Père Pascual Chávez Villanueva – “Apresentação do Reitor-Mor” in “Fontes Salesiana 1. Dom Bosco e sua obra. Coletânea ontológica”

No contexto do bicentenário do nascimento de Dom Bosco e ao concluir seu serviço como Reitor-Mor, o autor expressa sua alegria pelo lançamento do primeiro volume das Fontes Salesianas, intitulado “Dom Bosco e sua obra: Coletânea Antológica”. O Capítulo-Geral XXVI solicitou ao Reitor-Mor a tradução e publicação dessa coletânea como parte do esforço para retornar às raízes de Dom Bosco. Continue reading “Père Pascual Chávez Villanueva – “Apresentação do Reitor-Mor” in “Fontes Salesiana 1. Dom Bosco e sua obra. Coletânea ontológica””

Giovanni Bosco – Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica

La pubblicazione commemora il 125º anniversario della morte di San Giovanni Bosco (1815-1888), riconosciuto e apprezzato in tutto il mondo per il suo ruolo di educatore cristiano, sacerdote santo, fondatore e organizzatore geniale. Questo lavoro è stato richiesto dal Capitolo Generale XXVII della Società Salesiana al Rettore Maggiore don Pascual Chávez Villanueva, per mettere a disposizione delle persone interessate le principali fonti per comprendere meglio la figura del Santo. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – Fonti Salesiane 1. Don Bosco e la sua opera. Raccolta ontologica”

Giovanni Bosco – “Spiritual advice for friends, cooperators and benefactors” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

Don Bosco’s correspondence with the Cooperators and friends, lay and clerical, always contains detailed and substantial spiritual suggestions aimed at proposing a way of interior life along with devotion and spiritual fervour, the practice of virtue, charity, loving and faithful fulfilment of the duties of one’s state in life.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Section five. Zeal for the salvation of souls Don Bosco’s models” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work, Collected works”

Efforts to reform society along Christian lines, undertaken in the Turin diocese after the fall of Napoleon’s Empire, in addition to taking up systematic parish catechesis once more, fostering popular missions, the Forty Hours and retreats for all kinds of groups, focused above all on reform of the clergy, beginning with more careful selection of candidates for the priesthood and diligent care in their preparation. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Section five. Zeal for the salvation of souls Don Bosco’s models” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work, Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Spiritual resources of the christian” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

All the means of salvation are to be found in the Church, where holiness and charity flourish. Don Bosco constantly invites adults and young people to cooperate with the action of grace, hope and charity, generously offering themselves through constant prayer, and by frequenting the sacraments but especially by imitating Jesus Christ in a virtuous life of charitable works.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Cooperators in the salesian mission” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The first text (no. 272) included here is an extract from a long conference which Don Bosco gave at the opening of the Patronage de St Pierre in Nice, on 12 March 1877. After summing up the events which led to the founding of the first Salesian House in France, thanks to the involvement of a group of lay people belonging to the St Vincent de Paul Society, supported by Bishop Pietro Sola, the saint said that the work was only set up because of the fruitful cooperation between the Salesians and the Cooperators. Then, pointing out the principal purpose of the Institution (“the good of humanity and the salvation of souls”), he concluded with the reflection that we offer here, focused entirely on practical charity, works of mercy, essential features of true Christian discipleship and on the eternal reward that comes from it (cf. Mt 25:34-35).

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Giovanni Bosco – “Section six. Spiritual Testament” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The sixth part contains most of what, in Salesian tradition, is known as the “Spiritual Testament”. It is a handwritten notebook entitled Memories from 1841 to 1884-5-6 by Fr John Bosco to his Salesian sons, where the saint, on different occasions, especially in the final years of his life, wrote exhortations and reminders for his disciples, friends, benefactors and Cooperators.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Section four. The marian dimension of salesian spirituality” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

Don Bosco, a tireless apostle of Marian devotion, emphasised the role of the Blessed Virgin for salvation of the individual in the Companion of Youth: she is the mediatrix of graces, defence against the assaults of evil, support in living a Christian life and on the way to holiness. These are things he draws from St Alphonsus Liguori: true devotion expressed through a life of virtue above all guarantees the most powerful patronage one could have in life and in death.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Circular letters to Salesians and the daughters of Mary Help of Christians” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

Don Bosco’s Circular letters to the Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians are small masterpieces of spirituality. The Saint expresses in them a vigorous view of consecrated life: by the vows we give ourselves completely to the Lord, ready to follow him through tribulations until death, courageously facing up to fatigue and difficulty in order to win souls for God. Seen this way the Salesian and the Salesian Sister are encouraged to remain firm in their vocation; to flee worldly spirit; to practise obedience and poverty magnanimously; to cultivate union with God and confidence in their Superiors; to know how to put up with all kinds of inconvenience serenely to “save souls”; to faithfully observe the rules.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Spiritual formation of the young through preaching, “goodnights” and dream accounts” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

In Don Bosco’s educational system preaching has special importance, both that which is bound up with the liturgical or catechetical context, and that of the informal, familiar kind. The saint often addressed the community of young people with brief and fervent talks aimed at stirring up their emotions, nurturing their minds, encouraging good resolutions and devout sentiments, and looking ahead to stimulating horizons.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Sodalities and spiritual friendships” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

Christian education of youth in popular works with a markedly missionary character like the Oratories on the outskirts of Turin, frequented by boys who were mostly abandoned and uneducated, required processes that were gradual and geared to each one’s possibilities. The Companion of Youth offered a complete but essential proposal adapted to everyone. Starting with this, Don Bosco used the sacrament of penance, personal chats, suggestions of optional and practical devotions and offered books to read and meditate on. He set up personalised processes which were more adapted to youngsters who were more capable of greater moral and ascetic effort. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sodalities and spiritual friendships” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Spiritual counsel in Don Bosco’s letters to boys and older youth” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

St John Bosco’s correspondence mirrors his manifold activities as a promoter of educational and welfare type work, publishing and missionary enterprises. Also documented is the broad network of relationships he had built up. His letters are those of a man of action, the tireless organiser, avid communicator, religious founder and a passionate animator of Catholic initiatives. Little space is given to spiritual aspects which he prefers to deal with in preaching, personal talks or in the context of the Sacrament of Penance.

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Giovanni Bosco – “The companion of youth” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The first edition of Il giovane provveduto (in English The Companion of Youth) appeared in 1847 and was Don Bosco’s greatest publishing success. The year he died it had reached its 119th edition. It was reprinted with minor adaptations until 1961. It is also the book which Don Bosco most liked and constantly recommended.

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