Laura ChauPui Har – “Winding road…steady steps. Salesian charism in the first 30 years of FMA in China” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The paper sheds light on the contribution of the FMA to the advance of the Salesian spirit in China through their availability, sacrifice, indomitable courage in facing severe challenges and above all their fidelity to the spirit of “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle” by offering to youth and the needy services in keeping with the charism of the institute and in response to the needs of the place and time.

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Bernadette Sangma – “The implantation of the FMA in north-east India vis-à-vis the service of education: ideals, answers, results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This article looks at the first thirty years of the presence and implantation of the Salesian charism on the soil of North-East India. The first group of six FMA missionaries disembarked in this region on 8 December 1923. During the span of time under consideration, there were eight foundations of which seven were in the North-East and one in West Bengal.

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Anna Grassi,Teresa Pharksuwan – “Witness of fidelity, rich in hope. Ideals, challenges, answers, results of the first 30 years of FMA in Thailand” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This paper, which investigates the first thirty years of the history of the Thai FMA Province of “St Mary Mazzarello” through the lived experience of is members from the first batch of missionaries who came to Siam in 1931 to the 14th group in 1961, takes on added significance in the context of the celebration of the 75 years of FMA presence in Thailand two years ago and our present project of completing the chronicles of the Province.

Continue reading “Anna Grassi,Teresa Pharksuwan – “Witness of fidelity, rich in hope. Ideals, challenges, answers, results of the first 30 years of FMA in Thailand” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Nestor Impelido – “The growth of the salesian charism in the EAO region: religious institutes founded by salesians” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This study also aims to present the various congregations founded by some of the Salesian missionaries who worked in the East Asian region of the known Salesian world.

Continue reading “Nestor Impelido – “The growth of the salesian charism in the EAO region: religious institutes founded by salesians” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Maria Fe Nuñez Muñoz,Pascual Chavez Villanueva,Yvonne Reungoat – “Appendix” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Si riportano in appendice la lettera del Rettor Maggiore Don Pascual Chavez Villanueva a tutta la Famiglia Salesiana e di suor Yvonne Reungoat e suor Maria Fe Nuñez Muñoz ai partecipanti al seminario ACSSA svoltosi a Hong Kong.

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Agnes B. Paulino – “The secular institute of the Don Bosco volunteers in the Philippines” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Canon 710 defines as secular institute as follows: A secular institute is an institute of consecrated life in which the Christian faithful living in the world strive for the perfection of charity and work for the sanctification of the world especially from within.

Continue reading “Agnes B. Paulino – “The secular institute of the Don Bosco volunteers in the Philippines” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Anna Saksri Ngamwong – “History of the origins of the institute of the daughters of the queenship of Mary” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Fr. Carlo Della Torre SDB is the Founder of the Institute of the Daughters of the Queenship of Mary. The History and the development of this Institution are strictly connected with the life of the Founder.

Continue reading “Anna Saksri Ngamwong – “History of the origins of the institute of the daughters of the queenship of Mary” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Maliwan Paramathawirote – “The identity of the sisters servants of the Immaculate heart of Mary in Thailand” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

The universal call of the people of God to holiness is carried out in a special way by the members of the Congregation of Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (SIHM). The sign of God’s merciful love towards the lnstitute is clearly manifested in the history especially at the time of birth in the Church, through its founder and its history.

Continue reading “Maliwan Paramathawirote – “The identity of the sisters servants of the Immaculate heart of Mary in Thailand” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Maria Mukai Yumiko – “Brief historical notes on the foundation of the sisters of charity of Miyazaki” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

ln the year in which Pope Pius XI promulgated the encyclical Rerum Ecclesiae (1926),on 16 February 1926, the Salesian missionaries arrived in Miyazaki, Japan, center of their mission, and capital of the province in the Island of Kyushu.

Continue reading “Maria Mukai Yumiko – “Brief historical notes on the foundation of the sisters of charity of Miyazaki” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Estrella Castalone – “The daughters of Mary help of Christians in the Philippines” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

After the permission from the General Council was obtained, Sr. Catherine Moore, delegate of the Provincial Superior, left Hongkong for the Philippines on 1° December 1955 with Sr. Erminia Borzini to make the necessary preparations.

Continue reading “Estrella Castalone – “The daughters of Mary help of Christians in the Philippines” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Ana Rosa Sivori – “The beginning of the daughters of Mary help of Christians in Thailand. The first twenty years (1931-1952)” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

The aim of this article is to present the beginning of the work of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Thailand. The FMA came to Thailand invited by Fr. Gaetano Pasotti, Acting Provincial of the Salesian Congregation and later the fust Salesian Bishop in Thailand, to help in the mission field of the Salesian Fathers who arrived in Thailand on October 1927 , after they were sent away from China.

Continue reading “Ana Rosa Sivori – “The beginning of the daughters of Mary help of Christians in Thailand. The first twenty years (1931-1952)” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Marisa Gambato – “The history of the mission of the daughters of Mary help of Christians inserted in the history of Salvation” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

The first article of the constitution of the FMA expresses this characteristic of the institute as follows:
“Through the gift of the Holy Spiril and the direct intervention of Mary, St. John Bosco Founded our Institute as a response of salvation to the profound hopes of young girls. He endowed it with a spiritual heritage that had its inspiration in the charity of Christ the Good Shepherd, and imparted to it a strong missionary impulse”. (Const.I ).

Continue reading “Marisa Gambato – “The history of the mission of the daughters of Mary help of Christians inserted in the history of Salvation” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Elena Miravalle – “The mission of the daughters of Mary help of Christians in China” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Msgr. Versiglia was forming a group of young catechists to send to the various mission districts, to help the missionaries, for the religious instruction of the women and of children. Upon their arrival, the Sisters found in the mission of 7 Kuneong. They helped each other, specially for the necessary relations with the externs, for the catechumenate and for the oratory.

Continue reading “Elena Miravalle – “The mission of the daughters of Mary help of Christians in China” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Grazia Loparco – “The arrival of the daughters of Mary help of Christians in the far east” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

On this background, we see the great problems of inculturation; development of the Catholic Church in multi-religious contexts afflicted by the problems of international politics; relationships between missionary Religious Congregations, and, not the least, difficulties in communication and mutual understanding between these countries and the General Council resident in Italy.

Continue reading “Grazia Loparco – “The arrival of the daughters of Mary help of Christians in the far east” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Piera Cavaglià – “Phases of the historiography of the FMA Institute” in “Storia e identità salesiana in Africa e Madagascar. Questioni di conservazione del patrimonio culturale”

In the historiography, Marrou distinguishes a past lived by the persons and a past relived by those who study it, because history is reconstructed, necessarily interpreted in the search for the meaning of facts and of their connections.

Continue reading “Piera Cavaglià – “Phases of the historiography of the FMA Institute” in “Storia e identità salesiana in Africa e Madagascar. Questioni di conservazione del patrimonio culturale””

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