Nestor Impelido – The Salesians in the Philippines (1951-1963): “Dove la nostra opera vi era nata… già adulta” in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

This is a study on the beginnings of the Salesians in the Philippines. It covers the years from the creation of the Philippine Salesian Delegation (1951) to the years of the Visitatoria (1958) up to the creation of the Philippine Province (1963).

It discusses some of the difficulties and decisions taken by the first Salesians, and the Salesians themselves, that resulted into their Province being branded by a superior of Turin as one “where our work was born already adult”. It also depicts the kind of relationship that the periphery, Manila, had with the center, Turin, in the early development of the Salesian work. Indeed, every genuine beginning is never simple nor easy. For the Salesians who started in the Philippines, this was something from which they
were not exempted.


  • Introduction
  1. Fedrigotti’s Visit
  2. Salesian “Founders”
  3. Lack of Personnel
  4. Overworked Salesians
  5. Vocational Growth
  6. Carreño’s College
  • Conclusion

Reference time period: 1951 – 1963

N. Impelido, The Salesians in the Philippines (1951-1963): “Dove la nostra opera vi era nata… già adulta”, in «Ricerche storiche salesiane», 23 (2004),45, 429-455.

Reference institution:
Istituto Storico Salesiano
Istituto Storico Salesiano

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