Capitolo Generale XXVIII Salesiani di Don Bosco – ““What kind of Salesians for the youth of today?”. Post-chapter reflection” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

The document that now reaches all confreres through this publication is subtitled “Post-Chapter reflection” and not “Chapter documents”, as has customarily been the case in the past. This is because the Chapter Assembly did not arrive at the point of final approval of the text by vote. Only a few Chapter deliberations, especially those of a legal nature, saw the light of day during the first four weeks of our work. As I have said on other occasions, because of the circumstances we had to live through GC28 was a “special” Chapter. Nevertheless, it was not a Chapter without its guidelines and policy directions. In fact, the document I am presenting to you contains a first part that both I and the confreres on the General Council consider to be very important for the animation, government and life of the Congregation over the coming six years. These are the programmatic guidelines that the Rector Major offers the Congregation for the six-year period from 2020-2026. In this wide-ranging proposal you will find, dear confreres, the reflection that followed on from the General Chapter, a fruit of the Chapter itself and a synthesis of the journey taken within our Congregation over the previous six years. It is a rich and wide-ranging reflection that first of all captures the spirit of what is contained in the Message that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, sent to the General Chapter; it also brings. Together those elements that the Pope pointed to as essential and that were already part of the reflection developed by the Chapter Assembly on the first two thematic nuclei. The third nucleus – as you know – was drawn up by the General Council. These programmatic guidelines should certainly be motive for study, analysis and further exploration both by the Provinces and by each confrere, especially by the Rectors for their service of animation and governance of the local communities. I assume that it will be the object of study by the Provincial and his Council. I maintain that the whole Congregation must follow this path, even if at different tempos linked to the particular nature of each province. It is to do with our identity, is charismatic and offers guidelines and lines of action for our time.


    • 1. SALESIAN OF DON BOSCO FOREVER. Six years for growth in Salesian identity
    • 2. In a Congregation in which we are invited by the “DA MIHI ANIMAS, COETERA TOLLE”
    • 4. Formation for being SALESIAN PASTORS TODAY
    • 5. ABSOLUTE PRIORITY for the young, the poorest and most abandoned and defenceless
    • 6. Together with lay people in the mission.The charismatic strength that the laity and the Salesian Family offer us
    • 7. Now is the time for greater generosity in the congregation. A universal and missionary Congregation
    • 8. Accompanying the young towards a SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
  • Message of his holiness Pope Francis to the memebrs of GC28– Rekindle the gift you have received– The “Valdocco option” and the gift of the young– The “Valdocco option” and the charism of presence– The “Valdocco option” as expressed through many languages– The “Valdocco option” and the ability to dream
  •  “What kind of salesians for the youth of today?”
    • 1. Priority of the Salesian mission among today’s young people - Recognising - Interpreting - Choosing
    • 2. Profile of the Salesian today - Recognising - Interpreting - Choosing
    • 3. Together with lay people in the mission and in formation - Recognising - Interpreting - Choosing.

Reference time period: 2020

“What kind of Salesians for the youth of today?”. Post-chapter reflection, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”, 102 (2020) 433.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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