Giovanni Bosco – “A missionary project in rapid development” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

What were Don Bosco’s missionary plans for Argentina once he had set foot in that land? With the information in his possession thanks to research by Fr Giulio Barberis, and to correspondence with local authorities and Salesian missionaries, six months after the first expedition Don Bosco was able to send the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide, Cardinal Alessandro Franchi, a first report on the immediate results of the work of Salesian missionaries in Argentina.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “A missionary project in rapid development” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work””

Giovanni Bosco – “Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

Relationships between Don Bosco and Archbishop Gastaldi went through two different stages, one of great understanding and cooperation, and another of notable difficulties and conflicts. The watershed could be considered to be Gastaldi’s transferral from the Episcopal See of Saluzzo to being Archbishop of Turin in 1871.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work””

Giovanni Bosco – “Salesian Cooperators Association” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The Salesian Cooperators association, which came into being in 1876, just two years after the approval of the Constitutions of the Salesian Society, is the last group that Don Bosco founded. As with ADMA he did not ask the Holy See for formal, canonical approval of the association; he considered it sufficient for the aims of the Salesian Cooperators Association to gain moral recognition through the granting of indulgences by the Pope and favourable recommendation by some bishops.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Salesian Cooperators Association” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of christians” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

In the early 1870s, when the Salesian Society was going through a happy time of expansion beyond the borders of Piedmont, thanks also to the many vocations flowing in, Don Bosco, with a group of Daughters of Mary Immaculate at Mornese who were gathered around Mary Domenica Mazzarello (1837-1881), gave life to the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. In a very short time it was approved by the Diocesan Ordinary and aggregated to the Salesian society, then spread throughout Italy and overseas. We publish here five documents on this women’s foundation.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of christians” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Society of St Francis de Sales” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

On April 3, 1874, Pope Pius IX definitively approved the Constitutions of the Society of St Francis de Sales and on the following April 13 the competent Congregation of Bishops and Regulars promulgated the relevant decree.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Society of St Francis de Sales” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work””

Giovanni Bosco – “Beginning, extension and charismatic and institutional consolidation of the work at Valdocco” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

Don Bosco, at the advice of his spiritual director, St Joseph Cafasso from autumn 1844 to summer 1846 lived at the Barolo Refuge as chaplain of the Little Hospital of St Philomena, opened in August 1845. In the same place and in other temporary places not far from Valdocco, he carried out his early priestly ministry on behalf of boys, mostly immigrant lads who had no parish of reference. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Beginning, extension and charismatic and institutional consolidation of the work at Valdocco” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Grazia Loparco – I riverberi del modello religioso donboschiano sull’istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice. Spunti di indagine

L’indagine riguarda l’influsso del modello religioso coniato da Don Bosco sulle origini dell’Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice, sotto il profilo spirituale, educativo, giuridico, sociale, organizzativo, istituzionale. Don Bosco ebbe il compito di coinvolgere le Figlie di Maria Immacolata nel suo progetto educativo, poi di comporre in modo organico le norme pratiche disciplinari e l’istanza educativa del suo tempo. In un’immagine, si impegnò a creare una nuova sintesi tra l’invito tradizionale rivolto alle religiose a tenere gli “occhi bassi”, e quello implicito di tenerli ben “aperti” nell’assistenza e nell’apostolato, in modo da preparare le ragazze alla vita con senso di realismo. Continue reading “Grazia Loparco – I riverberi del modello religioso donboschiano sull’istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice. Spunti di indagine”

Autore non indicato – Centenario delle missioni salesiane 1875-1975, discorsi commemorativi

Il 1 novembre 1975 si è commemorato il centenario della partenza dei primi dieci missionari salesiani da Torino verso Buenos Aires sotto la guida di don Giovanni Cagliero. Questo evento, celebrato con solennità in Italia e in Argentina, ha rappresentato un momento significativo nella storia salesiana. Continue reading “Autore non indicato – Centenario delle missioni salesiane 1875-1975, discorsi commemorativi”

Autori Vari – Cronaca del Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano, le origini: il sorgere dell'”idea”, la nascita e il primo anno accademico (1940-41)

Il testo celebra l’ottantesimo anniversario della fondazione del Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano (PAS), offrendo un viaggio attraverso le origini dell’istituzione e il suo sviluppo iniziale. Si evidenzia l’importanza di questo percorso storico, ricco di sfide e insegnamenti significativi anche per il presente. Continue reading “Autori Vari – Cronaca del Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano, le origini: il sorgere dell’”idea”, la nascita e il primo anno accademico (1940-41)”

Dicastero per la Pastorale Giovanile – Spiritualità giovanile salesiana, un dono dello Spirito alla Famiglia Salesiana per la vita e la speranza di tutti

Questo libro descrive la creazione di uno strumento di lavoro sulla spiritualità giovanile salesiana, nato da una collaborazione tra i Dicasteri per la P.G. FMA-SDB e le ispettorie salesiane. Continue reading “Dicastero per la Pastorale Giovanile – Spiritualità giovanile salesiana, un dono dello Spirito alla Famiglia Salesiana per la vita e la speranza di tutti”

Stanisław Zimniak – Salesiani nella Mitteleuropa. Preistoria e storia della provincia Austro-Ungarica della Società di S. Francesco di Sales (1868 ca. – 1919)

Lo studio monografico fin qui condotto ha permesso di osservare da vicino un “frammento” della vita della società di S. Francesco di Sales e cioè il continuo progresso dell’ispettoria austro-ungarica. Nel 1887 erano stati 2 i salesiani ad iniziare l’apostolato a Trento; nel 1905, l’anno della fondazione dell’ispettoria degli Angeli Custodi, erano 107. Quando nel 1919 avvenne la sua divisione nell’ispettoria polacca e in quella tedesco-ungarica, il numero dei soci si aggirava sui 415, quasi il 10% di tutti i membri della società. Continue reading “Stanisław Zimniak – Salesiani nella Mitteleuropa. Preistoria e storia della provincia Austro-Ungarica della Società di S. Francesco di Sales (1868 ca. – 1919)”

Antenor De Andrade Silva – “Os salesianos e a educação na Bahia e em Sergipe-Brasil (1900-1922)” in “L’opera salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Significatività e portata sociale”

Neste trabalho apresentamos aos leitores uma súmula sobre o início, a evolução e a incidência social da presença e atividade salesianas nos Estados da Bahia e Sergipe, situados no Nordeste do Brasil.

Continue reading “Antenor De Andrade Silva – “Os salesianos e a educação na Bahia e em Sergipe-Brasil (1900-1922)” in “L’opera salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Significatività e portata sociale””

Giovanni Bosco – Beginning, Extension and Charismatic and Institutional Consolidation of the Work at Valdocco

Don Bosco, at the advice of his spiritual director, St Joseph Cafasso from autumn 1844 to summer 1846 lived at the Barolo Refuge as chaplain of the Little Hospital of St Philomena, opened in August 1845. In the same place and in other temporary places not far from Valdocco, he carried out his early priestly ministry on behalf of boys, mostly immigrant lads who had no parish of reference. On the vigil of his move to the Pinardi house, he drew up for the civil authorities of the city of Turin, who were responsible for and concerned about public order, a very brief account of his three years of catechetical activity, indicating the aims and results he had achieved that were positive both for civil society and the Church (no. 1). Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – Beginning, Extension and Charismatic and Institutional Consolidation of the Work at Valdocco”

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