William John Dickson – “The educational impact of the salesian work in South Africa. A preliminary survey” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX”. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014

The focus of this article is the question, what has been the educational impact of the Salesian work in South Africa since its foundation until the 1950s? This article begins with the foundation that the Salesians made in Cape Town, yet it focuses on the educational models that the Salesians were working with and the South African educational context in which this work developed.


  • 1. Cape Town 1896
  • 2. The history of thè technical education in South Africa dates back to thè 1850’s
  • 3. South African Education
  • 4. Claremont, Lansdowne Rd, Cape Town 1923
  • 5. Daleside Wakerville 1949
  • 6. Booysens 1952
  • 7. Swaziland 1953
  • Conclusion

Reference time period: 1850 – 1975

W. J. Dickson, “The educational impact of the salesian work in South Africa. A preliminary survey” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX.” Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014, LAS, Roma 2016, 355-367.

Reference institution:
Istituto Storico Salesiano
Istituto Storico Salesiano

Centro Studi Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice
Centro Studi Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice

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