- Le Jubilé sacerdotal de Pie X
- Quelques courts développements au Décret du 24 juillet 1907, déclarant Vénérable Dom Bosco
- Bibliographie
Continue reading “Bulletin Salesien – Salesian Bulletin, n° 9, 1908”
Continue reading “Bulletin Salesien – Salesian Bulletin, n° 9, 1908”
Continue reading “Bulletin Salesien – Bulletin Salésien, n°12, 1911”
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 1, 1924”
The Salesians definitively came to the Philippines in 1951, after the negotiations conducted by the out-going Provincial of China, the Servant of God, Fr. Carlo Braga, and with the first Salesian presence in a school that was established by an U.S.A. military chaplain.
Presentazione della Biografia di Mons. Guglielmo Piani, SDB, uomo, salesiano e vescovo di una qualità umana, religiosa e pastorale che oggi ha molto da dirci. La sua memoria permette di rilanciare, con rinnovato ottimismo, la missione a favore dei “giovani più poveri, abbandonati e in pericolo”, grazie a una nuova Evangelizzazione.
Continue reading “Francisco Castellanos Hurtado – Un grande cuore: mons. Guglielmo Piani”
This experience started in Philippines in the religious group life of the young people in all educative settings. Its motivation and goals are forming good Christians and honest citizens leading them to make a life choice. The Christian Living Education (CLE) is the teaching of religion which is concretized in the daily and lived in continuity in the Salesian Youth Movement. Continue reading “Teresita Padron – “How christian living education and salesian youth movement in all their educative settings lead young people to a life choice” in “Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma 20-23 settembre 2018, Vol. 2””
This is a study on the beginnings of the Salesians in the Philippines. It covers the years from the creation of the Philippine Salesian Delegation (1951) to the years of the Visitatoria (1958) up to the creation of the Philippine Province (1963).
This article reflects on the historical journey of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in the Philippines. Originating from the FMA’s expulsion from Mainland China in 1955, it details the establishment of their first house in Victorias, Negros Occidental, and the founding of St. Mary Mazzarello School. Continue reading “Estrella Castalone – “The daughters of Mary help of christians in the Philippines” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”
This study is part of a seminar on Salesian historiography in the East Asia-Oceania Region and focuses on the historical accounts written by religious orders currently operating in the Philippines. Continue reading “Nestor Impelido – “A look into the histories of some religious orders in the Philippines in the 20th century” in “La storiografia salesiana tra studi e documentazione nella stagione postconciliare””
The paper contains a chronological sequence on Salesian history in the northern provinces of the Philippines. Continue reading “Gregorio Bicomong – “Salesian historiography in the Philippines north province” in “La storiografia salesiana tra studi e documentazione nella stagione postconciliare””
The aim of the Seminar is to present the beginnings of the Salesian Presence in East Asia and Oceania. The Philippines, as part of this Salesian Region, has also its beginnings and origins from the first Salesian Presence in East Asia: China. For in the two times that the Salesians started to root themselves in the Philippines, they came from China to negotiate and to concretise what they negotiated. Continue reading “Nestor Impelido – “Salesians in the Philippines (1949-1963): historical notes” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.”
The scope of my work was to remember our founding fathers and to help preserve their legacy by keeping a record of the Salesian charism transmitted by the pioneers to our Filipinos, so that it may serve as one of our constant references for a “return to Don Bosco.”
Canon 710 defines as secular institute as follows: A secular institute is an institute of consecrated life in which the Christian faithful living in the world strive for the perfection of charity and work for the sanctification of the world especially from within.
After the permission from the General Council was obtained, Sr. Catherine Moore, delegate of the Provincial Superior, left Hongkong for the Philippines on 1° December 1955 with Sr. Erminia Borzini to make the necessary preparations.
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