Franciscus Galzia – Cenni biografici di Don Samuele Vasti vocazione salesiana

Il volume celebrativo si propone di mantenere viva la memoria di Don Vosti, un Salesiano che ha incarnato le virtù e lo spirito della vocazione salesiana. La sua vita, segnata dalla fedeltà all’obbedienza e al servizio nella Congregazione, rappresenta un esempio per tutti i Salesiani. Continue reading “Franciscus Galzia – Cenni biografici di Don Samuele Vasti vocazione salesiana”

Pietro Braido – “Religione e pedagogia nell’opera scientifica di Angiolo Gambaro” in “Orientamenti pedagogici”

Non è possibile immaginare Angiolo Gambaro se non nel suo studio, che è quasi il suo laboratorio. Il tavolo di lavoro e i libri sembrano costituire con la sua persona quasi un’unica realtà viva e parlante. Di essi non è piena soltanto la sua lunga giornata operosa, ma le conversazioni, la scuola, gli incontri, dove scaturiscono sempre nuovi propositi di ricerca, precisazioni, acute osservazioni, ricordi di scienza.

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Pietro Braido – “Cronache di psicologia contemporanea” in “Orientamenti pedagogici”

Tenteremo di offrire in questa rassegna i dati ricavati da alcune opere generali o da monografie o da articoli di psicologia scientifico-positiva relativi al concetto di nomo. Il «mistero dell’uomo», infatti, pur attingendo le sue più elevate e profonde formulazioni sul piano della filosofia e della teologia, si rivela con dati fondamentali e decisivi anche sul piano del sapere scientifico biologico e psicologico.

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Jacques Schepens – “Human nature in the educational outlook of St. John Bosco” in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

The present article is offered as a contribution to a deeper understanding of the image of man as present in the educational ideas of Don Bosco. Despite the fact that his project had no theoretical foundation, it is clear that he had certain doctrinal nuclei which cannot be considered merely fortuitous or pragmatic. The Author bases his work on Don Bosco’s published writings and on his educational experience, which was far richer than any theoretical statements.

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Stefano Pivato – “Don Bosco and the popular theatre” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

The present essay focuses on Don Bosco’s decision to adopt Catholic popular theatre as a further educational tool, to the point that at a later time it becomes part of the methods of the Preventive System. The stage thus becomes, not only a place of learning for the spectators, but also for the actors themselves. The first theatrical performance, according to what is mentioned in Memorie, dates back to June 29, 1847.

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Francesco Traniello – “Don Bosco in the history of popular culture in Italy” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

This essay focuses on Don Bosco’s contribution to spreading a popular culture based on religion through his educational activities. Moreover, the Saint was one of the first to realize the need to find, also taking into account the evolving social structure, new ways and techniques for the educational field and also for that one of religious formation.

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Giorgio Chiosso – “Don Bosco and the Oratory (1841-1855)” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

This essay traces the birth and development of the Oratory, the first educational enterprise created by Don Bosco in Turin. The main objective of the Oratory was to welcome and take care of young people, especially those “abandoned and at risk”, so that they could save their souls and make them honest citizens.                   

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