Il concetto di “crisi” permea ogni aspetto della vita contemporanea, inclusa l’educazione, in un’epoca di incertezza economica e sociale.
Il concetto di “crisi” permea ogni aspetto della vita contemporanea, inclusa l’educazione, in un’epoca di incertezza economica e sociale.
Questo studio si concentra sulla disoccupazione giovanile, in particolare sulla condizione delle giovani donne tra i 18 e i 30 anni, in Italia, esplorando le loro percezioni, esperienze e risposte alla disoccupazione.
Questo studio si propone di esaminare la questione della disoccupazione giovanile in Italia, con l’obiettivo di valutare il livello di conoscenza e analisi del fenomeno e l’efficacia delle soluzioni adottate fino ad oggi.
Il testo fornisce un’analisi dettagliata della disoccupazione nella Repubblica Federale Tedesca, concentrando l’attenzione sulle implicazioni socio-economiche e sulle sfide specifiche che i giovani devono affrontare nel mercato del lavoro.
Questo studio analizza la disoccupazione giovanile in Belgio tra il 1970 e il 1985, concentrandosi sulle misure di riassorbimento e sui progetti locali per la creazione di posti di lavoro.
In Don Bosco’s educational system preaching has special importance, both that which is bound up with the liturgical or catechetical context, and that of the informal, familiar kind. The saint often addressed the community of young people with brief and fervent talks aimed at stirring up their emotions, nurturing their minds, encouraging good resolutions and devout sentiments, and looking ahead to stimulating horizons.
Christian education of youth in popular works with a markedly missionary character like the Oratories on the outskirts of Turin, frequented by boys who were mostly abandoned and uneducated, required processes that were gradual and geared to each one’s possibilities. The Companion of Youth offered a complete but essential proposal adapted to everyone. Starting with this, Don Bosco used the sacrament of penance, personal chats, suggestions of optional and practical devotions and offered books to read and meditate on. He set up personalised processes which were more adapted to youngsters who were more capable of greater moral and ascetic effort. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Sodalities and spiritual friendships” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””
The first edition of Il giovane provveduto (in English The Companion of Youth) appeared in 1847 and was Don Bosco’s greatest publishing success. The year he died it had reached its 119th edition. It was reprinted with minor adaptations until 1961. It is also the book which Don Bosco most liked and constantly recommended.
L’idea di questa indagine è nata nel contesto della preparazione dei « Colloqui Salesiani » di Bratislava (agosto 2003).
The Programme—also called Regulations—of the school in Mornese was printed by Don Bosco at the Oratory Press like all the other Regulations for Salesian houses. The text copies many of the items in use at colleges he founded.
In the years from 1853 to 1862, Valdocco was transformed from a festive Oratory—an open institution—into a complex work: hospice and boarding, college with boarding section, trade workshops, internal classes and publishing centre, amongst the most important sections.
In 1863, Saint John Bosco undertook a pivotal study by founding the Mirabello College and crafting meticulous regulations for its governance. These regulations, initially handwritten and later printed, were intended as the foundational statute for future institutions. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “First salesian colleges founded outside Turin (1863-1864)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””
Amongst the more original practices put in place as part of the educational praxis at Valdocco, and maintained in the Salesian tradition that then followed from it, we would have to highlight the “Goodnights”: brief “talks” or “short speeches” after night prayers. Don Bosco addressed the pupils in the presence of their educators (superiors of the house, teachers assistants), in a familiar way using simple and attractive language.
In the late 19th century, Saint John Bosco, or Don Bosco, expressed deep concern over the detrimental impact of bad literature on young students. In response, he initiated the establishment of the “Library for Italian Youth” or “Library of Italian Classics” in 1868, a tangible effort to provide a positive alternative. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Educational reading and spreading good books (1860-1885)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””
The ten brief documents that follow—some perhaps less known than the previous ones in Salesian history—are also interesting from the point of view of the maturing and practice of Don Bosco’s educational system. We have a necessarily limited selection here of personal letters to people responsible for public education, or to young people and teachers, and circulars on pedagogical and didactic issues.
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