Ángel Fernández Artime – “Carta do Reitor-Mor” in “Atos do Conselho geral”

Em 1º de janeiro de 2006, P. Pascual Chávez Villanueva, então Reitor-Mor, apresentou a Estreia de 2006 intitulada “E Jesus ia crescendo em sabedoria, tamanho e graça” (Lc 2,52). Essa mensagem foi um convite para renovar o compromisso com a família, alinhado ao apelo do Papa João Paulo II para defender a vida por meio da família e em memória dos 150 anos da morte de Mamãe Margarida, mãe de Dom Bosco. Dez anos depois, eu me dirijo à Família Salesiana com uma nova Estreia, que foca nas famílias dos diversos contextos onde estamos presentes. Este tema é inspirado pela prioridade que a Igreja está dando à atenção pastoral às famílias. O Papa Francisco dedicou dois Sínodos à reflexão sobre a família, resultando na Exortação Apostólica “Amoris laetitia” (A alegria do Amor) em 2016.

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Roger Burggraeve – On the way to sustainable love. Ethical Stepping Stones for a Christian and Salesian Relational and Sexual Education of Growth in a Pluralist Society

In my essay I would like to present the stepping-stones for a Christian-inspired and Salesian relational and sexual ethics of growth in educational work. With this, I take as fact Don Bosco’s idea of assistance, which in this Salesian Forum is evoked as an educative attitude and method of ‘presence’.

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Gustavo Fabian Cavagnari – “Salesian youth ministry and family in the light of Amoris Laetitia” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In these pages I would like to reflect on youth ministry with a special focus on family. I hope that, by the end of this reflection no one could say that most of the considerations made were on family ministry rather than on youth ministry. Nevertheless, I think we cannot have a different approach to the subject – youth ministry – when as Church and as Congregation we have had recently at least three magisterial indications in that direction: the letter of the Holy Father on the bicentennial of the birth of St. John Bosco, his apostolic exhortation on love in the family, and the 2017 Strenna of the Rector Major.

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