Archivio Salesiano Centrale – Statistiche salesiane (1957)

Il presente documento riporta una statistica di professi e ascritti, presenti nel territorio italiano e all’estero, nell’anno 1957. Vi sono inoltre riportate delle statistiche, sempre riferenti allo stesso anno,  riguardanti i salesiani impegnati nelle missioni, le scuole professionali e agricole, ex allievi, cooperatori salesiani, parrocchie ecc. Infine, troviamo alcuni dati dell’istituto delle Figlie di Santa Maria Ausiliatrice.

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Giovanni Bosco – Regole o Costituzioni per l’Istituto delle Figlie di Maria SS. Ausiliatrice aggregate alla Società Salesiana

Mercè la bontà del nostro Padre Ce­leste l’istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice, al quale fortunatamente ap­partenete, prese da qualche tempo un grande sviluppo. Finché l’Istituto era concentrato nella Casa-Madre di Mornese, alcune copie delle Regole manoscritte pote­vano bastare a che ogni Suora ne po­tesse venire in cognizione; ma ora che per la Divina Provvidenza si sono mol­tiplicate le Case e le Suore ivi ripartite, esse non sono più sufficienti. Per la qual cosa io ho giudicato della maggior gloria di Dio, e di vantaggio all’anima vostra, il farle stampare; ed ora ve le presento.

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María Esther Posada – “Il Corso di Spiritualità delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice: una risposta alle sfide della spiritualità del nostro tempo” in “Colloqui sulla Vita Salesiana 20”

Nell’anno 2001 il Corso di Spiritualità dell’Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (CSFMA) compie anch’esso il suo 25° di esistenza per cui possiamo dire, come già si esprimeva il Prof. Juan Picca, che anche per noi “il frutto più pregiato lo costituiscono le 460 exallieve, provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo”. 

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Autori Vari – Rassegna CNOS. Speciale Don Bosco e la formazione professionale. Problemi, esperienze, prospettive per la formazione professionale

In occasione del centenario della morte di Don Bosco (1888-1988) il CNOS ha voluto promuovere alcune iniziative, fra le quali si colloca anche un numero monografico della rivista RASSEGNA CNOS.

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Marivic Sombero – “The seeds of Mornese in Timor. FMA contribution to the implantation of the salesian charism” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The present paper, a textual elaboration of the power-point presented at the Batulao Seminar, tries to re-capture the salient moments in the history of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in Timor (and Indonesia) from their arrival up to the present day. Our presence in this land is rather recent considering that we arrived in Timor only in 1988.

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Maddalena Ngo thi Minh Chau,Maria Hoang ngoc Yen – “Nurturing of vocations on the journey of implantating the salesian charism in the first 30 years of the FMA in Vietnam” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This contribution to the Salesian History Seminar on the implantation of the Salesian charism in the EAO region has great significance for the Vice-Province “Mary Help of Christians” of Vietnam, which will celebrate 50 years of the presence of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in 2011.

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Laura ChauPui Har – “Winding road…steady steps. Salesian charism in the first 30 years of FMA in China” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The paper sheds light on the contribution of the FMA to the advance of the Salesian spirit in China through their availability, sacrifice, indomitable courage in facing severe challenges and above all their fidelity to the spirit of “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle” by offering to youth and the needy services in keeping with the charism of the institute and in response to the needs of the place and time.

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Bernadette Sangma – “The implantation of the FMA in north-east India vis-à-vis the service of education: ideals, answers, results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This article looks at the first thirty years of the presence and implantation of the Salesian charism on the soil of North-East India. The first group of six FMA missionaries disembarked in this region on 8 December 1923. During the span of time under consideration, there were eight foundations of which seven were in the North-East and one in West Bengal.

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Anna Grassi,Teresa Pharksuwan – “Witness of fidelity, rich in hope. Ideals, challenges, answers, results of the first 30 years of FMA in Thailand” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This paper, which investigates the first thirty years of the history of the Thai FMA Province of “St Mary Mazzarello” through the lived experience of is members from the first batch of missionaries who came to Siam in 1931 to the 14th group in 1961, takes on added significance in the context of the celebration of the 75 years of FMA presence in Thailand two years ago and our present project of completing the chronicles of the Province.

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Nestor Impelido – “The growth of the salesian charism in the EAO region: religious institutes founded by salesians” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This study also aims to present the various congregations founded by some of the Salesian missionaries who worked in the East Asian region of the known Salesian world.

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Maria Fe Nuñez Muñoz,Pascual Chavez Villanueva,Yvonne Reungoat – “Appendix” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Si riportano in appendice la lettera del Rettor Maggiore Don Pascual Chavez Villanueva a tutta la Famiglia Salesiana e di suor Yvonne Reungoat e suor Maria Fe Nuñez Muñoz ai partecipanti al seminario ACSSA svoltosi a Hong Kong.

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Agnes B. Paulino – “The secular institute of the Don Bosco volunteers in the Philippines” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Canon 710 defines as secular institute as follows: A secular institute is an institute of consecrated life in which the Christian faithful living in the world strive for the perfection of charity and work for the sanctification of the world especially from within.

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Anna Saksri Ngamwong – “History of the origins of the institute of the daughters of the queenship of Mary” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Fr. Carlo Della Torre SDB is the Founder of the Institute of the Daughters of the Queenship of Mary. The History and the development of this Institution are strictly connected with the life of the Founder.

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