The Venerable Don Bosco
The Very Rev. Don Rua in the Near East
The New Apostolic Delegate to Costa Rica
Salesian Notes and News
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 32, 1908”
The Venerable Don Bosco
The Very Rev. Don Rua in the Near East
The New Apostolic Delegate to Costa Rica
Salesian Notes and News
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 32, 1908”
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 7, 1906”
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 17, 1910”
A duty and a necessity
The Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
The Salesian Society
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 14, 1910”
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 25, 1911”
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 2, 1906”
The first annual letter of the Second Successor of Veil. Don Bosco
How Christmas is celebrated at Bethlehem. Visit to the Crib
The Third Exhibition of the Salesian Professional Schools
Salesian Notes and News
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 25, 1911”
Continue reading “Bollettino salesiano – Salesian Bulletin, n° 31, 1911”
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 10, 1903”
Continue reading “Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 32, 1905”
The focus of this article is the question, what has been the educational impact of the Salesian work in South Africa since its foundation until the 1950s? This article begins with the foundation that the Salesians made in Cape Town, yet it focuses on the educational models that the Salesians were working with and the South African educational context in which this work developed.
At the first official Conference of the Catholic Bishops and Mission Superiors of Southern Africa in December 1895 it was announced that Bishop Leonard had already agreed with the Salesians of Turin (Don Bosco) to open a house at Cape Town for the recovery of poor boys of an older age. Continue reading “John Dickson – “War, racism and immobility the social impact of the early salesian work in Cape Town” in “L’Opera Salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Esperienze particolari in Europa, Africa, Asia”.”
In Part One of the present installment (Part Four overall), we shall discuss the last two dreams in a similar manner to the first article. Part Two (Five) will deal with the significance of the missionary dreams, with interpretative comments.
L’evento coinvolge oltre duemila rappresentanti della Pia Unione, inclusi delegati da varie nazioni estere. È la prima volta che il Convegno si tiene a Roma, e viene accolto con successo, evidenziato dal grande numero di partecipanti, dall’ordine e dalla pietà manifestati, dall’eloquenza degli oratori e dalla presenza di figure ecclesiastiche di alto livello. Tra queste spiccano venti vescovi, il Sostituto Segretario di Stato Mons. Giovanni Montini e diversi eminenti cardinali. Continue reading “Renato Ziggiotti – Atti del Capitolo superiore della Società salesiana”
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