Múltiplos estudos já foram publicados sobre a obra salesiana no Brasil; incluindo monografias de religiosos, de colégios e de missôes, bem como a história de algunas inspetorias.
Múltiplos estudos já foram publicados sobre a obra salesiana no Brasil; incluindo monografias de religiosos, de colégios e de missôes, bem como a história de algunas inspetorias.
Múltiplos estudos já foram publicados sobre a obra salesiana no Brasil; incluindo monografias de religiosos, de colégios e de missôes, bem como a história de algunas inspetorias.
Múltiplos estudos já foram publicados sobre a obra salesiana no Brasil; incluindo monografias de religiosos, de colégios e de missôes, bem como a história de algunas inspetorias.
Múltiplos estudos já foram publicados sobre a obra salesiana no Brasil; incluindo monografias de religiosos, de colégios e de missôes, bem como a história de algunas inspetorias.
The 12th General Chapter of the Caritas Sisters of Miyazaki (SCM) held in September 2004, had for its scope the clarification of the charismatic and spiritual identity of the Institute and the renewal of its life and form of government.
The scope of my work was to remember our founding fathers and to help preserve their legacy by keeping a record of the Salesian charism transmitted by the pioneers to our Filipinos, so that it may serve as one of our constant references for a “return to Don Bosco.”
El centenario de la muerte del Beato Michele Rua, nos invita a ocuparnos de esta figura de primer orden en la Congregación Salesiana: Rector Mayor de 1888 a 1910, que en sus 22 años de rectorado la llevó a un gran desarrollo. Trataré el tema de Don Rua y México Salesiano; pero más que seguir toda la historia de la Obra Salesiana en México de 1889 a 1910, trataré de descubrir la parte destacada que tuvo el Primer Sucesor de Don Bosco en su Fundación y primer desarrollo. Continue reading “Francisco Castellanos Hurtado – “Don Rua y México salesiano. Fundación y primer desarrollo de la obra salesiana en México”, in “Don Michele Rua primo successore di Don Bosco. Tratti di personalità, governo e opere (1888-1910)”.”
The phase of implantation, expansion and initial consolidation of Salesian presence in India may be considered to be the period from 1906 to 1951/52, i.e. from the arrival of Salesians until the establishment of the two provinces of the North and the South. This paper proposes to study the ideals that led the Salesians during this period, the challenges they faced, their response to these challenges and the results they attained.
This study also aims to present the various congregations founded by some of the Salesian missionaries who worked in the East Asian region of the known Salesian world.
This paper could be considered precisely the second part of the one presented at the previous seminart. It is my intention to present a general framework within which many of the other papers that follow will find their place – at least those which will directly or indirectly refer to the third decade of the XX century.
Fr. Carlo Della Torre SDB is the Founder of the Institute of the Daughters of the Queenship of Mary. The History and the development of this Institution are strictly connected with the life of the Founder.
Una recentissima rassegna bibliografica di pubblicazioni in varie lingue relative a don Bosco e comprese nei repertori bibliografici della rivista “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane” contempla ben 958 titoli, quasi tutti di opere edite negli ultimi venticinque anni.
A very recent bibliographic review of publications in various languages relative to Don Bosco and included in the bibliographic repertoires of the review “Salesian Historical Researches”, comprises 958 titles, almost all concerning works edited in the last twenty-five years.
In questa prima relazione vorrei affrontare tre temi, ossia: l’importanza che la Congregazione permetta di scrivere sulla storia delle province; raccontare un po’ il mio percorso personale nel campo della storia salesiana; presentare i risultati della mia ricerca sulla storia della mio paese (AFC), per concludere con alcune riflessioni sugli obiettivi perseguiti scrivendo sulla storia della mia provincia.
Dans cette première relation, je voudrais aborder trois sujets, à savoir: l’importance que la Congrégation accorde à l’écriture de l’histoire des provinces; raconter quelque peu mon parcours personnel dans le domaine de l’histoire salésienne; exposer les résultats de mes recherches en histoire de ma province (l’AFC), pour terminer avec quelques réflexions sur les objectifs visés en écrivant sur l’histoire de ma province.
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