Yves Le Carrérès – Les Salésiens de Don Bosco à Dinan 1891-1903

La fondation de la maison de Nice en 1875 constitua une étape importante dans la vie et l’oeuvre de Don Bosco. Cette fondation, la première hors d ’Italie, donnait à son oeuvre une dimension européenne. Il fit à cette occasion le premier de ses quinze voyages en France. Trois ans plus tard, en 1878, les maisons de Marseille et de La Navarre étaient fondées.

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Thomas Anchukandam – Theological Formation of Salesians in India with Special Reference to Kristu Jyoti College. Bangalore (1967-1976)

The text deals with the theological formation of the Salesians in India, with particular reference to the Kristu Jyoti College (KJC) in Bangalore, in the period 1967-1976. The decision to move the Salesian Studentate of Theology from Shillong to Bangalore was influenced by natural disasters and wars, including the Indo-Chinese War of 1962. Bangalore was chosen for its advantages as a growing metropolis with a mild climate and several prestigious church institutions. Continue reading “Thomas Anchukandam – Theological Formation of Salesians in India with Special Reference to Kristu Jyoti College. Bangalore (1967-1976)”

Riolando Azzi – “Implantação e desenvolvimento inicial da obra salesiana no Brasil (1883-1908)” in “Insediamenti e iniziative salesiane dopo Don Bosco”

Múltiplos estudos já foram publicados sobre a obra salesiana no Brasil; incluindo monografias de religiosos, de colégios e de missôes, bem como a história de algunas inspetorias.

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