Carlo Loots – “Being a guide and companion for young people today” in “Journal of salesian studies”

The article addresses the challenge of updating Don Bosco’s preventive system, centred on the accompaniment of the young, to make it congruent with the present day. It is emphasised that youth accompaniment is the new description of the heart of the preventive system. Continue reading “Carlo Loots – “Being a guide and companion for young people today” in “Journal of salesian studies””

Wim Collin – “My beloved son…Accompaniment by Don Bosco in the letters to some young people” in “Journal of salesian studies”

Don Bosco’s correspondence is difficult to categorise because of the varied nature of the letters. Many were written by Don Bosco or his secretaries, with the latter often signing on his behalf. The considerable amount of incoming letters, combined with Don Bosco’s declining health in recent years, led to this practice. Continue reading “Wim Collin – “My beloved son…Accompaniment by Don Bosco in the letters to some young people” in “Journal of salesian studies””

Barbara Poredos – “Preventive system vs. positive youth development, A comparative analysis of both approaches” in “Journal of salesian studies”

Recent developmental psycho-pedagogical theories highlight the relevance and validity of Don Bosco’s Preventive System (PS) as a precursor from the 19th century, emphasizing the promotion of youth potential. Continue reading “Barbara Poredos – “Preventive system vs. positive youth development, A comparative analysis of both approaches” in “Journal of salesian studies””

Stefano Maggio – “Father Philip Rinaldi, Teacher of Salesian Holiness” in “Journal of salesian studies”

Father Stefano Maggio, who knew Blessed Philip Rinaldi personally and was Central Ecclesiastical Assistant to the Don Bosco Volunteers, has made a significant contribution to the body of work on Father Rinaldi, especially in the years leading up to his beatification in 1990. Continue reading “Stefano Maggio – “Father Philip Rinaldi, Teacher of Salesian Holiness” in “Journal of salesian studies””

John Puntino – “Fr. Rinaldi, Good Father and Humble Servant of all” in “Journal of salesian studies”

In this work on Blessed Philip Rinaldi by Father Pierluigi Cameroni, the author, as Postulator General of the Salesians of Don Bosco, makes a valuable contribution to English literature. Using his privileged access to documents and testimonies related to Father Rinaldi’s canonisation process, Father Cameroni writes with enthusiasm and love for his subject. Continue reading “John Puntino – “Fr. Rinaldi, Good Father and Humble Servant of all” in “Journal of salesian studies””

Guglielmo Malizia – “Don Bosco’s Peace Culture a theory-based study of his response to conflicts” in “Journal of salesian studies”

The text reflects on the recent war situation in Europe, which followed the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 23 February. The war, which seemed impossible to occur after 70 years of peace, has shattered this illusion, threatening to bring back massacres, destruction and forced exoduses. The lack of signs of imminent peace is worrying, especially considering the 2016 UN Declaration on the Right to Peace. Continue reading “Guglielmo Malizia – “Don Bosco’s Peace Culture a theory-based study of his response to conflicts” in “Journal of salesian studies””

Autore non indicato – El aporte educativo espiritual de Don Bosco: historia y actualidad (Actas del Congreso Internacional de Educación y Espiritualidad Salesiana – Agosto 2014)

La Universidad Don Bosco celebró el trigésimo aniversario de su fundación con un Congreso Internacional sobre Educación y Espiritualidad Salesiana, respondiendo a la llamada del Rector Mayor de los Salesianos, Padre Pascual Chávez Villanueva, a reflexionar sobre la pedagogía de Don Bosco, a estudiar críticamente su historia y a vivir su espiritualidad. Continue reading “Autore non indicato – El aporte educativo espiritual de Don Bosco: historia y actualidad (Actas del Congreso Internacional de Educación y Espiritualidad Salesiana – Agosto 2014)”

Autore non indicato – Oratorio, cantiere aperto

Il testo introduce il primo libro della Collana Pastorale Giovanile FMA, curata da Maria del Carmen Canales FMA, che si concentra sull’importanza degli oratori-centri giovanili (OCG) nell’ambito dell’educazione salesiana. Viene evidenziato il ruolo fondamentale degli oratori come luoghi di crescita e formazione per i giovani, spazi in cui si promuove l’incontro con Gesù nel quotidiano. Continue reading “Autore non indicato – Oratorio, cantiere aperto”

P. Mariano Babula – P. Bronislao Markiewicz, fondatore della Congregazione di San Michele Arcangelo

Il testo presenta un’emozionante presentazione del Venerabile Servo di Dio Padre Bronislao Markiewicz, fondatore delle Congregazioni di San Michele Arcangelo. Descrive la sua vita come sacerdote secolare, religioso di San Giovanni Bosco e fondatore delle suddette congregazioni, evidenziando il suo impegno per la gioventù povera, abbandonata ed orfana. Continue reading “P. Mariano Babula – P. Bronislao Markiewicz, fondatore della Congregazione di San Michele Arcangelo”

Titus Mwamba Kalemba – La pensée pédagogique de Don Bosco dans le contexte africain, l’expérience de la République Démocratique Du Congo

Le texte explore le concept de pensée dans deux sens principaux. Premièrement, il est considéré comme une activité mentale qui permet d’établir une communication avec le monde extérieur, avec soi-même et avec les autres, et de construire des hypothèses sur le monde et sur les processus de pensée eux-mêmes. Deuxièmement, le concept de pensée en tant qu’actes spécifiques de la pensée est abordé, en évaluant leur qualité et leurs effets. Continue reading “Titus Mwamba Kalemba – La pensée pédagogique de Don Bosco dans le contexte africain, l’expérience de la République Démocratique Du Congo”

Autore non indicato – Allargate lo sguardo, con i giovani missionari di speranza e di gioia – Atti del Capitolo generale XXIII, Roma, 22 settembre-15 novembre 2015

“Il titolo del documento: Allargate lo sguardo. Con i giovani missionarie di gioia e di speranza esprime l’impegno di dare alla nostra vita e alle nostre comunità educanti ampi orizzonti, coltivando in modo più appassionato il da mihi animas cetera tolle.

Continue reading “Autore non indicato – Allargate lo sguardo, con i giovani missionari di speranza e di gioia – Atti del Capitolo generale XXIII, Roma, 22 settembre-15 novembre 2015”

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