Eugenio Ceria – The biographical memoirs of Saint John Bosco Vol. 11

This latest volume of Don Bosco’s Biographical Memoirs offers two surprises for readers. Firstly, Volume XI is published before Volume X, and secondly, it is notably slimmer than previous volumes. The author clarifies that Volume X is forthcoming, but Volume XI stands on its own and can be read independently. The brevity of the book is due to the author’s decision to avoid overwhelming readers with an excessively large volume. Instead, a medium-sized book was chosen to maintain readability while still conveying essential information. The author also reflects on the significant responsibility of this task, especially since the request to write it was made by Father Philip Rinaldi, the revered Rector Major. In this volume, the author does not attempt to situate Don Bosco’s life strictly within the context of his time, as its full impact and significance will only be fully appreciated from a distant future perspective.


  • The Beginning of the New Year
  • The Annual Conferences of St. Francis de Sales
  • The Sons of Mary Project
  • The Salesian Cooperators
  •  The Mediation of the Archbishop of Vercelli
  • Journeys to Rome
  •  Final Acceptance of the Missions in South America
  • Conferences, April, 1875
  • Privileges and Dimissorials: The First Phase of the Proceedings
  •  Life at the Oratory in 1875
  • Life at the Oratory (Continued)
  • Audiences, Guests, Visitors
  • Visiting the Schools
  • The Fall Conferences
  • The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

Reference time period: 1964

E. Ceria, “The biographical memoirs of Saint John Bosco Vol. 11“, Salesiana Publisher, INC., New York 1964.

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