Francesco Motto – “Salesian missionary activity while blessed Filippo Rinaldi (1921-1931) was Rector maior with particular reference to eastern Asia” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.

On 6 February l922,Pius XI (1939) ascended the Papal throne: he would become known as a “Pope of the Missions” (as was his predecessor, Benedict XV). Two months later, on 24 April, Fr. Filippo Rinaldi ( 5 December 1931) was elected Rector Major: his ten years in office would be recalled for the great re-launching of the Salesian missionary movement. After a rapid glance at the “missionary policy” of the Papacy during the same period, we shall concentrate on that. Continue reading “Francesco Motto – “Salesian missionary activity while blessed Filippo Rinaldi (1921-1931) was Rector maior with particular reference to eastern Asia” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.”

Enrico Danieli – “The salesian charism in the new cultural environment of the kingdom of Siam in the first 30 years” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This paper aims to present the situation prevailing in the Kingdom of Siam at the time of the arrival of the first Salesians and the unexpected turn of evens which posed challenges to them.

Continue reading “Enrico Danieli – “The salesian charism in the new cultural environment of the kingdom of Siam in the first 30 years” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Carlo Socol – “The implantation of the salesian charism in China (1906-1936): ideals, challenges, answers and results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The Salesians landed in Macao on 13 February 1906 to take over the management of a diocesan orphanage and set up a school of arts and crafts, with the aim of expanding gradually into China proper, which they first did in 1911, shortly after the Portuguese republican revolution forced the them out of the enclave.

Continue reading “Carlo Socol – “The implantation of the salesian charism in China (1906-1936): ideals, challenges, answers and results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Francesco Motto – “Catholic church and the missions in the twenty years between the world wars. Salesian missionary strategy” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This paper could be considered precisely the second part of the one presented at the previous seminart. It is my intention to present a general framework within which many of the other papers that follow will find their place – at least those which will directly or indirectly refer to the third decade of the XX century.

Continue reading “Francesco Motto – “Catholic church and the missions in the twenty years between the world wars. Salesian missionary strategy” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Renato Ziggiotti – Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano. – Medaglia d’Oro al merito della Scuola. – La Strenna 1956: «Istruzione religiosa» . – Centenario di Mamma Margherita. – Nuove pubblicazioni: Atti del Convegno degli Oratori festivi. – La Pietà di Don Ricaldone. – Visite straordinarie.


  • Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano.
  • Medaglia d’Oro al merito della Scuola.
  • La Strenna 1956: «Istruzione religiosa» .
  • Centenario di Mamma Margherita.
    • Nuove pubblicazioni: Atti del Convegno degli Oratori festivi.
    • La Pietà di Don Ricaldone.
  • Visite straordinarie.

Continue reading “Renato Ziggiotti – Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano. – Medaglia d’Oro al merito della Scuola. – La Strenna 1956: «Istruzione religiosa» . – Centenario di Mamma Margherita. – Nuove pubblicazioni: Atti del Convegno degli Oratori festivi. – La Pietà di Don Ricaldone. – Visite straordinarie.”

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