece, si tratta di una “ricostruzione” del biografo don Lemoyne in base a testimonianze tardive. Continue reading “Antonio Baruffa – “San Giovanni Bosco pellegrino alle catacombe” in “Salesianum””

Eugenio Valentini – “Una rettificazione cronologica delle « Memorie » di San Giovanni Bosco” in “Salesianum”

Chi, informato ed ammirato della prodigiosa memoria di San Giovanni Bosco, si metta a leggere le sue memorie autobiografiche, stese per espresso comando di Pio IX tra il 1873 ed il 1875, corre rischio di rimanere alquanto deluso.

Continue reading “Eugenio Valentini – “Una rettificazione cronologica delle « Memorie » di San Giovanni Bosco” in “Salesianum””

Eugenio Valentini – “Il primo studio critico sulla vita di D. Bosco” in “Salesianum”

Si narra che, un giorno dell’inizio del secolo, alla stazione di Milano un salesiano fu avvicinato da un Reverendo distinto, che gli chiese: — Quand’è che voi Salesiani scriverete una vita di D. Bosco ? — E alla risposta « che c’era già, che l’aveva scritta D. Lemoyne e che ne esistevano anche altre », il Reverendo aveva insistito: — No, no. Una vita.

Continue reading “Eugenio Valentini – “Il primo studio critico sulla vita di D. Bosco” in “Salesianum””

A. Costa,Maria Domenica Mazzarello,María Esther Posada,P. Cavaglià – La sapienza della vita. Lettere di Maria Domenica Mazzarello

Il volume presenta la terza edizione dell’epistolario di Santa Maria Domenica Mazzarello, offrendo un’analisi della sua importanza e dei suoi contributi. Le lettere di Mazzarello rivelano una profonda spiritualità e un intenso desiderio di servire Dio e gli altri. Continue reading “A. Costa,Maria Domenica Mazzarello,María Esther Posada,P. Cavaglià – La sapienza della vita. Lettere di Maria Domenica Mazzarello”

Piera Cavaglià – “Maria Domenica Mazzarello educatrice. Un lungo cammino di riscoperta” in “L’arte di educare nello stile del sistema preventivo. Approfondimenti e prospettive”

L’obiettivo di questo contributo è quello di presentare la Confondatrice dell’Istituto delle FMA, santa Maria Domenica Mazzarello, e la sua esperienza educativa a partire dalla lettura delle fonti più antiche.

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Arthur Lenti – “Saint with a human face: Don Bosco in Father Giulio Barberis original chronicle” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The Central Salesian Archive contains numerous eyewitness reports of Don Bosco’s words and deeds, particularly in the form of chronicles and memoirs. I drew heavily on these documents for previous articles which saw the light of day in the pages of this Journal. I shall do the same for the present article.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Saint with a human face: Don Bosco in Father Giulio Barberis original chronicle” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “Key-concepts, concerns and fears of a founder – Don Bosco in his declining years” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

My article on Don Bosco’s last years, which saw the light of day in this Journal, was based on chronicles and memoirs held in the Central Salesian Archive. Besides these chronicles and memoirs, there are other important documents to be found in the archive relating to Don Bosco’s last years.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Key-concepts, concerns and fears of a founder – Don Bosco in his declining years” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Michael Ribotta – “The Roman Letter of 1884 and its aftermath” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In retrospect, one can appreciate why Don Bosco had become so distraught by the message that was played out in his dream (reverie?) during his Roman sojourn of 1884. His old friends, Joseph Buzzelli and Ferdinando Valfre, had demonstrated all too realistically what he could expect when the educational principles of his Sistema Preventivo and the “love environment” he strove so hard to cultivate for 40 years at the Oratory had been allowed to dissipate.

Continue reading “Michael Ribotta – “The Roman Letter of 1884 and its aftermath” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Michael Ribotta – “Peter Enria Remembers” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Included in the copious documentation that comprises the chronicles and annals of the early history of the Salesian Society in the Salesian archives in Rome, there is a treasure trove of diaries, journals, memoirs, and daybooks which chart the ebb and flow of the early years of the Oratory of Saint Francis of Sales.

Continue reading “Michael Ribotta – “Peter Enria Remembers” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Michael Ribotta – “Don Bosco’s venture into popular education – The Gentleman’s Almanac” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

When New Year’s Day dawned in Turin in 1854, the subscribers to Don Bosco’s Catholic Readings (Letture Cattoliche) were in for a pleasant andunexpected surprise.

Continue reading “Michael Ribotta – “Don Bosco’s venture into popular education – The Gentleman’s Almanac” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s Boswell: John Baptist Lemoyne-the man and his work” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Part I will present a biographical sketch of the man; Part II will deal with the sources and the editorial history of the Biographical Memoirs; and Part III will inquire into the historical criteria and into the method with which the author worked, for an evaluation (by way of conclusion) of the historical character of the Biographical Memoirs.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s Boswell: John Baptist Lemoyne-the man and his work” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

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