Joseph Boenzi – “Francis de Sales and the bases for salesian prayer” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The Gospel call to “pray always without becoming weary” (Luke 18:1) can be called the cornerstone of Francis de Sales’ spiritual edifice. Prayer “places our intellect in the brilliance of God’s light” and “exposes our will to the warmth of God’s heavenly love.” Continue reading “Joseph Boenzi – “Francis de Sales and the bases for salesian prayer” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

David O’Malley – “The youth minister as mystic and martyr. Recognizing and supporting religious experience in young people” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The study of religious experience and young people is a relatively new field of research. It is important to recognize at the outset that it offers a different entry point into the spiritual lives of young people. It contrasts markedly from the approaches proposed by the cognitive studies of faith development based on Piaget’s work in the last century. Continue reading “David O’Malley – “The youth minister as mystic and martyr. Recognizing and supporting religious experience in young people” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

During the General Chapter, the author reassures Salesians of deep communion between Chapter members and the broader Congregation. Despite the absence of direct communication, unity is maintained through daily prayers and updates on provincial activities. Continue reading “Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Mary Greenan – “Accompanying the young: the souls our hearts seek” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The story is told of a young novice in the desert who went to the elder, the holy man of God, and said, “Father, according as I am able, I keep my little Rule, and my little fast, my prayer, meditation and contemplative silence; and, according as I am able, I strive to cleanse my heart of thoughts. Continue reading “Mary Greenan – “Accompanying the young: the souls our hearts seek” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s Oratories in 1849-1852. Conflict, Crisis and Resolution” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Don Bosco’s Oratory of St. Francis de Sales after much “wandering” found its permanent home at last in 1846, in an isolated house and property located in the district of Valdocco, on the northern fringe of the city of Turin. Once settled in that little house, Don Bosco established there a home to shelter the most destitute among the lads attending the oratory (1847). Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s Oratories in 1849-1852. Conflict, Crisis and Resolution” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the Superior Counsil of the Salesian Society”

This letter announces the beatification of Father Rua, the first successor of the Founder, which took place in 1971. The author expresses joy in discussing this significant event, highlighting its importance for the religious Family and each individual member. Continue reading “Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the Superior Counsil of the Salesian Society””

Rodolfo Bogotto – “Regolamento della compagnia del SS. Sacramento” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane”

La fondazione della compagnia del SS. Sacramento avviene un decennio dopo l’istituzione della compagnia di san Luigi, per la quale don Bosco aveva compilato un regolamento semplice, in cui ad ogni associato si chiedeva di accostarsi ogni quindici giorni “ai SS. Sacramenti della penitenza e della Comunione ed anche con maggior frequenza soprattutto nelle maggiori solennità della Chiesa”.

Continue reading “Rodolfo Bogotto – “Regolamento della compagnia del SS. Sacramento” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane””

Joseph Di Mauro – “School Leadership Formation in the Salesian Tradition” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The goal of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales is expressed in the first paragraph of the Constitutions which reads: “Their wholehearted endeavor will be to sanctify themselves, in order to aid more efficaciously the sanctification of their neighbor, through the different functions of the sacred ministry, the Christian education of youth, and missions in foreign lands” (Dufour, 1933/1994, p. 53). Continue reading “Joseph Di Mauro – “School Leadership Formation in the Salesian Tradition” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Grzegorz Jaskot – “Andrzej Świda (1905-1955): salesiano con una mente aperta e sguardo lungimirante” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane”

Don Andrzej Świda, sacerdote SDB, polacco, nato il 23 marzo 1905 a Malecz, nell’attuale Bielorussia – morto a Warszawa il 19 febbraio 1995. Allora la città di Malecz era sotto il dominio russo, per effetto delle ben note spartizioni della Polonia per opera della Russia, Prussia e Austria, avvenute nella seconda metà del XVIII secolo.

Continue reading “Grzegorz Jaskot – “Andrzej Świda (1905-1955): salesiano con una mente aperta e sguardo lungimirante” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane””

Salvatore Cirillo Dama – “Cuarenta y cinco dias a orillas del rio Azopardo” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane”

En el museo salesiano “Maggiorino Borgatello” de Punta Arenas cayó bajo mis manos un manuscrito dactilografiado en que no se mencionaba el autor con el título “Cuarenta y cinco días a orillas del rio Azopardo” posteriormente pude averiguar que fue escrito por el padre Lorenzo Massa y el contenido corresponde a un relato testimonial del padre Luis Carnino a la época, director de la misión salesiana San Rafael de la isla Dawson (1889-1911), el mismo Carnino encabezó una expedición al occidente de Tierra del Fuego, proyecto ideado y organizado por Mons. José Fagnano sdb, Prefecto Apostólico de la Patagonia meridional, Tierra del Fuego e Islas Malvinas (1883-1916).

Continue reading “Salvatore Cirillo Dama – “Cuarenta y cinco dias a orillas del rio Azopardo” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane””

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