Bonaventura Zarbà D’Assoro – Una maestra di vita e di fede. Suor Maddalena Morano, Prima Ispettrice delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice in Sicilia

Il testo descrive la condizione di povertà ma dignità della famiglia di Maddalena, che nonostante non possieda ricchezze materiali, gode di nobiltà morale e di un forte legame con la propria terra e natura. Continue reading “Bonaventura Zarbà D’Assoro – Una maestra di vita e di fede. Suor Maddalena Morano, Prima Ispettrice delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice in Sicilia”

Arthur Lenti – “Birth and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory” in “Don Bosco: History and Spirit, vol. 2”

This second volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, surveys the beginnings and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory. It is placed against the background of the social situation in Turin, and in the context of the momentous events spanning the period from the liberal revolution (1848) to the unification of Italy (1861). Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Birth and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory” in “Don Bosco: History and Spirit, vol. 2””

Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco educator, spiritual master, writer and founder of the salesian society” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 3”

The topics dealt with in this third volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, are large and comprehensive. Basically they present a Don Bosco active in a triple capacity–in his roles as educator and spiritual master, as writer, publisher and controversialist, and as founder of the Salesian Society. Each of these activities was of extreme importance in its own right, and fundamental for the future development of the Salesian work. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco educator, spiritual master, writer and founder of the salesian society” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 3””

Arthur Lenti – “Beginnins of the salesian society and its constitutions” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 4”

This fourth volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, focuses on the early Salesian constitutions as presented by Don Bosco for approval (1860-1874)–in the times of the Turin Archbishops–of Luigi Fransoni (in exile) and ensuing four-year vacancy, of Alessandro Riccardi di Netro (1867-1870) and of Lorenzo Gastaldi (1872-1874). Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Beginnins of the salesian society and its constitutions” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 4””

Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s golden years with general indexes for the series” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 7”

Volume 7, the last in the series Don Bosco: History and Spirit, surveys Don Bosco’s Life and activity in the late seventies and eighties, roughly his last dozen years. These are his mature, reflective years; they are also the years of his quasi-retirement, gradually giving way to his sunset years. With regard to content, the nine chapters of this survey may be grouped under four headings. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s golden years with general indexes for the series” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 7””

Arthur Lenti – “John Bosco’s formative years in historical context ” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 1”

The series of volumes discussed here offers a comprehensive exploration of the life of St. John Bosco, contextualized within the significant events that shaped both the Western Church and the Western World during the transition into modern times. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “John Bosco’s formative years in historical context ” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 1””

Pierluigi Cameroni – Stefano Sándor, Martire del vangelo e della gioia

Stefano Sándor, un giovane coadiutore salesiano, fu una vittima della feroce repressione antireligiosa del regime comunista ungherese dal 1946 al 1963. Dopo anni di oblio, la sua memoria è stata recuperata grazie a documenti raccolti, ricerche legali, dichiarazioni ufficiali e biografie pubblicate. Continue reading “Pierluigi Cameroni – Stefano Sándor, Martire del vangelo e della gioia”

Angelo Franco – “For the sake of the words”, life of Father Andrew Beltrami, Salesian of Don Bosco

Omegna is a picturesque village located at the foot of the Italian Alps, on the shores of Lake Orta. Its beauty is due not only to the enchanting surrounding landscape, but also to its historical and religious associations of great interest.
Continue reading “Angelo Franco – “For the sake of the words”, life of Father Andrew Beltrami, Salesian of Don Bosco”

Amadeo Burdeus – 4026. Jaime Ortiz Alzueta, coadjutor salesiano y mártir de Cristo

El texto habla sobre la admiración y respeto hacia un alumno llamado Jaime Ortiz, quien fue asistente de novicios en un noviciado. Aunque el autor lo considera inicialmente como un “sacafaltas” sin misericordia, destaca las cualidades angelicales de Jaime: sonriente, humilde, trabajador, bondadoso y alegre. Continue reading “Amadeo Burdeus – 4026. Jaime Ortiz Alzueta, coadjutor salesiano y mártir de Cristo”

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