Nestor C. Impelido – The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia. Part one. The salesians of Don Bosco

This document introduces the proceedings of the ACSSA Seminar held in Hong Kong in December 2004, which commemorates the centennial presence of Salesian Work in East Asia. Following the centenary celebration of the Salesians’ arrival in India and preceding the analogous event in Hong Kong/Macao, this seminar aimed to explore the Salesian legacy in East Asia, including China, Korea, the Philippines, Japan, Thailand, East Timor, and Vietnam.

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Nestor Impelido – The Beginnings of the Salesian Presence in East Asia. Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This book provides a reflection on the Acts of the ACSSA Seminar in Hong Kong (December 2004), focusing on the historical presence of the Salesian Work in East Asia. Continue reading “Nestor Impelido – The Beginnings of the Salesian Presence in East Asia. Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Agnes B. Paulino – “The secular institute of the Don Bosco volunteers in the Philippines” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This  article summarizes the history and principles of the Secular Institute of the Don Bosco Volunteers in the Philippines, a recognized institute within the Catholic Church. Acknowledging their establishment in 1947, the institute is defined in Canon 710, emphasizing “consecrated secularity.”

Continue reading “Agnes B. Paulino – “The secular institute of the Don Bosco volunteers in the Philippines” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Maliwan Paramathawirote – “The identity of the sisters servants of the immaculate heart of Mary in Thailand” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

Anna Saksri Ngamwong – “History of the origins of the institute of the daughters of the queenship of Mary” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

Maria Mukai Yumiko – “Brief historical notes on the foundation of the sisters of charity of Miyazaki” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This article recounts the historical backdrop of the Salesian missionaries’ arrival in Miyazaki, Japan, in 1926, coinciding with the promulgation of Pope Pius XI’s encyclical “Rerum Ecclesiae.”

Continue reading “Maria Mukai Yumiko – “Brief historical notes on the foundation of the sisters of charity of Miyazaki” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Estrella Castalone – “The daughters of Mary help of christians in the Philippines” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This article reflects on the historical journey of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in the Philippines. Originating from the FMA’s expulsion from Mainland China in 1955, it details the establishment of their first house in Victorias, Negros Occidental, and the founding of St. Mary Mazzarello School. Continue reading “Estrella Castalone – “The daughters of Mary help of christians in the Philippines” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Ana Rosa Sivori – “The beginning of the daughters of Mary help of christians in Thailand. The first twenty years (1931-1952)” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This article delves into the nascent years of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in Thailand from 1931 to 1952. Invited by Fr. Gaetano Pasotti, the Acting Provincial of the Salesian Congregation and later the first Salesian Bishop in Thailand, the FMA responded to the call to assist in the mission field initiated by the Salesian Fathers in 1927. Continue reading “Ana Rosa Sivori – “The beginning of the daughters of Mary help of christians in Thailand. The first twenty years (1931-1952)” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Marisa Gambato – “The history of the mission of the daughters of Mary help of christians inserted in the history of salvation (1929-1952)” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This article explores the history of the mission of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in Japan during the years 1929-1952. Drawing inspiration from the command to “cast into the deep,” echoing the words of Jesus to Peter and the disciples, the article highlights the institute’s response to the call for evangelization.

Continue reading “Marisa Gambato – “The history of the mission of the daughters of Mary help of christians inserted in the history of salvation (1929-1952)” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Elena Miravalle – “The mission of the daughters of Mary help of christians in China” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This article recounts the mission of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in China initiated by Msgr. Luigi Versiglia in January 1923. The first six sisters arrived in Shiu Chow on May 15, 1923, under the guidance of Msgr. Versiglia.

Continue reading “Elena Miravalle – “The mission of the daughters of Mary help of christians in China” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Grazia Loparco – “The arrival of the daughters of Mary help of christians in the Far East” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This study examines the period from 1922 to 1950 when the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) embarked on their educational mission in the Far East. The research delves into the challenges faced by the FMA in managing mission-related works, particularly in navigating institutional relationships with Salesian Superiors and addressing economic considerations. Continue reading “Grazia Loparco – “The arrival of the daughters of Mary help of christians in the Far East” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Francesco Motto – “Introduction” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This introduction serves as a preamble to the Acts of the ACSSA Seminar in Hong Kong (December 2004), commemorating the centenary of the Salesians’ arrival in India and anticipating a similar celebration in Hong Kong and Macao. Continue reading “Francesco Motto – “Introduction” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

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