Giovanni Bosco – “Appeals to private charity” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The financial contributions asked for and obtained from public authorities and institutions were certainly not enough to help him confront the huge expenses of the Salesian Work. It was necessary to appeal to private charity. Logically, Don Bosco turned especially to families and individuals who had financial possibilities, meaning those belonging to the nobility, mostly large property owners, and the upper and middle class of the time who were notably ready to dispense charity. Some of these, albeit modest in their private savings, could actually find an outlet in educational and charitable works such as those of Don Bosco.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Recourse to public charity” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

As we have just said, for the financial resources needed to supply the everincreasing costs of his work, Don Bosco appealed to institutions: the Royal family, Government authorities, public officials (local council, provincial, state …), existing charitable organisations locally, the National Bank, parishes, dioceses, the Holy See itself through his best supporters, including the Pope.

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Giovanni Bosco – “Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

Relationships between Don Bosco and Archbishop Gastaldi went through two different stages, one of great understanding and cooperation, and another of notable difficulties and conflicts. The watershed could be considered to be Gastaldi’s transferral from the Episcopal See of Saluzzo to being Archbishop of Turin in 1871.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work””

Giovanni Bosco – “Deliberations of the last General Chapters Don Bosco presided over (1883-1886)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

Amongst the documents drawn up by the third (1883) and fourth (1886) General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation – which the founder also took part in – of particular merit is the new Regulations for the festive oratories and deliberations regarding Orientations for the working boys in Salesian houses. The two documents were published, as already recorded, in 1887.

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Giovanni Bosco – “First salesian colleges founded outside Turin (1863-1864)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”

In 1863, Saint John Bosco undertook a pivotal study by founding the Mirabello College and crafting meticulous regulations for its governance. These regulations, initially handwritten and later printed, were intended as the foundational statute for future institutions. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “First salesian colleges founded outside Turin (1863-1864)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works””

Giovanni Bosco – “Guidelines for running salesian houses (1863-1887)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works”

The Confidential Reminders, originating from a letter to Fr. Michael Rua in 1863, evolved into a comprehensive guideline for Salesian rectors, directors, and educators. Initially a private letter providing guidance for the new Salesian house in Mirabello Monferrato, it expanded and became the “Confidential Reminders for Rectors of Individual Houses of the Salesian Society” by 1871. Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Guidelines for running salesian houses (1863-1887)” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected works””

Caterina Daghero – Lettera Circolare del 24 settembre 1915

Spiacente che, per l ’aumento del lavoro prodotto dalle particolari circostanze del tempo, non siasi potuto dar corso alla circolare del p.p. mese, in cui, certo, si sarebbe dato ragguaglio della nostra partecipazione alle feste Centenarie del Ven. Padre compiute il 15 e 16 Agosto a Valsalice ed ai Becchi, invita ognuna di noi a leggerne l ’ampia relazione nel Bollettino Salesiano ( italiano ) del corrente mese. Continue reading “Caterina Daghero – Lettera Circolare del 24 settembre 1915”

Giovanni Bosco – “National and international geographic expansion of salesian work” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

From 1863 onwards the Salesian work which arose at Valdocco and through other oratories in Turin began to expand rapidly, as already indicated, through numerous foundations first in Italy—Piedmont, Liguria (no. 18) and then in other regions—and finally in France and Latin America (nos. 21, 24, 25, 27).

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “National and international geographic expansion of salesian work” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work””

Giovanni Bosco – “Society of St Francis de Sales” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

On April 3, 1874, Pope Pius IX definitively approved the Constitutions of the Society of St Francis de Sales and on the following April 13 the competent Congregation of Bishops and Regulars promulgated the relevant decree.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Society of St Francis de Sales” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work””

Caterina Daghero – Lettera Circolare del 29 gennaio 1914

Mi è caro intanto comunicarvi che, assecondando un voto del Capitolo Generale e per la maggior prontezza nel disbrigo degli affari nostri, a norma dell’art. 168 delle Costituzioni, ho assegnato a ciascuna delle Consigliere una speciale attribuzione. Ciò nulla toglie a che si conservino tra noi quei sentimenti cordiali di reciproca confidenza, che ci rendono facile e cara la vita religiosa.

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Caterina Daghero – Lettera Circolare del 4 aprile 1914

Il testo riguarda una comunicazione del 1913 a membri di un istituto religioso Salesiano, evidenziando l’importanza del culto di Maria Ausiliatrice, la partecipazione all’Esposizione del 1915 e la creazione di riproduzioni fotografiche. Si sottolinea la formazione di associazioni, la diffusione del Manuale “Il devoto di Maria Ausiliatrice” e l’uso di diapositive per illustrare le attività dell’Istituto in vista del centenario.

Periodo di riferimento: 1914

C. Daghero, Lettera Circolare del 4 aprile 1914, dattiloscritto.

Istituzione di riferimento:
Istituto Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice – FMA
Istituto Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice - FMA

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