Autori Vari – “Del Cristo evangelizador a la iglesia evangelizadora” in “La pastoral juvenil salesiana”

Un planteamiento actualizado de la Pastoral Juvenil Salesiana exige una refl exión no solo de tipo carismático sino también de tipo teológico. La pastoral juvenil, como acción de la comunidad eclesial, nos impulsa a una profundización teológica y eclesiológica.

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Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Educative and pastoral community: make the house a family for the young” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

Salesian Youth Ministry requires agreement of purpose and conviction on the part of all those involved in the planning and implementation of the Educative-Pastoral Community. In this  chapter we shall examine the community identity, how it works, the style of shared  responsibility and the way it is animated. The community is called to invest in the fi gure of the Salesian educator. In trying to discern and renew each activity and work, we look to the  Salesian style, the “oratory criterion” that connects us with the practical insights of the charism (our way of living together in communion) which have become part of our shared patrimony,  and are applicable to all contexts where Salesians operate. Importance is given to the way we  offer signs of the Gospel in everyday life, and the way we cultivate authentic relationships and 

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Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Salesian educative and pastoral project: operational tool” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

We believe in education and we challenge ourselves to plan our procedures in its regard; youth ministry comes into being when education is translated into concrete educational processes. The effort to plan, by means of the SEPP, keeps alive our willingness to be actively present amongst the young. By following the four dimensions we are helped in developing the  personality of the young Christian through a systematic variety of proposals and a broad understanding of youth ministry which is open to everyone. In the end there are certain choices which run through all of Salesian ministry. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Salesian educative and pastoral project: operational tool” in “Salesian Youth Ministry””

Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Evangelising and educating: our apostolic identity” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

Fullness of life and the happiness of human beings is the ultimate purpose of the plan of God. The Gospel of Christ shows great trust in humanity. It demands that we pay attention to the unique reality of every person and their willingness to accept their vocation and destiny in  Christ, the perfect man. The Gospel proposes the good news (the person of Christ) who invites everyone to share in Christ’s sonship, the foundation of the freedom and dignity of every  person. Don Bosco educated and evangelised by carrying out a project of holistic development. He saw education as the growth of the person, with all the means necessary to assist the  person. Evangelisation inspires people to the fullness of life offered in Jesus and enlightens  them in its pursuit, always respecting the developing conscience of each person. Finally,  regarding the choice of fi eld of ministry, we are sent to the poor, especially the poorest, and to ordinary class environments, where we seek to humanise and evangelise the culture. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Evangelising and educating: our apostolic identity” in “Salesian Youth Ministry””

Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “From Christ the evangeliser to the evangelising church” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

An updated presentation of Salesian Youth Ministry requires refl ection not only of a charismatic type but also of a theological nature. Youth Ministry as an activity of the ecclesial community demands of us a deep theological and ecclesiological study. This chapter expounds three basic convictions: Jesus Christ, the evangeliser who proclaimed communion with God  and communion between people (fraternal love), is the full revelation of God as a community of love. The Church is the mystery of Communion and mission, animated and sustained by the  Spirit of God. The Salesian Congregation shares the Church’s evangelising mission, with a  specific option for the young. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “From Christ the evangeliser to the evangelising church” in “Salesian Youth Ministry””

Michele Rua – “Il Sacramento della Penitenza. Norme e consigli” in “Lettere circolari di Don Michele Rua ai salesiani”

Mentre d’ordinario le mie circolari s’indirizzano a tutti indistintamente i membri della famiglia Salesiana, questa volta la mia parola è diretta particolarmente a voi, cui la fiducia dei Superiori Maggiori ha posti a capo delle nostre Case in qualità d’ispettori e Direttori. A voi è ben noto come per la missione che avete ricevuto, dovete essere le guide di altri Confratelli nel sentiero della perfezione, le sentinelle vigilanti dei giovanetti affidati alle vostre cure, i custodi dello spirito di D. Bosco, gli interpreti “autorevoli delle intenzioni dei Superiori, anzi i rappresentanti della loro stessa autorità. Foste collocati sul candelabro affinchè diffondeste tutto all’intorno viva luce di scienza e di virtù.

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Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 8: Strutture e processi d’animazione della Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

L’animazione e il coordinamento della pastorale vengono ordinati a diversi livelli: locale, ispettoriale, interispettoriale e mondiale. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 8: Strutture e processi d’animazione della Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 7: Attività e opere della Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

Si propongono alcune riflessioni sulle caratteristiche più importanti delle opere e dei servizi nei
quali si realizza la Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana espressa nel Progetto Educativo-Pastorale. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 7: Attività e opere della Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 6: Progetto educativo-pastorale: strumento operativo” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

Crediamo nell’educazione e ci spingiamo a progettarne la prassi; la pastorale giovanile si attua quando si traduce concretamente in itinerari educativi. Lo sforzo di progettazione, con il PEPS, rende viva la volontà di essere propositivi con i giovani. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 6: Progetto educativo-pastorale: strumento operativo” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 5: Comunità educativo-pastorale: fare della casa una famiglia per i giovani” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

La Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana richiede la convergenza delle intenzioni e delle convinzioni da  parte di tutti quelli che sono coinvolti nella progettazione e nella realizzazione della Comunità Educativo-Pastorale, dove essa si svolge. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 5: Comunità educativo-pastorale: fare della casa una famiglia per i giovani” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 4: Il sistema preventivo: una esperienza spirituale ed educativa” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

La chiamata, da parte di Dio, di Don Bosco per una missione di salvezza della gioventù, specialmente dei più poveri, coinvolge molte persone e gruppi in una convergenza spirituale ed in condivisione educativa e pastorale: il Sistema Preventivo. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 4: Il sistema preventivo: una esperienza spirituale ed educativa” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 3: Evangelizzare ed educare: la nostra identità apostolica” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

La vita in pienezza e la felicità degli esseri umani è il senso ultimo del piano di Dio. Il Vangelo
di Cristo ha una grande fiducia nell’umano. Occorre porre attenzione alla realtà unica di ogni persona e la disponibilità ad  accoglierne la vocazione e il destino in Cristo, “uomo perfetto”. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 3: Evangelizzare ed educare: la nostra identità apostolica” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Rik Biesmans – “Don Bosco & Saint Francis De Sales (1842-1880). Concerning the question whether Don Bosco was influenced by Francis de Sales in both his personal faith and his pastoral-pedagogical practice” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

While preparing pilgrimages and spiritual exercises in Annecy and the neighborhood, I discovered reliable sources among the German and Dutch Oblates of St Francis de Sales. As a consequence of keeping contact with various participants, they invited the undersigned to take part in the annual meetings of their Arbeitsgemeinschaft (“study group”) in Eichstätt, Germany.

Continue reading “Rik Biesmans – “Don Bosco & Saint Francis De Sales (1842-1880). Concerning the question whether Don Bosco was influenced by Francis de Sales in both his personal faith and his pastoral-pedagogical practice” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Miguel Angel García Morcuende – “Personal accompaniment in the salesian educative-pastoral plan” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In many a document the Church has defined the nature, goal and elements of youth ministry and has included it neatly in the methods of evangelization in its different stages. We can proudly say that the Salesian educative-pastoral plan has been, and continues to be, in line with the Church’s evangelizing mission.

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