Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 15, 1907


  • St Joseph, the Patron Saint of the Holy Father

  • Report of the Fifth Congress of Salesian Co-operators

  • News from the Missions: Northern aud Southern Patagonia – Matto Grosso: An appeal from Fr. Balzola – China – India

  • Salesian Notes and News: The Patro?ial Feast of our Society and of the Co-operators – The Feast of St. Fra7icis zvith the Salesia?is i?i London -The day School Children – The third Congress of the Festive Oratories – Congratulations to His Eminence Cardinal Gotti – A Gold medal – Rome :The Festive Oratory attached to the Salesian Institute of the Sacred Heart – In the South Atlantic
  • Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians

  • Graces and Favours

  • Indulgences

  • Obituary…………….354

  • Book Notices…………..355

  • The Story of the Oratory: Chap. LVI (Continued) 356

  • Life of Mgr. Lasagna : Chapter XXXIV

Reference time period: 1907

«Salesian Bulletin», (March, 1907), n° 15.

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