Giovanni Bosco – Saint Dominique Savio 1842-1857

Dominique est entré dans la vie de Don Bosco durant l’automne 1854. L’apôtre turinois avait alors trente-neuf ans. D’emblée, l’enfant et le prêtre s’étaient compris: Don Bosco put former Dominique selon l’idéal de sainteté qu’il portait en lui. Pendant vingt-huit mois, il veilla sur son âme. Toute son œuvre en bénéficia, car il semble bien que la température spirituelle de la «maison» du Valdocco monta en flèche de 1854 à 1857. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – Saint Dominique Savio 1842-1857”

Michal Vojtáš – “Don Bosco: a living harmony of leadership and management qualities” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

This study of Don Bosco in a perspective of organizational virtues is intended to be in a circular hermeneutic relation with the present period of transformation in which the Salesians of Don Bosco find themselves.

Continue reading “Michal Vojtáš – “Don Bosco: a living harmony of leadership and management qualities” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Miguel Angel García Morcuende – “Personal accompaniment in the salesian educative-pastoral plan” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In many a document the Church has defined the nature, goal and elements of youth ministry and has included it neatly in the methods of evangelization in its different stages. We can proudly say that the Salesian educative-pastoral plan has been, and continues to be, in line with the Church’s evangelizing mission.

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Fabio Attard – “Professional formation of the young in salesian youth ministry” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The topic of professional formation within the Salesian world is to be read in the light of the early experience of Don Bosco. One will not understand either the vision or the value of Salesian professional training as a whole if one overlooks this fundamental phase which Don Bosco lived and was able to help germinate and blossom.

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Emmanuel Camilleri – “Characteristic traits of the spiritual accompaniment of the young. As an integral part of the educational system of Don Bosco – Part 1” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The following four-part article has as its objective a particular aspect of Don Bosco’s charism: the spiritual accompaniment of the young. This theme, which is very relevant for today, is significant since it is fundamental to Don Bosco’s educational system and it is a characteristic of us Salesians, as accompaniers of the young.

Continue reading “Emmanuel Camilleri – “Characteristic traits of the spiritual accompaniment of the young. As an integral part of the educational system of Don Bosco – Part 1” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Rik Biesmans – “Assistance. The essence of Don Bosco’s Preventive System (1876-1884) – Part 2” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In the course of the exposition so far it often appeared that one of the doubtless objectives of assistance, consists in preventing evil, disorders, and especially what Don Bosco summarily calls “offending God.”

Continue reading “Rik Biesmans – “Assistance. The essence of Don Bosco’s Preventive System (1876-1884) – Part 2” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Santiago Negrotti – “Los exploradores argentinos de don Bosco. Orígenes y pedagogía de una experiencia juvenil salesiana argentina” in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Relazioni Regionali: America, vol. 2”

La investigación presenta una de las instituciones salesianas fundadas en Argentina a principios del siglo XX, con el objetivo de actualizar la experiencia del oratorio festivo con la cultura juvenil y popular de estas tierras durante la expansión del anticlericalismo y la descristianización de las clases populares. Continue reading “Santiago Negrotti – “Los exploradores argentinos de don Bosco. Orígenes y pedagogía de una experiencia juvenil salesiana argentina” in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Relazioni Regionali: America, vol. 2””

María Andrea Nicoletti – “La polémica en torno a la educación salesiana y la educación estatal en la Patagonia (1880-1920)” in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Relazioni Regionali: America, vol. 2”

Después de la conquista de la Patagonia en 1879 por parte del ejército argentino, la implementación de la Ley 1420 sobre educación común (gratuita, obligatoria, laica y secular) fue un instrumento fundamental para llevar a cabo la política de “Argentinización” y “homogeneización” que el estado nacional había propuesto. Según esta ley, se estructuraban las escuelas estatales y las escuelas de la Congregación salesiana, presentes desde 1880 en la región. Continue reading “María Andrea Nicoletti – “La polémica en torno a la educación salesiana y la educación estatal en la Patagonia (1880-1920)” in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Relazioni Regionali: America, vol. 2””

Aldo Giraudo – “Direção espiritual em São João Bosco: 2. Conteúdos e itinerários do acompanhamento espiritual dos jovens na praxe de Dom Bosco” in “O acompanhamento espiritual. Itinerário pedagógico-espiritual em chave salesiana a serviço dos jovens”

O aprofundamento da experiência espiritual e educativa de Dom Bosco deu grande oportunidade para focalizar o tema do acompanhamento tão urgente atualmente. A reflexão teve três momentos de interesse. […]  O terceiro (A. Giraudo) oferecia de maneira sistemática os conteúdos e as estratégias do acompanhamento espiritual dos jovens no ser e no agir de Dom Bosco. Continue reading “Aldo Giraudo – “Direção espiritual em São João Bosco: 2. Conteúdos e itinerários do acompanhamento espiritual dos jovens na praxe de Dom Bosco” in “O acompanhamento espiritual. Itinerário pedagógico-espiritual em chave salesiana a serviço dos jovens””

John Rasor – “Early salesian regulations: formation in the Preventive System” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The first part of this study, however, will examine that other body of Salesian particular law, the Regulations. It will trace their development from their earliest beginnings around 1850, the era of Father Rosmini’s and Father De Guadenzi’s Sunday afternoon visit, up to 1967.

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Pietro Ricaldone – Atti del Capitolo superiore della Società salesiana

Nell’anno centenario della fondazione del primo Oratorio è bene mettere nella miglior luce il grande dono che la Vergine Immacolata fece alla gioventù guidando il suo fedele servo Don Bosco a questa terra benedetta, destinata ad essere centro e foco d’irradiazione delle Opere salesiane a salvezza delle anime.

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Pietro Ricaldone – Atti del Capitolo superiore della Società salesiana

Il Santo considerava e coltivava la Musica come strumento di bene e intendeva che i suoi giovanetti, dedicandosi a essa, incominciassero quasi a desiderare e pregustare quelle armonie che poi sarebbero andati a godere in Paradiso. Mentre infatti Don Bosco « intendeva che il canto e la musica — parte integrante delle sue scuole — contribuissero all’educazione religiosa e morale dei giovani, dall’altra parte voleva che, mediante la musica e il canto, i fedeli trovassero in chiesa le attrattive di cui tante belle cose ci lasciarono scritte gli antichi e segnatamente S. Agostino.

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John Dickson – “Prevention or repression. The reception of Don Bosco’s educational approach in English Salesian schools” in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti Volume I”

The question that this paper seeks to explore is to what extent Don Bosco’s educational approach was received and accepted in England and to what extent it was itself modified in the process of meeting a new and alien culture.

Continue reading “John Dickson – “Prevention or repression. The reception of Don Bosco’s educational approach in English Salesian schools” in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti Volume I””

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