Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Indicazioni per un cammino di spiritualità salesiana” in “Atti del consiglio generale”

Il documento presenta un riepilogo di punti chiave nell’insegnamento di Don Egidio Viganò, ex Rettore Maggiore dei Salesiani, attraverso dieci temi centrali della spiritualità salesiana. Continue reading “Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Indicazioni per un cammino di spiritualità salesiana” in “Atti del consiglio generale””

Joe Boenzi – “Da mihi animas! Il grido del cuore pastorale di Francesco sales” in ” Quaderni di spiritualità salesiana, 7″

Il 12 settembre 1884, don Bosco si incontrò con i membri del Consiglio generale per discutere il bozzetto dello stemma ufficiale della Società Salesiana. Lo scudo doveva essere posto sulla facciata della nuova chiesa del Sacro Cuore nel quartiere romano del Castro Pretorio, ma poteva avere altri usi per la Società Salesiana.
Continue reading “Joe Boenzi – “Da mihi animas! Il grido del cuore pastorale di Francesco sales” in ” Quaderni di spiritualità salesiana, 7″”

Capitolo Generale XXVIII Salesiani di Don Bosco – ““What kind of Salesians for the youth of today?”. Post-chapter reflection” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

The document that now reaches all confreres through this publication is subtitled “Post-Chapter reflection” and not “Chapter documents”, as has customarily been the case in the past. This is because the Chapter Assembly did not arrive at the point of final approval of the text by vote. Only a few Chapter deliberations, especially those of a legal nature, saw the light of day during the first four weeks of our work. Continue reading “Capitolo Generale XXVIII Salesiani di Don Bosco – ““What kind of Salesians for the youth of today?”. Post-chapter reflection” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society””

Capitolo Generale XXVI Salesiani di Don Bosco – “«Da mihi animas, cetera tolle»: documents of the General Chapter XXVI of the society of Saint Francis of Sales” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

The publication of the Acts, with the documents that form part of them, makes the decisions taken official policy, and marks the starting point of the six-year period 2008 – 2014. Continue reading “Capitolo Generale XXVI Salesiani di Don Bosco – “«Da mihi animas, cetera tolle»: documents of the General Chapter XXVI of the society of Saint Francis of Sales” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society””

Ángel Fernández Artime – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

This letter announces the celebration of two significant anniversaries for the Salesian Family: the first centenary of Fr. Paul Albera’s death in 2021 and the fourth centenary of Saint Francis de Sales’ death in 2022. Continue reading “Ángel Fernández Artime – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society””

Savio Hon – “Back to Don Bosco: Da mihi Animas Response of Fr. Savio Hon Don Bosco Hall, Berkeley, Symposium July 20, 2007” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The article of Fr. Arthur Lenti is very well documented, succinct, and concise. In my response, I would like to focus on two points. One is to appreciate the sapiential dimension of the motto that has permeated all aspects of the life of Don Bosco and the Salesian Family. Another is to call to mind the inter-cultural aspect which deserves more of our attention nowadays. Continue reading “Savio Hon – “Back to Don Bosco: Da mihi Animas Response of Fr. Savio Hon Don Bosco Hall, Berkeley, Symposium July 20, 2007” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “Da Mihi Animas in Don Bosco. Don Bosco’s life and work for the “Salvation of Souls”” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The motto Da mihi animas; cetera tolle expresses the primary objective and spirit of Don Bosco’s incessant activity and the pastoral and ascetical program that he wished to hand on to his Salesians. How this driving ideal powered Don Bosco’s life and work-that is, his manifold pastoral choices-is the object of this paper. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Da Mihi Animas in Don Bosco. Don Bosco’s life and work for the “Salvation of Souls”” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Francis Preston – “Response to Paper of Fr. Joe Boenzi” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Towards the end of his paper, Fr. Boenzi makes reference to the “pastoral heart” of Francis de Sales and how “as he looked at the separated city of Geneva, his longing converted into a program of action and a journey of continual conversion.” And with reference to Don Bosco Fr. Boenzi comments: “At the end of the day, the Da mihi animas is a prayer and a gesture that becomes a life long investment. Continue reading “Francis Preston – “Response to Paper of Fr. Joe Boenzi” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Esto es mi cuerpo, que se entegra por vosotros” in “Actas del Consejo general”

Dentro del Jubileo, el misterio de la Eucaristía ocupa un puesto central. El Santo Padre había anunciado que el año 2000 sería intensamente eucarístico, destacando la Eucaristía como el corazón de la celebración jubilar. La historia de la comunidad cristiana siempre ha visto la Eucaristía como la expresión más profunda de su fe y vida. La fe en el Resucitado, que nos ofrece la comunión con su Cuerpo y Sangre, da al Jubileo su sentido más profundo, permitiendo mirar con confianza al futuro. Continue reading “Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Esto es mi cuerpo, que se entegra por vosotros” in “Actas del Consejo general””

Ángel Fernández Artime – “Célébration de deux anniversaires importants. 1er Centenaire de la mort du Père Paul Albera – 2021. 4ème Centenaire de la mort de saint François de Sales – 2022” in “Actes du Conseil général”

Cet article célèbre deux anniversaires importants pour la Famille Salésienne : le premier centenaire de la mort du Père Paul Albera en 2021 et le quatrième centenaire de la mort de saint François de Sales en 2022.

Continue reading “Ángel Fernández Artime – “Célébration de deux anniversaires importants. 1er Centenaire de la mort du Père Paul Albera – 2021. 4ème Centenaire de la mort de saint François de Sales – 2022” in “Actes du Conseil général””

Ángel Fernández Artime – “Celebrazione di importanti anniversari. 1° Centenario della morte di Don Paolo Albera – 2021. 4° Centenario della morte di San Francesco di Sales – 2022” in “Atti del Consiglio generale”

In questa lettera, porgo i miei affettuosi saluti e i migliori auguri a tutti i miei confratelli e membri della Famiglia Salesiana mentre affrontiamo insieme questi tempi unici. Desidero annunciare la celebrazione di due importanti anniversari: il centenario della morte di Don Paolo Albera nel 2021 e il quarto centenario della morte di San Francesco di Sales nel 2022.

Continue reading “Ángel Fernández Artime – “Celebrazione di importanti anniversari. 1° Centenario della morte di Don Paolo Albera – 2021. 4° Centenario della morte di San Francesco di Sales – 2022” in “Atti del Consiglio generale””

Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Santidad y martirio al alba del tercer milenio” in “Actas del Consejo general”

El Rector Mayor escribe tras su regreso de Polonia, donde el pasado 13 de junio en Varsovia, asistió a la beatificación de 108 mártires, incluyendo a nuestro hermano don José Kowalski y cinco jóvenes del Oratorio-Centro Juvenil de Poznan. Este evento ha sido una gracia y motivo de alegría inesperada para la Familia Salesiana. Continue reading “Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Santidad y martirio al alba del tercer milenio” in “Actas del Consejo general””

Joseph Boenzi – “Da Mihi Animas. Cry of the pastoral heart of Francis de Sales” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Don Bosco claimed that the motto Da mihi animas cetera tolle came from Francis de Sales, and we Salesians presume that this was the cherished phrase that the saintly Bishop of Geneva claimed for his own. And yet… was this really Francis de Sales. motto? On his own coat of arms as bishop we find a totally different phrase. Continue reading “Joseph Boenzi – “Da Mihi Animas. Cry of the pastoral heart of Francis de Sales” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

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