Carlo Nanni,Francesco Casella,Francesco Motto – Pietro Braido, Una vita per lo studio, I giovani e l’educazione

Don Pietro Braido è ricordato con grande stima e affetto dalle persone che lo conoscevano. Conosciuto anche come don Braido o semplicemente Pietro, ha goduto di grande rispetto sia negli ambienti salesiani che accademici. Continue reading “Carlo Nanni,Francesco Casella,Francesco Motto – Pietro Braido, Una vita per lo studio, I giovani e l’educazione”

Aldo Giraudo,Giovanni Bosco – Memorie dell’Oratorio di S. Francesco Di Sales dal 1815 al 1855

Il testo esalta le Memorie dell’Oratorio come una delle opere più personali e significative di San Giovanni Bosco, scritte tra il 1873 e il 1875. Queste memorie riflettono sul percorso dell’Oratorio e ne definiscono l’identità come istituzione dedicata alla salvezza dei giovani, con una prospettiva mondiale. Continue reading “Aldo Giraudo,Giovanni Bosco – Memorie dell’Oratorio di S. Francesco Di Sales dal 1815 al 1855”

Aldo Giraudo,Giovanni Bosco – Giovanni Bosco, Vite di giovani

Il testo discute l’importanza delle vite di Domenico Savio, Michele Magone e Francesco Besucco come documenti pedagogici significativi di don Bosco. Queste vite offrono una sintesi della pratica educativa di don Bosco, evidenziando elementi come la religiosità, la comunanza fraterna, l’amore e l’attiva partecipazione dei giovani nella comunità. Continue reading “Aldo Giraudo,Giovanni Bosco – Giovanni Bosco, Vite di giovani”

Jerome Vallabaraj,Sahayadas Fernando – Proclaiming the Gospel of Wholeness, The Perennial Relevance of Evangelii Nuntiandi

The text reflects on the significance of the full life Jesus offered during his public ministry, emphasising his love, forgiveness and care for all, especially the needy. Jesus healed the sick and fed the needy, offering them new life and a sense of rebirth.
Continue reading “Jerome Vallabaraj,Sahayadas Fernando – Proclaiming the Gospel of Wholeness, The Perennial Relevance of Evangelii Nuntiandi”

Mara Borsi,Piera Cavaglià – Solidale nell’educazione. La presenza e l’immagine della donna in don Bosco

L’oggetto della pubblicazione è la presenza della donna nella vita e nell’opera di san Giovanni Bosco e in particolare la focalizzazione di alcuni tratti dell’immagine di donna che vi emergono. Dal volume risulta chiaramente che don Bosco, durante tutta la sua vita, stabilì rapporti con le più svariate categorie di donne: popolane e nobili, laiche e religiose, giovani e anziane, benefattrici e bisognose di aiuto. Senza opportunismi né anacronismi egli seppe interagire e collaborare con loro valorizzandone le risorse materiali e spirituali, soprattutto con l’intento di farsi aiutare nella sua opera educativa. Continue reading “Mara Borsi,Piera Cavaglià – Solidale nell’educazione. La presenza e l’immagine della donna in don Bosco”

Maria Vanda Penna – Là non ci separeremo mai più. Lettere della prima FMA missionaria pioniera nella Patagonia e nella terra del fuoco

Il volume presenta le lettere suor Angela Vallese, FMA missionaria pioniera delle missioni nella Patagonia e nella Terra del Fuoco. Sono 169 lettere scritte a don Bosco, a madre Mazzarello, a madre Caterina Daghero, a don Michele Rua, a don Paolo Albera, a don Giovanni Cagliero, a don Giuseppe Fagnano, ad altri Salesiani, ai genitori, alla sorella Teresa, ad altri familiari, a consorelle. Continue reading “Maria Vanda Penna – Là non ci separeremo mai più. Lettere della prima FMA missionaria pioniera nella Patagonia e nella terra del fuoco”

Arthur Lenti – “Birth and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory” in “Don Bosco: History and Spirit, vol. 2”

This second volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, surveys the beginnings and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory. It is placed against the background of the social situation in Turin, and in the context of the momentous events spanning the period from the liberal revolution (1848) to the unification of Italy (1861). Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Birth and early development of Don Bosco’s oratory” in “Don Bosco: History and Spirit, vol. 2””

Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco educator, spiritual master, writer and founder of the salesian society” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 3”

The topics dealt with in this third volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, are large and comprehensive. Basically they present a Don Bosco active in a triple capacity–in his roles as educator and spiritual master, as writer, publisher and controversialist, and as founder of the Salesian Society. Each of these activities was of extreme importance in its own right, and fundamental for the future development of the Salesian work. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco educator, spiritual master, writer and founder of the salesian society” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 3””

Arthur Lenti – “Beginnins of the salesian society and its constitutions” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 4”

This fourth volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, focuses on the early Salesian constitutions as presented by Don Bosco for approval (1860-1874)–in the times of the Turin Archbishops–of Luigi Fransoni (in exile) and ensuing four-year vacancy, of Alessandro Riccardi di Netro (1867-1870) and of Lorenzo Gastaldi (1872-1874). Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Beginnins of the salesian society and its constitutions” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 4””

Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s golden years with general indexes for the series” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 7”

Volume 7, the last in the series Don Bosco: History and Spirit, surveys Don Bosco’s Life and activity in the late seventies and eighties, roughly his last dozen years. These are his mature, reflective years; they are also the years of his quasi-retirement, gradually giving way to his sunset years. With regard to content, the nine chapters of this survey may be grouped under four headings. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s golden years with general indexes for the series” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 7””

Arthur Lenti – “Expansion of the salesian work in the new world & ecclesiological confrontation at home” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 6”

The main part of this Volume 6 (Chs. 1-5) of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, continues the survey of the Society’s Institutional Expansion begun in the preceding chapter in its twofold aspect, external and internal. The external expansion is set in a different senario and context—no longer in Europe but in South America. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Expansion of the salesian work in the new world & ecclesiological confrontation at home” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 6””

Arthur Lenti – “Institutional expansion” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 5”

This fifth volume in the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, is chiefly devoted to a description of the institutional expansion of the Salesian work. The first two chapters describe the school reform legislation in the Kingdom of Sardinia, noting that the secularization of the public school was the first significant step taken by the liberal revolution in its program aimed at a general secularization of society and the gradual elimination of the Church’s influence. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Institutional expansion” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 5””

Arthur Lenti – “John Bosco’s formative years in historical context ” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 1”

The series of volumes discussed here offers a comprehensive exploration of the life of St. John Bosco, contextualized within the significant events that shaped both the Western Church and the Western World during the transition into modern times. Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “John Bosco’s formative years in historical context ” in “Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 1””

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