Antonio Ferreira da Silva – “La crisi della missione tra i Bororo e l’apertura al nuovo campo di apostolato nel sud del Mato Grosso (1918-1931)” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane”

Oggi le terre delle colonie indigene, nella regione del Rio das Mortes, nella parte orientale del Mato Grosso, sono di proprietà delle comunità Bororo e Chavante che in esse dimorano. Non si è arrivati pacificamente a questa soluzione. Nel 1976 il sacerdote salesiano Rudolf Lunkenbein e il Bororo Simão furono uccisi insieme in un attacco alla missione, fatto dai civili che volevano impedire ad ogni costo la demarcazione delle terre indigene. Quelli che li hanno uccisi sono tuttora in libertà; sono stati assolti in regolare processo perché, secondo la giuria, avevano agito in difesa del proprio patrimonio. Continue reading “Antonio Ferreira da Silva – “La crisi della missione tra i Bororo e l’apertura al nuovo campo di apostolato nel sud del Mato Grosso (1918-1931)” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane””

Alfonso Crevacore – Un Uomo dalle molte vite. Il servo di Dio Don Vincenzo Cimatti salesiano-missionario

La biografia, basata su oltre trent’anni di vicinanza personale e un ricco archivio di documenti, rivela la straordinaria vita di Don Cimatti, un apostolo salesiano con profonde radici spirituali, associato a Don Bosco. Continue reading “Alfonso Crevacore – Un Uomo dalle molte vite. Il servo di Dio Don Vincenzo Cimatti salesiano-missionario”

Antonio Ferreira da Silva – “Patagonia: I – Realtà e mito nell’azione missionaria salesiana. Il vicariato apostolico della Patagonia settentrionale” in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

Dalla corrispondenza di mons. Cagliero, mons. Lasagna, don Vespignani e altri, si costata una voglia di autonomia dalle curie diocesane riguardo sia alla vita delle comunità religiose che al loro apostolato. Non solo le esperienze avute a Montevideo, a San Paolo del Brasile, a Cuiabá, a La Plata, ad Ancud generavano un tale sentimento; provenienti essi da Valdocco, portavano inciso nell’animo il ricordo dei difficili rapporti tra don Bosco e la curia torinese. Continue reading “Antonio Ferreira da Silva – “Patagonia: I – Realtà e mito nell’azione missionaria salesiana. Il vicariato apostolico della Patagonia settentrionale” in “Ricerche storiche salesiane””

Francis Desramaut – “Les cent mots-clefs de la Spiritualite Salesienne. I action-contemplation” in ” Cahiers Salesiens”

Le texte parle de la spiritualité salésienne telle que conçue par Don Bosco au XIXe siècle et de la manière dont cette vision a évolué au cours du XXe siècle. Il mentionne le “décalogue salésien” de Don Bosco, qui inclut des principes tels que le travail, la tempérance, la vraie pauvreté, le cœur, la pureté, la docilité, la dévotion eucharistique et envers Marie. Continue reading “Francis Desramaut – “Les cent mots-clefs de la Spiritualite Salesienne. I action-contemplation” in ” Cahiers Salesiens””

Joseph Aubry – “Dinamismi spirituali del salesiano nella condizione anziana” in “Invecchiamento e vita salesiana in Europa. Dati, prospettive, soluzioni”

Lo studio riguarda un’analisi approfondita della condizione dei salesiani anziani all’interno della loro comunità religiosa, esaminando i criteri per definire l’anzianità e la sua rilevanza sia dal punto di vista biologico che socio-apostolico.

Continue reading “Joseph Aubry – “Dinamismi spirituali del salesiano nella condizione anziana” in “Invecchiamento e vita salesiana in Europa. Dati, prospettive, soluzioni””

Giovanni Bosco – “Cooperators in the salesian mission” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The first text (no. 272) included here is an extract from a long conference which Don Bosco gave at the opening of the Patronage de St Pierre in Nice, on 12 March 1877. After summing up the events which led to the founding of the first Salesian House in France, thanks to the involvement of a group of lay people belonging to the St Vincent de Paul Society, supported by Bishop Pietro Sola, the saint said that the work was only set up because of the fruitful cooperation between the Salesians and the Cooperators. Then, pointing out the principal purpose of the Institution (“the good of humanity and the salvation of souls”), he concluded with the reflection that we offer here, focused entirely on practical charity, works of mercy, essential features of true Christian discipleship and on the eternal reward that comes from it (cf. Mt 25:34-35).

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Cooperators in the salesian mission” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Sodalities and spiritual friendships” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

Christian education of youth in popular works with a markedly missionary character like the Oratories on the outskirts of Turin, frequented by boys who were mostly abandoned and uneducated, required processes that were gradual and geared to each one’s possibilities. The Companion of Youth offered a complete but essential proposal adapted to everyone. Starting with this, Don Bosco used the sacrament of penance, personal chats, suggestions of optional and practical devotions and offered books to read and meditate on. He set up personalised processes which were more adapted to youngsters who were more capable of greater moral and ascetic effort. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sodalities and spiritual friendships” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Recourse to public charity” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

As we have just said, for the financial resources needed to supply the everincreasing costs of his work, Don Bosco appealed to institutions: the Royal family, Government authorities, public officials (local council, provincial, state …), existing charitable organisations locally, the National Bank, parishes, dioceses, the Holy See itself through his best supporters, including the Pope.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Recourse to public charity” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work””

Giovanni Bosco – “Exemplary biographies” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

The biographical profiles of Louis Comollo (in the 1854 edition), Dominic Savio, Michael Magone and Francis Besucco are among the spiritual and pedagogical documents which are most representative of Don Bosco’s outlook. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Exemplary biographies” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

John Puntino – “Fr. Rinaldi, Good Father and Humble Servant of all” in “Journal of salesian studies”

In this work on Blessed Philip Rinaldi by Father Pierluigi Cameroni, the author, as Postulator General of the Salesians of Don Bosco, makes a valuable contribution to English literature. Using his privileged access to documents and testimonies related to Father Rinaldi’s canonisation process, Father Cameroni writes with enthusiasm and love for his subject. Continue reading “John Puntino – “Fr. Rinaldi, Good Father and Humble Servant of all” in “Journal of salesian studies””

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