Egidio Viganò – “La componente laicale della Comunità Salesiana” in “Atti del Consiglio Superiore”

Il testo sottolinea l’importanza del ruolo del Salesiano Coadiutore all’interno della Congregazione Salesiana, evidenziando la necessità di una riflessione approfondita e di un impegno particolare da parte di tutti i membri della comunità salesiana. Si fa riferimento al dibattito e alle preoccupazioni espressi nei due ultimi Capitoli Generali, che hanno affrontato il tema del Salesiano Coadiutore con urgenza e attenzione. Continue reading “Egidio Viganò – “La componente laicale della Comunità Salesiana” in “Atti del Consiglio Superiore””

Egidio Viganò – “Il Capitolo Generale XXII” in “Atti del Consiglio Superiore”

La lettera indirizzata ai Confratelli riguarda la preparazione e la convocazione del prossimo Capitolo Generale della Congregazione, un momento cruciale nel percorso di rinnovamento iniziato dopo il Concilio Vaticano II. Il Rettore Maggiore invita i membri a impegnarsi seriamente nella preparazione di questo evento, sottolineando l’importanza spirituale e storica di ogni Capitolo Generale. Continue reading “Egidio Viganò – “Il Capitolo Generale XXII” in “Atti del Consiglio Superiore””

Adriana R. Silva Castillo – María y el Espíritu Santo en la enseñanza de las Superioras Mayores del Instituto de las Hijas de María Auxiliadora. Cincuenta años de recorrido 1958-2008

En este libro la autora hace una lectura teológica de las Cartas Circulares de ocho Superioras Generales y de las actas de los Capítulos Generales del Instituto en el período comprendido entre 1958 y 2008. Son cincuenta años que están marcados por el cambio de perspectiva teológico que el Concilio Vaticano II trajo a la Iglesia, fruto de un siglo XX fermental en estudios bíblicos y patrísticos y en un acercamiento ecuménico que permitió abrirse a miradas diversas sobre el misterio de la fe cristiana. Continue reading “Adriana R. Silva Castillo – María y el Espíritu Santo en la enseñanza de las Superioras Mayores del Instituto de las Hijas de María Auxiliadora. Cincuenta años de recorrido 1958-2008”

Capitolo Generale XXVIII Salesiani di Don Bosco – ““What kind of Salesians for the youth of today?”. Post-chapter reflection” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

The document that now reaches all confreres through this publication is subtitled “Post-Chapter reflection” and not “Chapter documents”, as has customarily been the case in the past. This is because the Chapter Assembly did not arrive at the point of final approval of the text by vote. Only a few Chapter deliberations, especially those of a legal nature, saw the light of day during the first four weeks of our work. Continue reading “Capitolo Generale XXVIII Salesiani di Don Bosco – ““What kind of Salesians for the youth of today?”. Post-chapter reflection” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society””

Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

This letter addresses several significant updates and reflections within the Salesian community. It expresses gratitude for Christmas greetings received and highlights recent milestones, including the Mission Centennial in Argentina and the upcoming General Assembly of the Volunteers of Don Bosco. Continue reading “Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society””

Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

The Centennial of the Salesian Missions began with joyous celebrations in Turin, highlighted by a ceremony where young Salesian missionaries received crucifixes. Pope Paul VI commended their efforts, emphasizing their crucial role in the Church. Continue reading “Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society””

Luigi Ricceri – “«Work and self-restraint»: the answer to upward social mobility ” in “Acts of The Superior Counsil of the Salesian Society”

In this letter, the Rector Major addresses the adoption of middle-class standards of living within the Salesian Congregation, emphasizing its implications for their vocation and values. Continue reading “Luigi Ricceri – “«Work and self-restraint»: the answer to upward social mobility ” in “Acts of The Superior Counsil of the Salesian Society””

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